Forden School 28th june 2024

Seren yr Wythnos

Mae seren yr wythnos yn dosbarth Bedwen ydy Ossie, yn Collen ydy CameronĀ ac yn dosbarth Ysgawen ydy Fletcher. Da iawn pawb.


Congratulations to Corrin for completing a level on Lexia.

Running Club

Well done to Bradley and Bailey for completing 10 miles, Cameron, Jake and Izzy for completing 20 miles and Rhys for completing 40 miles. Da iawn.

Engineer Project

Well done to the pupils who went to the awards ceremony in Cardiff on Monday.

From the 20 awards presented, pupils from Forden School received 9 of them, winners and highly commended.

Out of all the entries from Wales, the judges chose their overall favourite to win the Judges' Award. This went to Bailey in Year 5 for his Scanner Scanner. This is a device that fits each side of your door and, as you leave the house, it checks you have everything you need. Items can be fitted with a chip so the scanner picks it up and you can programme the scanner with which items you need each day. Da iawn Bailey.

Photographs taken at the event will be shared on the school FB page once they have been posted by the organisers.
Welshpool High School Concert

We have been invited to sing at the high school concert on Tuesday 9th July in the evening. We will be performing one of the songs from our Whispering Woods performance. This is open to all pupils. If your child would like to take part, please see Mrs Haine. At present we only have 6 names.


Pupils from 3, 4 and 5 had a fantastic day at Redridge Activity Centre. They challenged themselves, encouraged each other and worked together as a team.

Parent Governor Vacancies

Two of our current parent governors have opted to take up the community governor roles. This leaves two vacancies for parent governors. Please see the letter and nomination form sent out with this newsletter.

School Reports - Summer Term

Your child's termly report will be sent out by email on Monday. If you do not receive your child's report, please contact the school.


Dates for your diary

Mon 1st - Fri 5th July

Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school every day. PE days may change depending on the weather.

  • Monday School reports sent out
  • Tuesday Area Sports (pupils from Years 3-6)
  • Wednesday Writing workshop @ WHS (pupils from Year 6)
  • Wednesday Open School 3:15-3:45 Come in and see your child's work.
  • Thursday Bedwen visit to Severn Farm (MWT)

Future dates:

Mon 8th & Tue 9th July Year 6 transition days @ WHS

Tue 9th July Singing in WHS concert

Fri 12th July Year 5&6 multi-sports day @ WHS

Fri 12th July Closing date for Parent Governor nominations

Mon 15th July Year 6 leavers day @ Llandyssil

Tue 16th July Year 6 trip to Penycoed

Thu 18th July Leavers' Assembly 2pm

Thu 18th July Summer Party 5:30-7:00pm

Fri 19th July Last day of term

Mon 22nd July - Mon 2nd September Summer Holiday

Tue 3rd Sep Return to school

Community Notices

Welshpool Athletics Club

Newtown Police Station - Open Day

Newtown AFC - Summer Camps