P.E and Sports Premium Funding at Moorlands Primary School

At Moorlands, we use the Sports Premium Funding to enhance the teaching and learning of the physical education curriculum, increase participation in P.E and sporting activities, develop our competitive sport program and build a love of being active which will stay with the children in future years.

We aim to create a healthy happy school community who experience a range of physical activities both through the curriculum and our extracurricular activities. We are planning for the future, so invest a lot of the finding into external coaches who are experts in their field, this ensures the children experience high quality P.E. lessons in the present and future by upskilling staff, ensuring all our teachers are confident in delivering high quality P.E. lessons.

We have also invested in Legacy Sport, Sporting age. This is an assessment tool where children are given a sporting age, they then have a series of specifically designed lessons over a period of 10 weeks to improve their skills and knowledge. The children are then assessed again and given a new sporting age. This provides class teachers valuable information on how best to plan and support the children in their physical development.

We also use some of the funding to employ and develop a sports specialist teaching assistant, who organises and runs our competitive and festival program and supports in P.E lessons.

Swimming Competency 2022-2023

Our Year 5 cohort attended swimming lessons at Salendine Nook High School for the academic year 2022-23. Here are the swimming statistics:

Percentage of children in Year 5 (87 children) that can:

  • Swim 25m: 83%
  • Use a range of strokes: 53%
  • Perform safe self rescue: 49%
  • Overall: 62%