Adams Update March 20, 2024

Every day is a great day at Adams!

Bi-weekly Newsletter

Mar 25 through Apr 1 - Spring Break

Apr 2 - School Resumes

Report Cards

Marking Period 3 Report Cards are available in ParentVUE.

A Message from MPS Special Services - Marking Period 3 Special Education Progress Reports can be viewed and downloaded on ParentVUE. To view your student's Progress Report, follow these steps:

Steps on how to view Special Education Progress Reports via ParentVUE:

Via Mobile - ParentVUE Ap:

  • Open ParentVUE Ap
  • Select your student
  • Click on the Documents tab
  • Click on "Special Services Progress Report"

Via Website - MPS:

  • Click on Menu
  • Click on Parents
  • Click on ParentVUE
  • Login
  • Select Your Student
  • Click on Documents
  • Click on "Special Services Progress Report"

PYP Learner Profile Attribute

This month, students and staff at Adams have been focusing on developing the PYP learner profile attribute reflective. Reflective students think about their strengths, as well as areas of improvement, in order to continue expanding on their understanding of learning and the world around them. Through reflecting on their learning, these students are able to gain experience from mistakes and apply what they have learned to future experiences.

The following students are being recognized as reflective during the month of March:

  • K: Oliver Bogman
  • 1: Claira Burkinshaw, Ashlynn Yeoman
  • 3: Brooklyn Bohn
  • 4: Sophie Serves

Way to go, Adams Atoms!

Congratulations to the following students for being recognized for their strong relationship skills in March:

  • K: Bronson Wynia
  • 1st: Erik Robb, Addison Grillo
  • 3rd: Evelyn Bogman
  • 4th: Jayden Sentz

Hall of American Heroes

Fifth graders participated in their annual Hall of American Heroes on Monday. For our PYP unit, How We Express Ourselves, the central idea is "we use creativity to reach an audience." Students researched, created speeches, found costumes, and recited their speeches. To connect with social studies we focused on American world changers. Heroes that have made a positive impact on the world. It was a grand event.

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." Benjamin Franklin

Read-a-Thon Fundraiser

Fifth graders would like to thank each and every family that donated to the Read-a-thon! We truly appreciate your generosity. We will be able to end fifth grade with an amazing field trip to The Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village. The funds will also help support our action projects during Exhibition. Thank you all so much!

Mrs. Capua, Mrs. Lipovsky, Ms. Roggenbuck

4th Grade Science

On Friday, March 15th, fourth grade had the opportunity to learn about Herbert Henry Dow, the chemist who started Dow Chemical Co. here in Midland. Students learned about the science he utilized to make Dow Chemical successful and the products the company later went on to make. It was a fun day for all!

Mrs. Budka's Class

2nd Grade Field Trip - Midland Center For the Arts

Second-grade students visited the Midland Center for the Arts this week and watched the Rosie Revere Engineer performance. The students thoroughly enjoyed the show!

We appreciate the PTO's support in providing numerous field trip opportunities throughout the school year, including this one.

Fire Safety

Firefighter Nolan Witt visits kindergarten-2nd grade classrooms each month and teaches the students about fire safety. He brought a water rescue boat to teach the students about water safety and the equipment they use to help people.

Mrs. May’s class

Music with Mr. Webber

Music classes at Adams have been busy this month! Every grade level has shared at least one song performance on Canvas this month. We love sharing all the fun songs we learn in music class on Canvas.

  • Kindergarten shared "Where I Live"
  • 1st grade shared "Michigan Kids"
  • 2nd grade shared "Roll, Loggers, Roll!"
  • 3rd grade shared "Erie Canal"
  • 4th grade shared "The Star-spangled Banner"
  • 5th grade share "Canoe Song"
Mrs. Price's Class
Mrs. LeJeune's Class
Mrs. Curtis's Class

Girls On the Run

Girls On the Run started this week with a bang! Twenty awesome third through fifth graders are training to run a 5K race on June 1st. This week's lesson involved making connections. The GOTR team threw a ball of yarn around a circle and talked about aspects of our lives and how we are similar. Head Coach McMahan and Assistant Coaches May, Mendoza, Moe, Richard, and Warczynski, accompanied by DHS Junior Coach Elizabeth, are eager to grow and train with these awesome students.

Project Lead the Way

Mrs. May’s class completed a Project Lead the Way activity. The challenge was to plan and build a house that could withstand “the Big Bad Wolf” trying to blow it down after listening to “The Three Little Pigs.” They were given a bag of materials that determined which one of the three building materials they could use.

Parking Lot Reminders

  • The entrance to the parking lot is two lanes. There is not a middle passing lane.
  • Pull forward as far as possible (just not into the bus lane by the flagpole) when you are along the drop-off/pick-up lane.
  • Have your children enter/exit the car on the passenger side directly onto the sidewalk.
  • Do not park and get out of your vehicle on the road or in the pick-up/drop-off line. If you are walking your child to the school, please park in the parking lot first.
  • Continue to give each other grace and patience in the parking lot. It models patience, care, and leadership for our students and helps to keep everyone safe. Thank you!

Lost and Found

Unclaimed items are donated at the end of each semester.

Students should check the lost and found periodically. We have accumulated many misplaced items such as jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, and other personal belongings. Please label your child's belongings to help us quickly return them to their owners.

Community Programs

We want to be sure that our families are aware of the community programs available to those needing assistance. At this time, the following programs are available to Adams students/families:

The Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Backpack Buddies Program is available again this school year. Contact the office at 923-6037 if you would like to receive the food backpack.

Link to the PTO e-newsletter:

Upcoming Key Dates and Times

  • Mar 25-Apr 1 - Spring Break
  • Apr 2 - School Resumes
  • Apr 5 - Family Game Night 5:30-7:00 pm
  • Apr 9 - Adams Restaurant Night Papa Johns Pizza (Promo Code: Adams20)
  • Apr 15 - PTO Meeting 6:00 pm
  • Apr 16-24 - Book Fair Classroom Shops (during library time)
  • Apr 19 - Adams Spirit Day - Ball Caps and Bubble Gum (students bring their own gum)
  • Apr 21 - Loons Game, Adams Give Back
  • Apr 22 - Earth Day (Cleanup and Garden Work)
  • Apr 23 - Skate Night 6:00-8:00 pm
  • Apr 25 - Book Fair Family Night 5-7:30 PM (+Kona Ice)
  • Apr 26 - Popcorn Friday & Atoms Spirit Gear or Wear Something Blue

Want to connect with more families from Adams Elementary?

Join the Friends of Adams Elementary PTO Facebook group, or follow on Instagram @friendsofadamspto.

PTO President - Emma Palmiter -

Daily Schedule

  • 8:35 am First Bell, students may enter the building, head to their classroom
  • 8:40 am Second Bell, school starts
  • 11:30 am - 12:19 pm Lunchtime (1st & 3rd - Eat/Play)
  • 11:55 am - 12:44 pm Lunchtime (KDG & 5th - Eat/Play)
  • 11:55 am - 12:44 pm Lunchtime (2nd & 4th - Play/Eat)
  • 3:40 pm Final Bell, students dismissed

Reporting Absences Through ParentVUE

Parents/Guardians can report student(s) absent via ParentVUE. This feature appears as a blue button titled "Report Absences" on the app's main page or website.

  • Parents/guardians can report absences for a single day or multiple days.
  • Report each student individually. Do not enter additional students in the notes section.
  • For each absence reported, parents/guardians must provide a detailed note explaining the reason. If you report your student as sick, please list the symptoms your student is experiencing. The note will help school attendance staff select the correct attendance code.
  • If you have a legal or medical document, please upload it with the absence, or provide it to the school attendance staff upon your student's return. Parents/guardians can still call to report an absence at 989-923-6037.

Tracy Renfro


Wendy Sekely

Administrative Assistant

Adams Elementary School

Office (989) 923-6037

Fax (989) 923-6035

1005 Adams Dr.

Midland, MI 48642

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