Laura O'Shaughnessy-Swan "Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good when put together, that overwhelm the world." Desmond Tutu

Who is Laura O’Shaughnessy-Swan?

Top (left to right): Laura O', Guinness World Record breaker in 2016, Laura O's family Bottom (left to right): The Guinness surfboard challenge in 2016, Laura with her peers receiving the Woman in the Arts award in 2017.

Laura O’ served as an Art teacher at Long Beach Middle School for 30 years. She is a mother of two grown sons, and an environment ARTivist/marine-debris artist who has triggered important changes for her community. She also has held the Guinness World Record for the world’s Longest Line of Surf boards (2016)

Link to"Longest Line of Surfboards: Fin to Tip" event


The message in the artwork and tireless effort of Laura, together with local environmental groups, was the combined effort behind the reduction of single-use plastic bags in Long Beach, which was signed by the Long Beach City council in 2016, and enforced in early 2017. This important milestone is called the “Reusable Bag Ordinance”. This ordinance made stores charge people if they wanted a plastic bag instead of using their own. Laura catalyzed this through the advocacy group she created, Stewards of the Sea, and by hosting clean-up events and informational sessions to recruit support. Together with other local organizations, she succeeded in implementing important changes for her community.

New York's former Governor, Andrew Cuomo when he signed The Liberty Natural Gas Veto

Plastics are polluting our planet and causing harm and even death to land and sea creature alike.

Why should we care?

A lifelike sculpture created by Greenpeace Philippines (in Naic, Cavite) to invoke outrage and inspire change in the local population to keep the oceans clean

Fact: A dead sperm whale washed up in Spain in 2018 after ingesting ~70 pounds of plastic bags.

Plastics never degrade and 90% end up in landfills and oceans.

Video that explains our overuse of plastics and the negative impact on all life.

A starving bird trapped in plastic


  • Poison and injure marine life
  • Threaten our food sources
  • Disrupt human hormones
  • Litter our beaches and landscapes
  • Clog our waste streams and landfills
  • Threaten the survival of our planet

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American produces about 4.4 pounds of garbage every day, 29 pounds per week and 1,600 pounds per year. Most trash ends up in landfills and, with decomposition, can end up polluting oceans through runoff and contaminating our food chain. We have a responsibility to reduce our ecological footprint for the sake of all life on earth.

How can we help?

The video above captures Laura hosting Aquanaut, Fabien Cousteau's Ocean Learning Center for International Coastal Cleanup Day in Long Beach, NY

Laura's Long Beach Middle School Art student's “Trashion show” created and utilized to communicate a serious message about environmental pollutants, raise awareness and encourage a plastic-free life. The "Trashion show" was held in Long Beach, NY at the Magnolia Center stage. The evening was a successful community gathering, post Super Storm Sandy, in preparation for the City by the Sea's Guinness World Record successful-attempt for "The Longest Line of Surfboards." This should put a smile on your face!

By Tyler Chandross-Cohen (2019)

What is the larger outcome of Laura O’s actions?

The reduction of single use plastic bags in Long Beach, NY led to other stores doing the same across Long Island and NYC as former Governor Cuomo plans to pass a Climate and Community Protection Act focused on achieving a greener state when it comes to energy consumption, landfills and the use of plastics.

With your help, other states will follow.

Get to know Laura O':

What was your initial inspiration for creating Stewards of the Sea and leading this movement?

"Born sea side, baby of five and aware always of mother ocean and her force, I learned and respect her power... healing and otherwise it felt natural "to get large' with children’s art and form Stewards of the sea, LLC ("STEWARDSHIP:job of taking care"). We take care of our ocean. I have raised two compassionate, scholar- athlete bilingual sons. Both of whom severed as ocean senior guards on the Local Lifeguard Patrol. As both leaders in their professional fields, They both have known the necessary force behind being a leader in one's community as well. They have supported my every move by being there on site and involved in the conception stages of an environmental impact statement through art."

What was the hardest thing you had to do to gain credibility?

"I did not need to win any credibility. As a local art educator for 3 decades, I am always willing to “jump in” to lead or lend my skills when it comes to Art, the environment and creative solutions. The art studio in town was getting together to make art “Save the Mermaids” to help gain awareness of the LNG port Ambrose. When people become aware, thats how I get my credentials"

Whats your go to dinner on a Friday night?

"It varies; keeping it simple these days...tending to elderly parents and learning from their wisdom. but we like an outdoor grill in the yard under the night sky."

All time favorite Movie?

"The Incredibles, no doubt. I believe in using my “powers” for good. 🌎"

Whats your favorite thing to do with your family?

"The ocean, 900 feet from our home, is our family favorite go to. In a world where one is always searching to live in the now, the ocean humbles and helps one rely on instincts. We learn a reverence for a broader perspective as a human, while in the mercy of the ocean, the wild. The ocean provides a lot more for us than we probably even consider as an essential resource for life on Earth. Without us consciously thinking about it, the ocean provides: about 70% of the oxygen that we breathe, absorbs a huge amount of carbon dioxide and converts it to oxygen, the food we eat, extraordinary biodiversity, the transportation of goods, the support for local economies, travel destinations, recreation"

How does the result of the reduction of Single Use plastic bags in Long Beach and in Nassau county, and hearing back from Trader Joes about reducing plastic from their stores help your movement to ban single use plastic bags?

"Traders Joe's ... We have all been wondering...waiting...WAKE UP PEOPLE! Anything that makes people aware. What else is it about except raising awareness through example around the need to eliminate or at least cut back our uses of plastic bags. There is No away!"

One Person can spark change with the help of others. Laura with her students and community, with help other organizations, reduced the amount single use plastic bags used in Long Beach. This helped keep their streets, beaches, and oceans clean, which resulted in a domino affect across Long Island and NYC.

"One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if it can change a city, it can change a state, and if it change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world.”

-Barack Obama

Pictured here is Laura with former Governor Cuomo and her Art students from Long Beach Middle School

Visit Stewards of the sea on Facebook and youtube and Instagram!