Monkton Park Newsletter Friday 28th June 2024


Thank you to everyone who entered the draw for Wimbledon tickets for Saturday 13th July (41 entries!). We held a random draw to pick the lucky winners and are pleased to announce the winners below:

Hermes, Summer, Reuben F, Penny L, Daniel L, Vianne

Sports Week

Monkton Park has had an epic sports week where all the children have taken part in a full range of sporting activities. They have had so much fun and have been fortunate enough to do most of it in the sun! They have taken part in circus skills, cricket, golf, foot golf, adventure golf, bowls, dodgeball and The Impact Project.

On Tuesday we saw both the KS1 and KS2 sports days taking place. We are incredibly proud of every child for their involvement. We must say a huge thank you to the Year 6 sports leaders who took control on the day, setting up the races and maintaining the support of their houses. They were phenomenal!

On Thursday the children had the privilege of having an assembly delivered by Guinness World Record holder Sam Hull. Sam came in and delivered an all-inspiring and incredibly engaging assembly for the children that was both interactive and funny. Some pupils have said it's “the best assembly they've ever had”.

Sports week is not possible without all the help of the staff, parent volunteers and organisations that run workshops, so we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their help and support. A huge thank you to Clare from Clare's Circus; Peter Sykes for delivering the cricket workshops; James from Chippenham Chargers dodgeball; Tony from Chippenham Bowls Club; Colin at Chippenham Golf Club and Emma Claridge at Monkton Park Golf Club. All your kindness and time have allowed the children to fully embrace a range of sports and really enjoy physical activity.

Write up from Bettie
Write up from Ezra

County Cricket Finals

This week, after having qualified for the cricket county finals, both the mixed and girls’ team competed in their competitions. The mixed team tried incredibly hard against some very strong teams. Though they did not reach the finals, they represented the school brilliantly and later received a lovely email from Queen's Crescent which congratulated the children for showing “great camaraderie and team spirit”.

The girl's county cricket final was a huge success! They won after an incredibly impressive performance. Not only did they win, but they showcased incredible sportsmanship - motivating and supporting each other all the way through. The pride and smiles on the faces of our girls were a delight to witness. We think this is the first time in Monkton Park history that the girls have won a county cup final.

A huge thank you to Jo Parsons and Ryan Smith for all their help with all the cricket festivals and a special thanks to Ryan for his delivery of cricket club this year.

Summer Term Dates

Term 6 is always busy in school, with lots of exciting things going on. Please see below for some of the key dates.

Sunday 30th June - Monkfest Revival - 1300-1600

Thursday 18th July - Leavers Assembly - 1400 (Y6 families only)

Friday 19th July - Leavers BBQ - 1630 (Y6 families only)

Wiltshire Council Wraparound Care Survey

Wiltshire Council has been allocated money to develop wraparound childcare (before and after school places) and parents should expect to see more availability from September 2024. To enable Wiltshire Council to build a picture of where wraparound childcare needs to be developed, they are running a parent/carer survey on what unmet demand for wraparound childcare exists.

Weekly Achievement Awards

Achievement certificates

Achievement certificates are awarded to one child per class every week in our celebration assembly.

Congratulations this week to: Giovanna, Ben, Willow, Ada, Leo, Sophia, Isabelle, Ben & Hermes

Hot Chocolate Friday

Congratulations to this weeks hot chocolate winners.

This weeks achievers are: Edie, Bettie, Hugh, Millie, Chloe, Brody, Jenson, Niamh & Dayo

Star Writer

Our Star Writers this week are: Sathu, Mikey, Evie Br, Joy, George, Jacob, Maisie, Leonardo & Anna


Mrs Marshall would like some picnic blankets for lunchtimes, so please bring to the office if you have any spare. Many thanks


🎉 Monkfest Alert! 🎉

Affordable Schools

At Monkton Park School, we have recently engaged with Wiltshire’s ‘Affordable Schools’ strategy because we understand it can be difficult to talk about money worries. People finding it hard to make ends meet often hang on and try and sort things out themselves; not seeking help until the situation has become very difficult. Whatever the issues you are facing, we would encourage you to ask for support. With guidance from the ‘Affordable Schools’ strategy, we have created a page on our website under the ‘Parents’ tab that signposts support and guidance. Alternatively, please feel free to get in touch with us here at school. You can contact our Family Link Worker, Jen Marshall or contact the office in school on

Wiltshire's Affordable Schools Strategy

Parent Resource - online safety

In a survey with pupils in Y3-Y6 we found that lots of children have very active online lives. Many use apps such as WhatsApp or Snapchat and we would recommend regular checks with your child to see which groups they are part of. Some groups can contain over 100 people and can lead to children being exposed to inappropriate language. This is always best done in a supportive way with your child and the recording below has lots of advice. Other children said that they use games which are not age appropriate e.g. Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto.

Please see links below to the parent resources and recording of the Online Safety talk

Parents resource pack

Recording Link (please do NOT to share this link publicly online / social media etc)

Chippenham Uniform Exchange
Riverside Preschool
Police community event
Summer School
Children's club
Holiday club
Parent courses
Spurgeons Timetable
Castle Coombe Football


TD Days

Tuesday 23rd July

Wednesday 24th July

Term Dates 2023/24
