Rogers Band News FEBRUARY 17th, 2024

Rogers Band NEws

February 17th, 2024

This Weeks Sectional Schedule

Please ensure that students are in attendance and on time to their sectionals. No School on Monday.

5th Grader Instrument Selection

If you have any neighbors, friends or family members asking how to choose an instrument for beginner band next year, forward them to our band website We will host our next band instrument selection day on February 22nd at Rogers and another on April 8th. Steps to sign up are on the website.

Students, if any of your current 6th/7th grade friends missed out on playing an instrument, its not too late. Let a band director know and we can help.

Pre-UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Concert

All of the Concert Bands (Symphonic Winds, Concert Band I & II) have been working hard on their competition pieces since January. As we come closer to our competition season, we would like to invite all of the friends and family of the program to our Pre-UIL concert coming up on Wednesday, March 6th at the Rock Hill High School Auditorium. Attendees are welcome to watch the on-stage performance and watch the sight-reading process. The performance schedule is below.

RMS/WGHS Social at Walnut Grove!!

The walnut Grove Band is inviting all 7th and 8th grade Rogers Band Students to their February Band Social on February 20th from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. Get ready for games, Pizza, Nintendo Switch battles, movie watch party, and more!!! We'll join them in the WG Band Hall for a night of Fun!!!

Enter through the WGHS Band hall entrance to the left of the auditorium.

Early Spring Social at Main Event for all Rogers Band

We have reserved Main Event in Frisco for an optional social event on March 2nd. This social is open to all Rogers band students 6th - 8th grade. We will bus students from Rogers to Main Event and back to Rogers. The event is from 8:30am – 1:30pm on March 2nd. Tickets are $27 and money is due by February 23rd end of day. Tickets may be reserved by exact cash, check (made payable to WGHSBBA), or with credit card in the Charms online store. Contact Mr. Neugent,, with any questions. Please see the below flyer for specific details:

Early Spring Rogers Band Social @Main Event

Symphonic Winds Recording Date at RHHS

Symphonic Winds will be traveling to Rock Hill during the day on Tuesday March 5th to record 2 of our contest pieces. This is to continue building a portfolio of music recordings and accomplishments that can be submit to various local and national contests and festivals. Our kids work so hard and we want to make sure their efforts get the recognition they deserve. No special attire is needed, just a Rogers Band shirt. We want to keep our concert black clean and fresh for Pre-UIL on evening of 3/6.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Feb 20th - RMS/WGHS Band Social
  • Feb 22nd - Instrument Selection Day #2 for 5th Graders (volunteer opportunities)
  • Feb 27th - Ms. Mallow Visits CBI and SW Only
  • Mar 2nd - Early Spring Band Social at Main Event
  • Mar 4th - Ms. Mallow Visits SW Only
  • Mar 5th - SW Midwest Recording event at RHHS
  • Mar 6th - Pre-UIL for SW, CBI, CBII