"It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against the house, it will stand firm because it is well built." - Luke 6:48


This October, it has been 20 years since Pasture Valley Children’s Home was opened. We are so thankful for all that God has done, and all He has brought us through. We are grateful for every child, every staff member, every volunteer, every friend that passed through, and of course all those that have stayed.


One highlight from the day was all the old PV children (allo grown-up now!) who came to visit. We are so grateful to hav e such a big family, and to be able to thank God for how He has protected andf cared for everyone since day one.


For all your selfless service, good humour, and caring hearts. May God bless you as you have blessed us.


Almost every week, the Jesus Messiah books are delivered to more schools in Shiselweni (sometimes in style with the MercyAir helicopter!). These books have been delivered to over 70 schools in the region. We believe that God's word is powerful, and that it will never return empty. We hope that the lives of these children will be impacted through the Gospel.


Uncle Mike's Birthday: If only we were all that excited to receive a can of spagetti :)
Sunday School outside: learning about God's creation is also important!
Homeschool knitting projects: professionals in the making.
The Boys continue to perfect their Soccer skills! They played against Tfokotani again, and this time won!
Learning how to make pickles! The sewing girls are also still learning lots!
Pasture Valley MasterChef - check out those aprons too ;)
Pasture Valley Homeschool open day displaying Technology and Social science projects.


After 20 years in ministry, we feel called more and more to help, mentor and reach out to other organizations that wish to help and care for children and improve the lives of those in need. Recently we were invited to assist with agricultural advice for Letsaba farm where they are building new children’s homes. The directors and staff of RISE who are in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa also visited Pasture Valley. They run youth camps and do outreaches to the Temaswati Community.

Mentoring other organisations

New Job

Thandi Started a New Job

Thandi completed her sewing course and got a new job at FTM Garments factories. She also moved into her own flat at Siphumelele.

and The Boys are off to Cape Town!

After some ups and downs (Visas for Azerbaijan didn't come through), God still provided for these young men and they are currently in Cape Town doing a Solar Power internship.

Fruit and Veggies Galore!

The children are loving the fresh peaches and strawberries. The social workers also packed fresh spinach for the support group.

Prayer Requests

  • Gratefulness that Junior and Dudu have finished their final exams of school
  • For Dudu and Junior as they decide what they would like to do
  • Gratefulness for all the support for the new building project
  • Gratefulness for 20 years of Gods faithfulness
  • For Thokozani in Serbia as he redirects his course
  • For Taiwan and Francis as they minister in Tanzania and Kenya
  • For Noncedo as she prepares to be a mommy
  • For Thandi and Nokwanda in their new jobs