
Faces of Yuba Water Natalie Mikhaylevskiy, Staff Accountant

Photo: Natalie poses for a photo while attending the Penn State vs. University of Utah Rose Bowl game earlier this year.

Yuba Water Agency's staff accountant, Natalie Mikhaylevskiy, is part of the team that keeps the agency in excellent financial standing. Her responsibilities include tracking incoming and outgoing cash transactions, reviewing invoices to ensure they're accurate, cutting checks for vendors and more. Scroll to learn more about Natalie, her background and why she enjoys working for Yuba Water.

What does your average day look like?

My day-to-day tasks vary, but early in the week I usually update our budget tools and post bank transactions as needed. I then take deposits to the bank and work on various quarterly and monthly duties such as grant reporting, balance sheet reconciliations and other work.

What is your background/formal education that led to where you are in your career today?

While serving in the Air Force, I had the opportunity to go back to school part time. I always liked math and needed a degree that I could complete online, so I took an introductory accounting class to see if I liked it. After that first course, I made the decision to pursue accounting and I completed my bachelor's degree in 2019 from Penn State University.

Photo: Natalie and her husband, Mikhail, enjoy a day on the water at New Bullards Bar.

How did you get involved in your current career path?

Once I separated from the Air Force, I had three full-time semesters left to finish my degree. After my first semester, I completed a summer internship in the accounting department at Union Pacific Railroad and was offered a full-time position upon completion of my degree. I worked there for about two years and relocated to Marysville, which is how I found myself at Yuba Water.

What do you enjoy most about working for Yuba Water?

I really like the connection to the community. I have learned so much about Yuba County in the past year and it's really cool to see all the work we are doing to make the community better. I like that it's a smaller agency, so it's easy to get out and learn about all the different things that we do. I also think it's pretty awesome that the agency owns and operates New Bullards Bar, the fifth tallest dam in the U.S.

Natalie and her family white water raft down the Ocoee River in Tennessee (top left). Natalie and Mikhail snap a selfie at the top of Half Dome in Yosemite (top right). Natalie and her dad, Dennis, attend a Penn State vs. Ohio State football game (bottom left). Natalie and Mikhail pose with their dog, Maverick, after he graduated puppy school (bottom right).

Before working for Yuba Water, what was the most interesting job you had?

After separating from the Air Force, I worked as a weather observer at the commercial airport in Omaha, Nebraska.

What's the most recent app you downloaded on your phone?

The United Airlines app. I just traveled to Columbus, Ohio for the Penn State and Ohio State football game. Unfortunately, it wasn't the outcome I had hoped for, but it was still an awesome trip!

What are three words you would use to describe Yuba Water?

Innovative, safe, community-focused (okay, that's four words)