
The Eagle Weekly 10/15/23

October 15, 2023

The Week Ahead

Around East This Week

MSE Students traveled to the DIA on Tuesday and had a great time! A special thank you to Mrs. Winters for organizing it and for all the parents who volunteered to chaperone!
NJHS and Green Club Students took part in some community service and cleaned up Hickey Road this week!
Students in Mrs. Moews' Drama Class performed individual monologues. We are thrilled to have Drama offered as an elective this year after years of absence!
8th Grade Scientists in Mrs. Torres's class performed a Tug of War Lab this week for Newton's Forces.

Eagle of the Week!

The Eagle of the Week is one student selected every week and nominated by a teacher for acts that go above and beyond for the MSE Community. This week's "Eagle of the Week" is Miles A! He was nominated by Mrs. Watanabe who said "He works hard on his daily reading and writing activities, and is an active member of his book circle. Miles loves competing in word games, especially Boggle, and he is an enthusiastic participant in team-building activities."

Positive Office Referral Student

Congrats to our Positive Office Referral, "Be the Change" student of the week Aiden B! Thanks for displaying positive behavior and being recognized by your teachers!

MSE Fundraiser!

We want to express our deepest gratitude for the incredible efforts you have put into our adrenaline fundraising campaign so far. Your dedication and support have been nothing short of amazing, and we have already made significant progress towards our goal. So far we are just shy of halfway to our goal of $30,000! We believe that with your continued enthusiasm and the power of our community, we can certainly achieve this goal. We believe that together, as a unified school community, we can achieve our fundraising target and provide essential support for our school programs and activities. Your generosity and commitment are what make this possible.

So please share the link above with friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc! Any little amount helps, even if that's $5 so we can provide amazing opportunities to support our kids this school year with enrichment, field trips, and other student programs. If you don't feel comfortable donating through the site or app, you can always bring cash to Mrs. Malaga in the main office, or send it with your child!

MSE Halloween 2023

Student Chromebook Insurance Coverage

Parents you have until the end of the month to enroll in insurance for your student's device. For $23 you get a full year of coverage against the incidents listed in the above flyer. Don't foot the bill for expensive repairs, enroll in insurance today!

Skill Samurai Session 2!

Bowling Club

MSE Science Olympiad

Students interested in Science Olympiad must be willing to commit to attending practices after school and attend the Macomb County Tournament on Saturday March 16, 2024 along with 1 or 2 invitational tournaments (Dates TBD)

Washington DC Trip: June 2024

Any students interested in attending Washington DC in June should see Mrs. Conger in R3 for more information and requirements.

2023 MSE Football


Around L'Anse Creuse Public Schools