Remembering Jeff Caswell The Ohio State University College of Public Health

Jeff Caswell was the consummate scholar, teacher, colleague and friend from the moment he was the first recruited faculty in the MHA program. He was the model of a close supportive colleague for over 40 years during my time at The Ohio State University. He was always the balanced voice in our faculty meetings and maintained a focus on the broad public health issues of the day. This was so valuable as we transitioned from a small academic unit in the College of Medicine to the formation of a College of Public Health. He served as interim chair of our graduate program in the late 1970s and early 1980s. I was most fortunate to work with Jeff on a daily basis, as we shared office suites with a close-knit faculty group. He made a huge difference to all of us, and he was a most valuable contributor to our national ranking." -Steve Loebs
We have lost a dedicated and passionate educator. As a founding member of the MHA faculty at Ohio State he leaves a lasting legacy for the university. He will be missed." -Edward Howell
"I was always a huge fan of Dr. Caswell. He made a powerful impression on me while I was an OSU MHA student. I remember how he and I used to humorously joke about the fiscal benefits of being a health care actuary over a college professor. He was one of the smartest people I knew, yet he always demonstrated a peaceful humility that I try to replicate to this day. Dr. Caswell was one of the esteemed MHA faculty who believed in my abilities and encouraged me to succeed. My prayers and blessings are with the Caswell family." - Abe Brown III
As a member of the Charter MHA class of 1971, I have clear memories of Jeff's and Lucy's arrival at OSU and the program offices in Means Hall. Jeff was only hours older than many of the members of this class which made our relationships quite collegial as he taught us health care economics. With a class of only seven members, we were quite close to our new faculty members and especially the graciousness with which Jeff and Lucy treated all of us. When I would return to the campus I looked forward to reconnecting with Jeff and enjoying his ready smile and generous humor which will continue to be a meaningful memory for me along with the knowledge he imparted. May his memory be forever a blessing." -Alan H. Channing
Jeff was truly a positive, encouraging influence, especially for students such as myself who were at times clueless in health economics class, during the first year in the MHA program back in 1972. Always enjoyed catching up with Jeff since then." - Alan Mittermaier
Jeff worked closely with Steve Loebs and nuclear faculty in health administration in collaboration with the faculty of preventive medicine to develop the School of Public Health in 1995. Jeff was a strong advocate and splendid colleague for all public health faculty, and he was clearly a key member of the faculty that brought health administration to continuing prominence as one of the leading programs in the country. He was an eminent scholar and a special colleague who spearheaded the cause of public health at The Ohio State University. We will all miss him." -Randy Harris
Supportive, patient and kind. I am so grateful for Dr. Caswell and there is no doubt he changed the trajectory of my life. During my interview he knew that I was concerned with how I would afford the program and he recommended the university GAA (Graduate Administrative Assistant) which ultimately turned into the first GAA at OSUMC (Ohio State University Medical Center). He taught us not just content but how to lead with empathy. Incredibly grateful for Dr. Caswell as an educator and a leader but also for that amazing smile." -Peyton R. Howell
Jeff will be remembered so fondly by the more than 1,000 students he taught over the years in the MHA Program. He was a brilliant teacher and a kind and thoughtful mentor." -Janet Porter
Dr. Caswell was my advisor and one of my favorite professors when I was a MHA student. He was an outstanding teacher and incredible human. I will miss his smile and kindness. He made such an impact on me and many other students." -Brian Lehman
Jeff was a wonderful mentor to me. I worked closely with him on the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC); he was the chair and then AD (associate dean) for academic affairs. He instilled in me a love for all things related to curriculum, teaching and students. I so enjoyed our GSC meetings and my one-on-one conversations with him. If I was dealing with a difficult situation in the classroom, Jeff always had good advice to give. I learned a lot from him." -Amy Ferketich
"Dr. Caswell was one of the most kind and humble individuals I have ever known. He taught me to truly listen because otherwise I might miss an amazingly insightful or quick-witted observation behind his soft-spoken manner. These delightful observations were delivered with a gleam in his eye that makes me smile just thinking of it. I always knew that he truly cared for me and about all people — students, fellow faculty, alumni and those he served well beyond the university. He was a remarkable individual and will be greatly missed." -Elizabeth Seely
Dr. Caswell was my advisor during my two years in the MHA program (1981-1983). He was one of the most consistently kind people I ever knew. He always had a smile, and he was always helpful. I am very sorry to hear of his passing and my thoughts and prayers are with his family. He was a wonderful person." -Irene (Timko) Rostas
Jeff was the best of the best. He was an outstanding teacher, mentor, role model and enduring colleague. He took a whole-person approach to working with students and graduates, well before it was a thing. His door was always open, and when you entered, he listened without judgement, asked thoughtful questions, and offered support and encouragement. Jeff was instrumental in creating the warm, welcoming and supportive professional community that defines our MHA program to this day. Jeff had a tremendous impact on my life and career, and I am so grateful to have known him.” -Julie Robbins
As a member of the first class I reflect fondly on Jeff joining the HSMP faculty team as the EXPERT on health care economics. His classes were always interactive as we drew pictures better known as supply and demand charts. Jeff was a student favorite and advocate. His caring spirit was also a take home value as were his econ lessons. He has left a lasting legacy through his work and interaction with the entire HSMP family. We are better individuals because of him. God Bless." -Bill Considine
I had a brief overlap with Jeff, but I'll always remember his positive comments and big smile at our CPH faculty meetings. I'm grateful for his efforts in paving the road for our college, and his dedication. My deepest condolences to his family." -Jiyoung Lee
I can't begin to recount how important Jeff's contributions were to Ohio State's Health Services Administration graduate program. For me, as a new dean appointed in 2003, Jeff was instrumental, as associate dean, in helping the School of Public Health transition to college status and to guiding me and the rest of the college's faculty and students through our first few national accreditations. I went to Jeff often for advice and counsel. He never let me down. The College of Public Health benefitted immeasurably from Jeff's wisdom and willingness to lead during a time of uncertainty and growth." -Stan Lemeshow
Dr. Caswell was a brilliant, kind, calm and patient man. He cared about me as a person. He was, by far, the most important and most influential professor I had while I earned my MHA/JD at Ohio State. He shaped and expanded my understanding of economics and the world at large. I was lucky he touched my life." -Mary Knoll
Professor Caswell was a great teacher. He always had time to explain things properly and never rushed. He cared and wanted his students to truly understand what he taught. I will always remember his potato clock. An experiment that he always seemed to be running." -Brenda Mollohan
I was privileged to have Dr Caswell not only as my health economics professor, but also as my academic advisor when I was in the program. As a young graduate student, it was immensely helpful to have someone like Jeff as my advisor. His calm and thoughtful demeanor was a great complement to my youthful and energetic personality. He was a great listener and offered assurances when they were needed most. As a professor, I still believe that his health economics course was the most challenging course I took during my time at Ohio State. I will never forget how he taught us about the supply and demand curves by converting our classroom into a three-dimensional chart as a way to engage the students in the class and to drive home an otherwise complex concept innovative technique for sure! I will always cherish my relationship with Jeff, and I wish his family peace during this difficult time and that his memory will live on indefinitely for many of us as his former students.” -Armin Rahmanian
Both in the executive program as well as the traditional program Jeff was a worthy mentor and program champion. He was always available and left me with many useful forecasting and decision-making skills to use as a member of the C-Suite. Thanks, Jeff. RIP" -Lynn Horner
"I have tears in my eyes as I write this. Dr. Caswell was my introduction to economics professor. I remember sitting in the front row of the auditorium in Meiling Hall so that I could try to absorb every bit of his lessons. I struggled a bit in the class and Jeff was encouraging but never backed down or gave an answer when he thought you could get it. He was dependable and kind, a wonderful teacher and definitely not ever a pushover. I remember his interest in meeting my parents at graduation. And for many many years I enjoyed running into him in the community and at HSMP events. He would smile and ask questions and nod while I talked. And now I have tears. I will always remember Jeff fondly and feel very very fortunate for the role he played in my HSMP experience. God Bless." -Karen Sharp
A great gentleman. Maybe the best teacher I had in all of my schoolin’. He will be missed." -Howard Hamilton