A Modern day hero faces his biggest fear. By Tommy D

Tommy, son of Bruce, was a highly praised person from Los Angeles, California in America. Bright-eyed Tommy had set sail with his crew of 120 men to Australia to find treasure, but things on the way there didn’t go so smoothly. In the middle of their treacherous journey, they had seen what looked to be a huge sea creature. This so-called creature turned out to be a kraken and took out half of their boat killing 30 men. They had landed on this weird island that nobody had known about but they would later find out that this island was called Hawaii. Hawaii was huge but there was nothing around them so they repaired their ship and went back out on the water unscathed. Their journey seemed normal and they land on this island that they thought was Australia but is really New Zealand. They do their normal things in New Zealand still thinking it is Australia and they go back home. Once they are back in America they realize that they didn’t actually go to Australia because they don’t recall seeing the opera house. They wanted to go to the opera house so bad because there favorite show was playing in the opera house. They had to go back to Australia now and get it right. They go to Australia but things don’t go as smoothly as when they were in New Zealand. The animals seemed way too wild and they would attack them while in Australia. This caused another 30 people to die and another 15 died later due to diseases from the animals. They now had 45 people and had been in Australia for about 1 month. After their time in Australia ended, they found themselves heading back home to Los Angeles in America after a full year in Australia. Little did they know that they had not paid their taxes yet and the whole crew was sentenced to prison for 5 years. 30 of them had died while in prison as they did not treat the prisoners well at all. The other 15 escaped prison after 2 years. Tommy happened to be one of these people. 14 of them were caught at Disney Land and were sentenced to death. They were caught because of there idiotic move of trying to climb the matterhorn ride in plain site. Tommy was not one of these people so he was the only one from his crew still alive. Tommy would be 40 now which was 15 years since he was put in jail. What the people didn’t know was the great Tommy had a deathly fear of heights. The F.B.I had conveniently found this out and sent one thousand people out into the city of Los Angeles to look for him. Tommy caught wind of this and hid into his bunker for the time being. Tommy would have no food for two weeks and gave himself up because of a lack of food. They would send Tommy up to the top of the U.S Bank Tower which is one of the tallest buildings in Los Angeles. Tommy would die of a heart attack just seconds after being up that high and the great Tommy was no more.