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honor band Festival • January 26, 2025•

Moss Arts Center - Anne and Ellen Fife Theatre - 1:00 PM

Silver hokie Band

Conducted by Dr. Catheryn Shaw Foster


Tripwire (2020)

JaRod Hall (b. 1991)

Resplendent Light (2016)

Tyler S. Grant (b. 1995)

Chasing Sunlight (2016)

Cait Nishimura (b. 1991)

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (2014)

Randall D. Standridge (b. 1976)

Kinderlou (2020)

R. Alan Carter (b. 1964)

Orange Hokie Band

Conducted by Dr. Polly K. Middleton


Joy Revisited (2005)

Frank Ticheli (b. 1958)

The Nature of Trees (2022)

Cait Nishimura (b. 1991)

Resilience (2023)


A Longford Legend (1996)

Robert Sheldon (b.1954)

Maroon Hokie Band

Conducted by Dr. Michael Scott Butler


Amparito Roca (1935)

Jamie Texidor (1884-1957)

Ritual and Sacrifice (2020)

Benjamin R. Baker (b. 1995)

An American Elegy (1999)

Frank Ticheli (b. 1958)

Halcyon Hearts (2021)

Katahj Copley (b.1998)

Gold Hokie Band

Conducted by Dr. Derek Shapiro


Celebration Fanfare (2023)


Voyage of the Northern Lights (2022)

Isabella P. Morrill

High Intensity (2021)

Chandler L. Wilson (b. 1984)

May the Forests Bloom Again (2024)

Théo Schmitt (b. 1991)

Shimmering Sunshine (2019)

Kevin Day (b. 1996)
