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Rogers Band News November 17th, 2023

Rogers Band NEws

November 17th, 2023

Beginning Band Corner

Beginner Full Band Rehearsal

It’s almost time!!!!!! We have begun rehearsing the music that will be playing on the Holiday concert in December and the students are doing great! All beginner band members need to attend a required full band rehearsal from 3:40 to 4:45pm on Wednesday, December 6th at Rogers. This will be our only opportunity to put everyone together and play through our program before our premiere performance on Thursday, December 7th.

Holiday Concert

The Holiday concert will be held on Thursday, December 7th beginning at 6:00pm in the Walnut Grove High School Auditorium. All Beginning Band Students should report to Walnut Grove High School Auditorium in their concert attire (Sunday Best) by 5:15pm for a short rehearsal before the concert.

Concert Band Information (Symphonic Winds, Concert Band I & II)

This Weeks Sectional Schedule

Winter Concert – December 7th @ WGHS Auditorium

Get ready for a Winter Extravaganza in the Walnut Grove Auditorium featuring the Beginner Band in their first ever concert and the 3 performing bands of Concert Band II, Concert Band I, and Symphonic Winds. This is going to be a wonderful night of music featuring every Rogers Band student 6th – 8th grade.

Performing Band Formal Concert Attire (SW, CBI, CBII)

It’s that time of year! Our Rogers Band students are nearing their first “formal" concert, and it is important they look the part! Our concert dress consists of an all-black concert attire, so students all look the same. It also looks professional on the concert stage! Students should have turned in a picture of them in the concert attire on Friday, November 17th, so it is ready to go for their Winter Concert on December 7th. Please see the examples in the handout for what is (and is not) acceptable “concert black” attire: Formal Concert Attire Handout!!

Upcoming Dates:

  • Nov 20th-24th - Thanksgiving Break YAY!!!!
  • Dec 1&2 - All-Region Band Clinic and Concert
  • Dec 6th - Beginner Monster Band rehearsal after school (3:30 - 4:45, required)
  • Dec 7th - Rogers Band Winter Concert (Beginners, CBII, CBI, SW)

