Minera Weekly Newsletter Friday 2nd February 2024

Celebration Friday

Stars of the Week

Hot Chocolate Friday with Mr Williams

At the end of every week, one child from each class will meet with Mr Williams for a chat and a yummy drink of hot chocolate. They get to show him their workbooks or a piece of work that they are very proud of.

Whose turn will it be next week?

Year 3/4 Class Worship

Well done to Year 3/4 for a fantastic Collective Worship this morning based on the topic of trees. A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for this special worship.

Happy Birthday

We have lots of children celebrating their birthdays during the month of February.

Happy birthday to:

  • Amelia
  • Oliver
  • Zoscha
  • Harvey H
  • Idris

News and Events

Nursery Applications for September 2024

We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you on our incredible journey as we continue to plan for September 2024.

The Nursery Admissions Round for September 2024 is now open


If your child turns three before 31st August 2024, you are eligible to apply for a part time school place for them from September 2024.

To support you in making the right choice for your child, please come and visit us.

Closing date is 17th February 2024

Please contact 01978 269500 or email mailbox@minera-pri.wrexham.sch.uk if you would like to register your interest or would like visit.

Parent Survey

Here at Minera, the thoughts and ideas of our parents and guardians are very important to us.

We would welcome your views on how we can develop parental engagement to support your child’s learning at Minera School, for example:

  • Half termly coffee mornings with leadership team (Headteacher and Governors)
  • Parent workshops on reading, maths etc
  • Lunch with children
  • Convenient time to run workshops/meetings

Please click on the button below to access the survey.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and ideas.

Spencer Williams - Headteacher

Friends of Minera

Valentine's Disco
Easy Fundraising

Sign up to easyfundraising and see your favourite brands donate to Minera VA School about whenever you shop with them. Click on the button below to find out more:

Half Term Holiday Club

Diary Date

  • 5th - Bikeability for Year 6
  • 8th - Friends of Minera Valentine's Disco
  • 9th - School closes for half term
  • 19th - School re-opens for everyone and Welsh Week
  • 21st - Ash Wednesday Service at St Mary's Church
  • 1st - St David's Day
  • 7th - Class Photographs
  • 8th - World Book Day
  • 12th - Parents Evening
  • 13th - Parents Evening
  • 15th - Comic Relief Day/Non Uniform Day for Bingo Prizes
  • 20th - Residential Visit to Cardiff
  • 21st - Friends of Minera Easter Bingo
  • 22nd - School Closes for Easter Holidays

Contact Information

Phone: 01978 269500

Email: mailbox@minera-pri.wrexham.sch.uk

Website: www.mineraprimary.com

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook