

17th November 2023

Message from the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

Dear parents and carers,

This week we have engaged in awareness days to promote and share our sense of belonging and rainbow words. The week began with everyone taking part in World Kindness Day. During assembly we shared the benefits of acts of kindness and how that when we are kind to someone, it releases -Feel-good chemicals that helps us feel happier. We also discussed how kindness boosts our energy levels and makes us feel stronger, more energetic after helping others.

“No act of kindness, however small is wasted” Aesop

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does” William James

“Be whenever possible. It is always possible” Dalai Llama

“You will never have a completely bad day if you show kindness at least once” Henry Quinn

Why not try to do a random act of kindness or help one person. Perhaps help more than one person by advocating change. Remember, you can also be a little kinder to yourself. Our emotional health and wellbeing is important and so remember, as we care for others, take care of yourselves too.

Children and staff talked about other personal attributes – rainbow words and celebrated when they were shared and seen.

The weeks theme, make a noise about bullying for Anti-bullying week, was covered in our SPACE lessons with children talking about the difference between being unkind and bullying. They explored concepts of ‘teasing’ and ‘banter’ and how this impacts on emotions. We revisited our children’s policy and the importance of the word STOP – SEVERAL TIMES ON PURPOSE and START TELLING OTHER PEOPLE.

Today the week ended with a celebration of difference and uniqueness with staff and children wearing odd socks and also spots in support of odd socks day and Children in Need. The children and staff looked great and I know that the weeks focus has highlighted many important messages of inclusion and respect.

I am so proud of our community and culture.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and as always,

enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls

In the Spotlight

We are looking forward to the coming weeks when Christmas comes to Darlinghurst. Tickets will shortly be available to purchase via your child’s ParentPay account for their school Christmas production.

Leigh Art Trail awards ceremony

It was with pride that I attended the Leigh Art Trail Awards ceremony last week with children from our school and their parents. Our children shone at this prize giving evening. To represent us were Isabella from Year 6 with her wonderful D/T model, Inaaya Year 3 for last year’s year 2 beach huts and her wonderful painting, Aida Year 2 for her painting and Evie year 4 for last year’s Honey Bees.

We also won extra prizes for our school as an overall outstanding contribution to the Leigh Art Trail from everyone here at Darlinghurst.

Admiral Court

Year 1, 2 and 3 Junior Governor visited our friends at Admiral Court care home. We took two wonderful mixed media crafted Remembrance Day wreaths to the residents and got a big clap on our arrival! We met a lady that had recently had her 100th birthday and she shared with us lots of wonderful stories. We also sang Christmas carols with the residents.

Year 4 football

Last Wednesday, our year 4 football team were in action against Thorpe Hall School. This was their first game playing together as a team after training hard at school to prepare. The training paid off as the team came together to produce a very polished performance playing some stunning football. At full time the final score was 6-1 to Darlinghurst. Goals came from William, Jamie, Esther and a hat-trick from Noah. Well done team you were amazing!!

National Online Safety

The online safety guide this week focuses on Smart TVs which have become more affordable in recent years. They are now found in many homes and these advanced systems offer numerous features beyond those of a normal television set. They have the ability to access the internet and interface with popular streaming services without the need for an additional set-top box or other device.

This increased functionality, however, also brings additional threats to privacy, security and more – as you’d expect from any device capable of going online. As televisions are such a cornerstone of our home lives, these dangers can be uniquely difficult to manage. This week's guide breaks down the major risks, with tips on helping children to enjoy TV … stress free!

Tea and Talk

The Phonics tea and talk for Reception was another full room of eager parents wanting to know all about how we teach Phonics at Darlinghurst. Parents had the opportunity to see the resources we use in school, watch video clips of live teaching, and ask questions about how to support their children at home. It was lovely seeing some new parents able to attend the session too. Thank you for your continued support with Tea and Talks and I look forward to the maths one in the New Year.

Thank you for all the parents that attended the Tea and Talk on Wednesday about online safety. We had some useful discussions about how we can keep our children safe online and on their devices. If you would like to find more information the Tea and Talk presentation is on our school website. We are also sending out e-safety information with our weekly newsletter.

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Our final tea and talk of 2023 will be held on Thursday 23rd November. Join Mrs Clarke to find out how French is taught to our KS2 children.

Parent Tours

Do you have a child starting school in September 2024 or interested in an early viewing of the academy at work? Due to high demand, we are now offering additional dates. To secure your place, please email mrslowe@darlinghurstacademy.org.uk.

School Photographs

Individual and sibling photographs will be taken on Friday 24th November throughout the school day. Please ensure that your child comes to school that day wearing their full school uniform.



Jellyfish – 97.3%


Albatross – 97.8%


Orca – 100%

Seashell – 99.3%

Proud to be me

Save the Date

Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Thursday 23rd November – Key Stage 2 French Tea & Talk: 8.50am

Friday 24th November – Individual and Sibling photographs

Thursday 7th December - Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner

Tuesday 19th December – PTA Christmas Fayre

Wednesday 20th December – last day of term – 1.30pm finish

Darlinghurst School

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207

E. generalenquiries@darlinghurst.co.uk