Hebbville family newsletter September 27, 2024

calendar updates

September 28: BCPS Magnet Expo 🏫 (9:30-12:00 @ CCBC Essex Wellness and Athletic Center)

October 2: Grade 5 BioBlitz Field Trip 🌿🦌

October 3: Schools closed for students - Rosh Hashanah 🍎🍯 & Professional Development Day for Staff

Notes from Nurse Cannon

Wondering if your student should come to school? Email jcannon@bcps.org at 8:00AM for a consult!


Students who have been identified as having asthma have been given a prescription order form for an inhaler in school. Students may not have an inhaler in their backpack. If you feel that your student needs an inhaler at school, please have the prescription order form completed by a provider and bring in to school.

Lunch Menu

Joe Corbi's Fundraiser Still Running!

Community School Needs Assessment

Have you heard of BCPS' Parent University?

Talking Points App

Volunteer Training

Any parents/guardians coming into classrooms to volunteer or to chaperone field trips are required to complete BCPS volunteer training.

FYI: Early Dismissal Ends @ 3:30PM!

Contact hebbville:


πŸ¦’ Hebbville Happy πŸ¦’

Is your student interested in applying to a BCPS Magnet School for the 2025-2026 school year?

Important dates/deadlines

  • September 10: Magnet applications will be available ONLINE at BCPS Magnet Programs’ Web site
  • Tuesdays (September 17-October 22): Hebbville Magnet Office Hours with Mr. McGee/Ms. Schissler
  • September 28: Magnet Expo!
  • October 28: Hebbville Magnet Information Night 4:45-5:15
  • November 1: Applications MUST be submitted by 1 p.m.

Student Devices πŸ’»

This school year, students and their parents/caregivers will be financially responsible for intentional damage to or loss of any Chromebook or other devices assigned to the student. As an instructional tool, there is no initial cost for BCPS students to receive a Chromebook or other devices, but students/families will be financially responsible when there is avoidable damage to the device.

FOCUS Platform

The FOCUS Platform informs parents about bus transportation, student schedules, attendance records, behavioral records, and report cards!

Get your parent FOCUS account set up now!

Is your student having an issue with their device?

Call the Help Desk @ 443-809-4672