SCL Priorities Update Our Roadmap

We are united by a purpose to inspire transformation.

Our Divisional Priorities support efforts to enhance SCL's ability to inspire transformation over the next 2-4 years.

Priority 1 | Staff & Student Experience

Priority 2 | Organizational Development

We want to create a community where people have the room to explore, make mistakes, maybe even fail.

- Christina Liang, Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards

The Teams

Seven teams are moving SCL’s priority work forward. Feel free to contact any of the Chairs or Co-Chairs with questions about specific teams.

Information Sharing | Data and Assessment | Space Improvement | Staff Resource Enhancement | Student Resource Enhancement | Student Holistic Learning | Staff Development

Information Sharing

Focus on optimizing consistent and comprehensive information sharing with students and staff by assessing and establishing various communication standards, tactics, and strategies. Chair: Amy Gaulke

Information Sharing Spring 2024 Goals | Develop a prototype communications data dashboard for use by SCL staff and begin exploring usefulness of a SCL Staff portal along with a platform on which to host it.

Data and Assessment

Focus on developing standards and processes to support a culture of assessment and evidence-informed decisions. Chair: Diane Hamilton

Data and Assessment Spring 2024 Goal | Develop short and long-term divisional assessment priorities (e.g. program reviews, staff wellness, operational success, student learning, etc.) and map opportunities for most efficient data collection, reporting, and analytics.

Space Improvement

Focus on connecting stakeholders with an external consultant who will provide recommendations for improving SCL spaces and space accessibility, especially centering marginalized experiences for students and staff; the team will develop a space master plan based on consultant recommendations. Chair: Terri Boslett

Space Improvement Spring 2024 Goals | Utilize external consultant to assess opportunities to improve SCL spaces and space accessibility, especially centering marginalized experience of students and staff (e.g. social, physical, recreational, athletic, workspaces).

Staff Resource Enhancement

Focus on planning, implementing, and measuring changes in staff resources that support identity, belonging, wellness, and leadership. Chair: Cassie Palladino

Staff Resource Enhancement Spring 2024 Goals | Develop and implement plans to enhance resources that support and celebrate staff identity and belonging, in alignment with the Belonging at Cornell workgroup (e.g. affinity group funding, storytelling, celebrations, etc.).

Student Resource Enhancement

Focus on increasing the accessibility of student resources and services, as well as improving outcome alignment and assessment of these resources and services. Chair: Christina Liang

Student Resource Enhancement Spring 2024 Goals | Assess current student resources, services, and information tools to determine gaps in accessibility and alignment with learning outcomes focused on student belonging, well-being, and interpersonal skills (in collaboration with the assessment action team).

Student Holistic Learning

Focus on creating division-wide student learning focused on belonging, well-being, and growth. Additionally, they will recommend opportunities aligned with the new learning outcomes. Chair: Jenny Loeffelman

Student Holistic Learning Spring 2024 Goals | Establish division-wide learning outcomes focused on student belonging, well-being, and interpersonal skills, aligned with the Student Well-being Council and first- & second-year workgroup priorities, Presidential priority themes, and University learning and national standards (e.g. CAS, NACE, etc.). Assess structure and function of current student programs, initiatives, and engagement opportunities, to determine gaps based on desired learning outcomes in collaboration with the assessment group (e.g. student organizations, DEI initiatives, etc.).

Staff Development

Focus on creating development opportunities for staff that promote professional development and student support. Chair: Shan Varma

Staff Development Spring 2024 Goal | Recommend staff development opportunities for all position levels focused on belonging, well-being and skill development, aligned with Staff Well-being Council, Presidential priority themes, and the Belonging at Cornell workgroup priorities (e.g. skill, role, career advancement needs, well-being resources, identity celebration, etc.).