January, Open Day of joy
A wonderful day of being in God's presence, meeting new people, fellowshipping, loving people with the Shere House brownies, enjoying the gardens, being creative, and sharing in God's restoring love.
Caring for the Health of the Ellel African Leadership Team
The effect on the Ellel leaders' emotional and spiritual health in a season of pioneering is something we do not take lightly. As a ministry, we value the restoration of leaders and shepherds and as a regional team, we took time out to equip, love, and care for the hearts of the Ellel leaders in Africa. Those who could not travel to Kenya were Ken, Joy, Peter and Juliet who joined online. Thank you to all who gave and helped to make this event possible.
We visited the team in Kenya
Galvan and Esther have raised a strong and able associate team serving with them in Kenya. What a privilege to get to know their serving hearts. Over the years it was evident that the team shares God's heart in many practical ways.
Restoration Week, 5-10 March
'The creativity times helped me to express the inside that was forgotten and alone, and God came to wipe every tear from my eyes.'
'I didn't realize that I was crushed in my spirit, God came and dealt with my crushed spirit and restored my joy.'
'The Lord forgave me and when my relationship with Him changed, everything changed, I never realized the power of my wrong 'inner choices'
God showed me my anger, disappointments, and self-pity with all my responses. He met me and came to help me deal with the whole lot and then showed me who He created me to be!
International Leader's Conference at Ellel Grange
12 Day Course - 2024
I am just a young girl searching for a Father trying to belong, trying to please God by being busy, and doing work for him because I think that's going to keep Him from leaving me. All my life I tried to fit, tried to belong, or do all to have some value to give to others or to hang on to people. Today I don’t need it anymore, I am valuable and I have a Father that won't leave me.
We said our sad goodbyes to Karen, and welcomed Marlise, our new accountant.
A New Roof for the Creativity Hub after the Storm
Taking God’s Restoring Heart outside the walls of Shere House..
The teams' preparation
Visiting Olievenhoutbosch and being loved by ‘differently abled’ children and ministering to the teachers serving there
Teaching in Prison
It was a privilege to experience God releasing 'prisoners' from long-carried shame and guilt and for prisoners to set guilty people free!
3-Day Pastor's Conference at Rathoke, (Modimolle)
The pastors came as little children to know their heavenly Father's love and faithfulness more deeply, allowing God to bridge His love from 'their heads to their hearts'.
One Pastor said, "I have never felt joy like I felt today!"
It is not too late to apply for deeper healing and equipping by joining Explore and Explore +
Don't miss 'Bridge from the Head to the Heart' 11-17 Oct 2024
Worker's Retreat, 20-26 August
God wants full-time workers to know how loved they are, but the reality of the call can make it difficult to know this truth. The retreat aims to rediscover the Father’s heart and His provision of rest in the areas of brokenness, needs, and call.
We can accommodate only 12 people on this free retreat. Please apply in advance.
To Give
Thank you to all who continue to give and help us see God's working His healing and restoration in the Body of Christ and the nations.
To Give Monthly, contact Marlise at: