
Cylchlythyr Newsletter 10.11.2023 01745 720242

URDD 2024

Mae'r amser wedi cyrraedd i ni ddechrau ymarfer at Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Hoffwn weld llond bob man o blant yn cystadlu eto eleni. Rhaid ymaelodi gyda'r Urdd ond mae gwerth pob ceiniog.

The time has arrived for us to start practicing for the Urdd Eisteddfod. I would like to see lots of children competing again this year. You have to join the Urdd but it really is worth every penny.

Dilynwch y linc i ddangos diddordeb/ Follow the link to share your interest.


Diwrnod Plant Mewn Angen. DIWRNOD SMOTIAU.

Children in Need day. SPOTS DAY.

Peintiwch eich wyneb, neu ddillad smotiog, neu byjamas smotiog.. dewch gyda smotiau. RHODD ARIANNOL WRTH Y GIÂT.

Paint your face, or spotted clothes, or spotted pyjamas.. come with spots. DONATIONS BY THE GATE PLEASE.

Mistar Urdd

Diolch i Mistar Urdd am ddod draw i'r ysgol i ddawnsio a chanu gyda'r disgyblion. Diolch i chi am eich rhodd o £1 y pen, cawson dros £30 tuag at Eisteddfod Cylch Bro Aled.

Thank you to Mistar Urdd for coming over to the school to dance and sing with the pupils. Thank you for your donation of £1 per person, we received over £30 towards the Cylch Bro Aled Eisteddfod.

Clwb Talhaiarn


Diolchiadau gan gymuned Capel Soar.

Braf oedd cael derbyn llythyr ag e-bost gan aelodau o gymuned Capel Soar yn ein diolch am y gwasanaeth, am addurno y capel ag am y ar rodd ariannol yn y casgliad. Aethpwyd â’r bwyd i gyd i’r banc bwyd gyda chefnogaeth siop Llanfair. Diolch am eich cefnogaeth.

Thank you from Capel Soar community.

It was nice to receive a letter and email from members of the Capel Soar community thanking us for the service, for decorating the chapel and for the financial donation in the collection. The food was all taken to the food bank with the support from Llanfair shop.Thank you to you all for your support.

CogUrdd- Urdd cookery competition

Bl / Yr 4 5 a 6

Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i bawb am gystadlu yn y rownd gyntaf o CogUrdd yn yr ysgol eleni. Roedd y safon yn uchel iawn.

Huge congratulations to everyone for competing in the first round of CogUrdd at the school this year. The standard was very high.

Llongyfarchiadau i Mila am fod yn fuddugol. Pob Lwc iddi wrth iddi fynd at y rownd Ranbarthol yn Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy ar Dachwedd yr 20fed.

Congratulations to Mila for being victorious. Good luck to her as she goes to the Regional round at Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy on November 20th.

Gwerthusiad Ysgol Talhaiarn 2022 2023. Copiwch y ddolen i ddarllen ein gwerthusiad ysgol o 2022 2023.

Ysgol Talhaiarn School Evaluation 2022 2023. Please copy the link to read our school evaluation from 2022 2023.


Newyddion Ysgol School News

Sicrhewch eich bod yn dilyn Ap yr ysgol. Bydd holl weithdrefnau brys ysgol gyfan yn cael eu postio ar yr Ap. Mae'r holl wybodaeth yn cael ei bostio ar yr ap. Os ydych chi'n gwybod am riant nad yw ar yr ap, gofynnwch iddyn nhw wirio eu e-byst am yr e-bost ysgogi newydd.

Please ensure you follow the school App. All whole school emergency procedures will be posted on the App. All information is posted on the app. If you know of a parent who is not on the app please ask them to check their emails for the new activation email.

Dyddiadau Pwysig Important Dates

Diwrnod Smotiau Plant Mewn Angen. Spots day Children in Need


Ymweliad PC Jones Visit


Gwasanaeth Nadolig Christmas Service

5pm 13.12.2023 Eglwys Llanfair Talhaiarn Church

Newyddion ychwanegol/ Additional News

Cynorthwyydd Clwb Brecwast a Goruchwyliwr Amser Cinio - rydym yn dal i chwilio am staff i lenwi'r ddwy rôl yma. Diolch i Mr Jones (gofalwr) am ein helpu ni wythnos yma.

Breakfast Club assistant and Lunch time supervisor- we are still looking for staff to fill these two roles. Thank you to Mr Jones ( caretaker) for helping us out this week.

Ymarfer Corff/ PE

Meithrin- Bl 2- Dydd Mawrth Yoga

Bl 3- Bl 6- Dydd Mawrth Tuesday Rygbi ( dewch ag hen esgidiau/ bring old shoes/ trainers)

Dydd Gwener Dawns

Presenoldeb / Attendance

Blodyn Haul 87.23%

Barrog 93.33%

Diogelwch plant Safeguarding

Uwch Berson Dynodedig Safeguarding Lead Mrs Llinos Mevel pennaeth@llanfairtalh.conwy.sch.uk

Person Dynodedig Safeguarding Deputy Mrs Caren McCann Caren.McCann@llanfairtalh.conwy.sch.uk

Llywodraethwr Governor Ms Ffion Hughes

Diolch. Thank you.