What did 2023 look like from our Wilful vantage point? In merger terms, we were toddling, no longer newly formed, but finding our feet to generate additional momentum. The economy had other ideas. Many agencies downsized to combat the impact of economic headwinds on client budgets. In keeping with our B Corp ethos, we fixed on a plan for health rather than prioritising shareholder returns. As a result, we avoided having to make redundancies. Moreover, we pushed forward with promotions and pay rises, partly because it was the right thing to do, but also to help combat the worst cost of living crisis we’ve experienced for years.

Our impact performance is a work in progress. With the help of taskforce expert, Dr. Michael Nates, we are the in final throes of finessing the measurement of our scope 1,2 and 3 emissions. As a service business, there were no surprises that a whopping 99% of our emissions are scope 3. So what does that mean for our plans to reach carbon neutrality by 2030? We can go further with the following:

  • Digital footprint: We are reviewing our practices to reduce the amount of file data stored. We already work with a B Corp for IT services and our web hosting is carbon neutral.
  • We are engaging more proactively with suppliers to request actual and accurate carbon accounts for services rendered. Our (first) current footprint is based on spend conversion factors that are calculated using sector averages. These factors are not representative of our preferred choice of only using environmentally responsible vendors who operate at better than sector averages.

Alongside working harder on our supply chain, another key insight that has emerged is that there is a ‘Goldilocks’ zone for hybrid working in which it is actually more carbon efficient to have people back in the office. Team members who live close to the office, or who travel in efficiently from a greater distance (by driving an EV to the station to catch a biodiesel powered train for example), actually generate more CO2 if they choose to work at home than if they come into the office if any of their home power is non-renewable. So there’s work to do to ensure hybrid office/home-working is as carbon efficient as possible.

Outside of our environmental footprint, we donated 180 hours to pro-bono client work. This year we are supporting Action for Conservation in its work to focus intergenerational effort on preserving nature and habitat.

We are also taking the long view on our D&I profile. Our diversity went backwards last year, but rather than engage in a tokenistic hiring fix, we are focusing on the root causes. There are not enough people of colour in PR, and put bluntly, it’s all a bit middle class. So we are going into schools in less affluent areas to raise awareness of communications as a career choice in communities where it isn’t very easy to point to someone who works in PR. In this way, we are helping to address the old adage that ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’ hoping to inspire some young people to pursue a career choice they may not have realised was open to them.

And what better way to finish the introduction than with hope for a better future.

Thanks for reading our 2023 impact report,

Rebecca Oatley & Narda Shirley


How are we doing?

This year, we are proud to report that our employee representation statistics have nearly stayed the same, even amidst the challenges of merging two distinct cultures. Such stability is a testament to our effective integration strategies and our commitment to maintaining a positive workplace environment. Typically, merging cultures can lead to a dip in employee satisfaction and representation, as not all employees will be comfortable with the changes. However, our team has remained on board and supportive.


Sam Allen, Associate Director

"Embracing the sustainability values of our newly merged company has been a transformative experience. I've eagerly taken on the challenge of aligning Cherish’s practices with Gong’s strong focus on sustainability. It's been amazing to see our efforts result in attracting and retaining clients who share our commitment. This journey has highlighted the significance of values-driven work and the powerful impact we can achieve by uniting our cultures towards a common goal."


Account Manager Aga Grzyb and Senior Account Manager Eloise Fuller recently volunteered their time with Thames 21, an environmental charity focused on transforming London's waterways. They also worked with the Montrose Allotment Society, which promotes sustainable gardening and biodiversity in Barnet, London. Their efforts helped launch phase one of a new pond project aimed at enhancing local biodiversity.

Aga Grzyb, Account Manager

"It was incredibly rewarding to see how our efforts can directly improve local biodiversity and bring the community together."

Timeline of our climate journey


Action for Conservation (AFC), the environmental action charity which inspires young people to protect the natural world, joined Wilful’s roster of sustainability clients on a pro-bono basis. AFC runs workshops, residential summer camps, and events for young people across the UK to educate and engage the next generation in conservation.

Our Impact Team is providing communications support to the organisation, which is centred on AFC’s largest-ever fundraising campaign for the Penpont Project.

UK wildlife has suffered significant damage over the past 40 years, with over 50% of species in decline. Launched in 2019 in the Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales, the Penpont Project is an intergenerational nature restoration project that brings together young people, farmers, foresters, landowners, artists, and ecologists to revive biodiversity, cultural heritage and connect local people with nature.

“We are thrilled to be working with Action for Conservation in a pro bono capacity. Their work in engaging young people to protect the natural world for future generations is a perfect fit for us as a B Corp and aligns with our mission to deliver communications that accelerate progress for planet and people-positive organisations. It was a unanimous decision by our team to donate our time and expertise to the charity,” said Nikki Francis-Jones, Managing Director of Wilful.


One of the criteria for B Corp certification is for each company to change its Memorandum and Articles of Association from their standard wording. The new wording reflects a shift in Director responsibility. Rather than acting always in the best interests of shareholders, the revisions state that Directors are bound to act to balance the interests of all stakeholders including shareholders, staff, customers, society and the environment. In anticipation of certifying the group, and not only Gong Communications, we changed our memorandum and articles, lodging the updated version with Companies House.


At Wilful, we have embedded B Corp values into our governance practices to positively impact people and the planet. Our employee appraisal system now evaluates team members not only on job performance but also on their commitment to these values. During appraisals, employees review B Corp pillars and set personal goals to achieve as an individual and as a business to support the movement, such as reducing energy consumption, enhancing diversity and inclusion within the company, or engaging with local communities. With this initiative we hope to ensure that every employee contributes to our collective mission of creating a positive impact on both people and the planet.