CEFN PRIMARY SCHOOL- 01443 400815 ‘Learning for Life’ Executive Head Teacher - Sarah Haggett Head of School: Emma Byers
CRAIG YR HESG PRIMARY SCHOOL 01443 486830 ‘Together We’ll Make A Difference’ Executive Head Teacher - Sarah Haggett Head of School: Carrie Smith-Thomas

Executive Head Teacher Welcome

Dear Parents, Guardians, Carers,

On behalf of the entire Fern Federation staff, I extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you and your child. We are thrilled to have you join our vibrant and nurturing community here inthe Fern Federation. We understand that as a parent choosing the right school, is one of the most important decisions you will ever make and we understand what a privilege it is that you have chosen us.

Our commitment to providing a safe, stimulating, and joyful learning environment is unwavering. As your child embarks on this exciting journey, we look forward to partnering with you to create memorable experiences that will last a lifetime.

Please feel free to reach out to me or any member of our team if you have questions, ideas, or simply want to connect. Together, we will celebrate milestones, share laughter, and support each other every step of the way. Once again, welcome to the Fern Federation and in the words of our motto Together We will Prosper!

Warm regards, Mrs Haggett.

Fern Federation's Vision and Values

Our Vision

Our Values

The Fern Federations 12 Values chosen by the staff, children, parents, and governors for the 2022-2023 academic year.

We will afford the children and staff to demonstrate these values through lessons, assemblies, circle times, extra-curricular activities, trips etc

School Uniform 2024 - 2025

We do not expect any parent/carer to go to any expense for school uniform, there is no expectation for you to add any logos to the uniform. See below for the uniform required for both schools:

We ask that all children refrain from wearing jewellery especially during physical education sessions for health and safety purposes

Meet the team

A Typical morning session in the Fern Federation

This is a typical morning session in the Fern Federation however this may vary depending upon activities planned, visitors, and trips etc.

FERN FEDERATION Non-Maintained Curriculum

Education Wales (10.1.22) A curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings. Welsh Government.

Day to Day Information

Healthy Snacks

Please ensure your child has a healthy snack and drink for break time.nWe have a Fruit Trolley which your child can bring £1 a week to purchase a healthy snack or you are welcome to bring their own fruit snack in with them

Stay Hydrated

Children are asked to bring a water bottle to school labelled with their name to ensure they keep hydrated throughout the school day.

School Lunch

School Lunch costs £1.75 per day and must be paid for online. Your child may bring their own healthy packed lunch. There are menus availible from the main office or on RCT's website (see below)

  • In line with our Healthy School status, we encourage parents to provide a healthy lunch – advice leaflets are available from the school website.
  • No glass bottles are allowed, for safety reasons.
  • A lunchbox of a reasonable size should be used with your child’s name clearly visible on the box / bag. These are stored in classrooms.


Communication is vital, please ensure thats schools have all your up to date contact information including phone numbers, emails and home adresses.

Frequently Asked Questions

No question is a stupid question, if we have not answered your question below then please do not hesitate to ask us.
How will I know if my child has settled in ok?

We will be in constant contact with you, face to face on the door each day, via the various communication apps we use and parents meetings' and evenings. If you are concerned about anything at all then please do not hesitate to contact us, we have an open door policy.

I have a concern what should I do?

If you have any concerns at all we would encourage you to firstly speak to your child's class teacher to try to resolve any concerns you have. If you have done this and are still not satisfied with the response then please make an appointment to speak to one of theHeads of School, they work across both schools and will be able to assist you. If there is still no resolution, then a meeting will be arranged between yourself and Mrs Haggett the Executive Headteacher.

My child is still not toilet trained what shall I do?

We would encourage all parents/ guardians to ensure that their child is fully toilet trained before coming to school. However, we do understand that certain children take longer than their peers. If your child requires extra help and support with their toileting please let your child's teacher, that way we can make arrangements to support them. Please ensure that each day you bring a bag with several changes of underwear and clothes in. If there is a m

Somebody different is collecting my child what should I do?

Please make sure that you have informed the staff in the class and if necessary the school office. When your child starts you will be asked to give a password. If someone else is collecting your child they will be required to give that password as well as permission by yourselves. We make no apology for not handing a child over unless we are 100% certain that we are to do so. Your child's safety is our number 1 concern.

What if my child is not ready to stay for the full session?

Your child will be treated as an individual, we do not adhere to a one size fits all approach. If your child needs extra time to settle then in consultation with you we will amend our times to suit your child and their needs

How can I help my child at home?

As a Federation we appreciate anything that you can do at home that will help your child at school. Here are some things that you can do at home :

  • Encourage your child to put on and take off their coat independently.
  • Put on and take off their shoes and socks (velcro shoes are easiest).
  • Eat with a knife and fork at the dinner table. Wash and dry their hands after the toilet.
  • Sing nursery rhymes at home or play them on Youtube.
  • Read traditional stories to your child or play them on Youtube.
  • Play eye spy which will help them with their phonics.
  • Sing number songs

Get to know your new school before you have arrived

We have created Digital Postcards for each of our Schools in the Federation. On the postcards there are QR codes which you can scan with your mobile device and our digital leaders have created a guided tour of the new classrooms your child will be joining.

Cefn Primary School

To scan the QR code, open your camera on your mobile device, point it at the QR code and link will appear in the picture for you to click to take you to the video.

Craig Yr Hesg Primary School

To scan the QR code, open your camera on your mobile device, point it at the QR code and link will appear in the picture for you to click to take you to the video.

A New School For Glyncoch

We are currently in the process of our new school being built on the ground next to Craig Yr Hesg. Below you will find the most current projection of what our new school will look like.

We look forward to welcoming you into the Fern Federation Family. "Together We Will Prosper!"