Barry Island Primary Welsh Policy

"Wales has invested significantly in the pedagogy and practice of second-language acquisition across education, supporting the centrality of the Welsh language to cultural identity and a sense of belonging.”


Our purpose is to provide our children with the best opportunities and experiences; preparing and guiding them on their journey as happy, confident life long learners. We strive to achieve this by designing our lesson content through the Welsh Curriculum's Four Purposes of Learning, hence developing: ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives; enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work; ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world and healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

The following policy outlines the purpose, nature and management of Welsh as a second language taught at Barry Island Primary. It is based upon the principles set out in the 'Curriculum for Wales' (Welsh Government 2022) while accounting for the 'Digital Competence Framework' (Welsh Government, 2016) together with the 'National Literacy and Numeracy Framework' (Welsh Government, 2013).


The importance of developing our pupils' Welsh skills can not be overstated. The study of Welsh enables the children to foster a love of the Welsh language, Wales, it's culture and heritage.

The LLC/Welsh second language Area of Learning draws on the disciplines of speaking, reading and writing in Welsh. However, these disciplines are taught holistically, through the following 'What Matters' Statements:

These ‘What matters’ statements are differentiated across five progression steps that are taught and learnt in a ‘stage not age’ manner. As a learner makes progress, these progression steps ensure that there is increased sophistication and complexity of the concepts and skills taught.

Teaching and Learning of the LLC (Welsh Second Language) AOLE at Barry Island Primary

The teaching and learning of Welsh as a second language at Barry Island Primary is delivered:

• Through the use of incidental Welsh spoken around the school.

• Through continuous positive reinforcement e.g. phrase of the week, class of the week and speaker of the week.

• By providing opportunities for speaking and listening throughout the day, across the curriculum and on specific occasions.

• By Planning snappy Welsh 'Helpwr Heddiw' sessions daily.

• By providing opportunities for self correction and evaluation.

• Teachers’ use of incidental Welsh in classroom and focusing on topic-based key words and phrases.

• By encouraging pupils to ‘have a go’ at repeating words, phrases or sentences and using constant repetition.

• By displaying key words, phrases or sentences appropriate to children's age and stage.

• Specific, timetabled Welsh lessons, where children will engage in reading, writing and speaking.

• In whole school assemblies – phrase of the week, stories pertaining to Wales.

• Through fortnightly Welsh assemblies driven by Criw Cymraeg

• The content of the Schemes of Work: broken down into long, medium and short term lesson objectives.

• All teaching staff are responsible for developing the use of incidental Welsh throughout the school.

• All class teachers are responsible for teaching the welsh SOW

Welsh Partnerships at Barry Island Primary

At Barry Island Primary, we always aim to foster positive relationships in our community to encourage the use of Welsh. We have built strong relationships with Ysgol St Baruc, and St Fagans Museum of Welsh history, and continue to work with these organisations to promote the Welsh language and Welsh pride in our children.

Responsibilities for the Delivery of the LLC (Welsh Second Language) AOLE

The Welsh Coordinator is responsible for providing all class teachers with the scheme of work, which is written in line with the Local authorities priorities. The coordinator will provide teachers with support to develop engaging and purposeful learning opportunities suitable for the individual needs of our children. It is the class teacher’s responsibility to plan relevant and meaningful lessons that cater for the needs of each child. Criw Cymraeg will support the Welsh cocodinator in maintaining Welsh throughout the school.

Welsh is delivered daily through incidental use and through 20 minute daily 'Helpwr Heddiw' interactive speaking sessions. Learning is supported throughout the school by a wide range of ICT equipment, including: Interactive Whiteboards, iPads, LG computers, iPod touches, Mac books and Sky plus television.

Additional Learning Needs

At Barry Island Primary, there is equality of opportunity for the acquisition of knowledge and skills in learning the Welsh language. Individual skills and development is recorded and positive approaches are encouraged. All children are catered for, and given work that is appropriate to their age and stage.

The Welsh Second Language AOLE Lead is responsible for ensuring curriculum coverage within this area across the school. They are also responsible for providing support to other teachers who deliver this area of learning during lessons and provide expertise when necessary through staff training and inset sessions. It is then the class teacher’s responsibility to plan relevant and meaningful lessons that cater for the needs of each child.

Other policies refer to subject-related issues and should be read in conjunction with this policy statement (e.g. Marking Policy, Learning and Teaching Policy, Assessment Policy, Health and Safety Policy, ALN Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy etc).

Monitoring, Evaluating and Reviewing

It is the responsibility of the Welsh Coordinator to lead the staff in the monitoring and evaluation of this policy. The Welsh coordinator will monitor Welsh and Curriculum Cymraeg throughout the school using a number of different strategies such as:

• Listening to learners- speaking to children about ideas for improvements

• Annual subject reviews and action plans.

• Tracking, monitoring & target setting standards with a focus on data and listening to learners.

• Lesson observations and learning walks throughout school. Providing support to staff and pupils as and when necessary.

• Opportunities to observe/share good practice in school and beyond.

• Formal & informal discussions with children and staff.

Alongside Barry Island’s self evaluation process, the school will review this policy annually and assess its implementation and effectiveness. The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout the school.

Next Review: April 2023

Relevant Documents and Information

  • LLC (Welsh Second Language) Lead Teacher: Miss S Carter
  • Link LSA: Mrs G Bates
  • Link Governor:
