The Leader and Culture Development team offers services to the Texas Tech University System Administration and to component institutions of the TTU System related to people development and integration of a culture based on the shared core values of each individual university or system entity.
Student Leader Development Program
We designed this semester-long program to provide students foundational knowledge of what it means to be a leader. We emphasize developing self-awareness and gaining insight into how to navigate teams outside of the university setting. We pair students with an executive coach throughout this program to help them develop their skills in communication, conflict management, time management and overall leadership skills. We conclude with a project that is aimed at enhancing their university through the student perspective.
Chancellor’s Academy for Lifelong Leaders
As we’ve worked to establish and foster a values-based culture, we had the idea to create a people development framework that allows participants to not only impact their own lives, but the lives of those they influence as well. As leaders, it is our responsibility to not only continually sharpen our axes and hone our skills to improve the lives of others, but to cultivate and guide the next generation of leaders who will eventually take up the charge of building their own legacy.
Values Field Guides and Core Values Flyers
Our work across the TTU System identifies existing core values that individuals share and then codifies those values with desired behaviors, creating a framework of accountability for all stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff and administrators. We involve a broad collection of stakeholder groups in an initial values summit where we identify and define shared values and write desired behaviors that indicate when we are living those values. Subsequent work is to develop a collaborative, cross-silo values council at each entity to integrate the values into operational processes including hiring, recognition and promotions.