Coming up in this edition of the newsletter...
- Academy Sports event (in the PE and Sport section)
- Swimming organisation
- Our new Computing Club
It’s been another great week with lots going on inside and outside of school.
Today, the Key Stage 2 cross country team were in action over at Garons after completing their training sessions over the past few weeks. Thank you to the team for coming along at 8:00am on Tuesday mornings to run laps of the school field. I realise that might not sound like fun to everyone… but to some of us… it really is!!! I was certainly kept on my toes when I took on pacing duties. In terms of the actual competition, the team performed really well and there will be a full write-up in next week’s newsletter.
Back on Tuesday we had another sports event over at the Hamstel schools. This was an inter-schools PE festival with the other four schools in our Trust; Hamstel Infants, Hamstel Juniors, Porters Grange Primary and West Leigh Junior School. It was a great afternoon and you can read more further on.
Year 6 were kept very busy this week, especially as they had ‘Bikeability’. After an assessment on the playground on Monday, many of the children then rode their bikes around our local roads. Cycling proficiency is obviously so important so well done to everyone.
Next week, it is our penultimate week of the half-term. Remember that our last day is Friday 25th October and we return on Tuesday 5th November.
Mr. Chris McClay, Principal
If you have a child in Years 1 to 6, you will have received a letter about swimming which starts after the half-term holiday.
We are excited to have swimming on our school site and to have so many year groups swimming this academic year. Swimming is a compulsory subject and schools must have children swimming in either Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2. As you can see… we have children swimming in both! The pool company we are using are currently at Hamstel Infants. I spoke with Mr. Roche about how it is going and he said he was very impressed.
Swimming Organisation
- Boys and girls will change in separate rooms. No other children will be able to enter the rooms and any windows/door window panels will be covered.
- An adult will take the children to the changing rooms, and to and from the pool. The adult will supervise from outside the changing rooms.
- The children will walk the short distance to the pool with their dressing gown/dry robe on – taking if off when pool side.
- You will have seen in the letter, that flip flops/sliders should be brought in for the swimming sessions.
- Lessons are taught by a qualified swimming instructor with groups of 12. A lifeguard is also present.
- After the lesson, children will be encouraged to have a quick towel dry by the poolside and then pop their gown/robe back on before heading back into the building.
- After changing out of their costume/shorts and back into their uniform, everyone will return to their usual timetables.
Learning Conversation Evenings
Learning Conversations take place on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st November. The booking system will open straight after the half-term holiday. More information will follow...
Diary Dates
- Monday 21st - Individual Photos
- Thursday 24th - Nursery Stay & Play
- Monday 28th - Friday 1st November - October Half Term
- Monday 4th - INSET DAY
- Tuesday 5th - First day back
- Learning Conversation Evening bookings to open
- Wednesday 6th - PTA Uniform & Christmas Jumper Sale
- Friday 8th - Year 5/6 Boys Emerging Football
- Monday 11th - Friday 15th - Anti-Bullying Week
- Tuesday 12th - Odd Sock Day
- Thursday 14th - Nursery Stay & Play
- Friday 15th - Children In Need
- Wednesday 20th - Year 3/4 Dodgeball Competition
- Learning Conversation Evening
- Thursday 21st - Learning Conversation Evening
- Monday 25th - Flu Immunisations
- Wednesday 27th - Year 5/6 Dodgeball Competition
- Thursday 28th - Nursery Stay & Play
- Year 1 Winter Wonderland 1:45pm
- Friday 29th - KS1 Dodgeball Competition
- Year 2 Winter Wonderland 1:45pm
- Monday 2nd - Year 3 Winter Wonderland 2:00pm
- Tuesday 3rd - Reception Nativity 9:15am
- Year 5 Winter Wonderland 2:00pm
- Wednesday 4th - School Nurse Parent Drop in Session
- Thursday 5th - Reception Nativity
- Year 4 Winter Wonderland 2:00pm
- Friday 6th - New Age Kurling & Boccia
- Monday 9th - Reception Winter Wonderland 9:15am
- Tuesday 10th - Year 1 Christmas Play 9:15am and 2:15pm
- Wednesday 11th - Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day
- Nursery Winter Wonderland and Sing-along 10:15am
- Year 2 Christmas Play 9:15am and 2:15pm
- Friday 13th - Father Christmas visit
- Tuesday 17th - Christmas Reading and Carol Service
- Wednesday 18th - Singalong Assembly
- Thursday 19th - Last Day of Term
- Friday 20th - INSET Day
- Monday 23rd - Friday 3rd January - Christmas Break
January 2025
- Monday 6th - Children Return to School
This week nursery children have continued to look at the signs of autumn and have used fallen leaves to create some artwork which has been displayed in Nursery. During group time, we have introduced the 'Zones of Regulation' with the children, introducing emotions and feelings. These are also displayed in Nursery and as they are needed, the children will be encouraged to use the pictures to support talking about their own feelings. Outdoors, the children have enjoyed using the builder’s tray with wet sand and the builder’s tools. The children were involved in building walls, using a spirit level and trowels. Lots of fun was had.
This week we have spoken to the children about harvest. The children have been able to explore a range of autumn vegetables looking at their colours, textures and smells. Some children have made observational drawings of these vegetables.
The children have been inventive in our craft area making robots, bags and binoculars!
In phonics this week we have learnt ‘g’ ‘o’ ‘c’ and ‘k’. We are supporting children to blend short words orally, e.g. we say
g o t the children repeat these sounds back to us and then say ‘got’
Reminder: Thank you to all the parents who are booking their children’s meals online this is really helpful.
Please update the choice online, if you have booked a hot meal but decide to send your child with a packed lunch, or vice-versa.
Year 1
This week, the children were excited to look at some of their baby photos and discuss their history. They talked about things they were able to do at certain points in their lives and created personal timelines.
In science, we have studied the sense of touch, sorting and classifying objects into groups. They discovered that some objects could fall under more than one category, for example a stone may be hard, smooth, and cold.
Our maths has seen us working on comparing groups and numbers. We have introduced the symbols for greater than, less than and equal to. This is something we will continue to work on this week.
We have begun to use our new learning platform “Showbie” this week in English. The children have seen how to log in and then were able to have a go at using the pencil tool to label a picture with nouns and even some adjectives. In our written work we have described a member of our family.
Reminders: Please remember to send in a named water bottle each day and check all items of clothing have been labelled. Thank you.
Year 2
This week Year 2 have enjoyed the story ‘Jim and the Beanstalk’ which is an alternative version of Jack and the Beanstalk. They predicted what might happen in the story including some very imaginative ideas!
In maths, the children have been investigating number bonds and fact families using ten frames and practical equipment. The children now have their login details for Numbots in the back of their Reading Records. This is a very engaging mathematics program, which reinforces the maths skillls taught in school. As the children succeed at a level, it automatically increases the difficulty, ensuring that the children are challenged at their own ability.
In science we have had fun exploring how materials can be changed using push and pull forces to stretch, twist, bend and squash them. The children discovered that hard, strong and rigid materials could not be changed.
Grandparent Interview Afternoon
In history, we have been learning about schools, homes, toys and holidays from the past. An email was sent earlier this week about a special afternoon on Wednesday 23rd October. We would like to invite grandparents into school to talk about their childhoods with the children.
Please contact Mrs. Snow or Miss Williams if you have an older relative who would like to join us.
Year 3
This week in English, we have looked at various newspapers and looked for the various features such as headlines, reporter, the use of third person and written in past tense. We then planned our own newspaper report based on our book Iron Man and will be writing our newspaper next week.
In maths, we have continued with our addition and subtraction. We have looked at different methods we could use to work out the calculation including, number lines and using base ten. Next week we will continue adding and subtracting and learning another method we could use too.
Whilst 3A was completing their outdoor learning, 3B continued with the curriculum in the afternoons.
During our science, we looked at compasses and how they use the magnetic pull of the earth to work and help us with our directions. At first, we thought the compass was telling us where to go, but we soon learnt that it was simply telling us which way was north.
We learnt about respect in PSHE and how other faiths and religions also have inspirational people that help guide them.
In outdoor learning, 3A have been mostly lucky with the weather and have learned to tie a range of knots, which helped us to create our very own hanging decorations and friendships bracelets too.
Reminders: Thank you for your continued support at home. Please can we make sure the children bring in their spelling books at the end of the week so new spellings can be put in them.
Also, try to encourage and support your children to practise as often as possible.
Well done to the continuing excellent job on Reading Eggs, the children are really engaging with it, and we are sure it will improve not only their reading, but their writing too!
Year 4
A fantastic week for us in Year 4.
We have been looking at newspaper reports in English and have used our history knowledge to write all about the invasion of Lindisfarne. Children have planned, used historical context and have begun to write some powerful reports – we are looking forward to finishing them next week.
In layered reading, we focused on how the dragons reflect the personalities of their owners. We imagined what our own dragon might look like and what it might act like if ours matched our personalities in the same way and wrote some fun descriptions!
In maths we started our new topic of addition and subtraction and used the column method to add up to 4-digits, including exchanging.
In history, we looked at Viking settlements and generated research and created effective fact files.
In science, we also started looking at food chains and what might happen if they became unbalanced.
Music saw us continue with our learning of Mamma Mia on the glockenspiels and we looked at ways to pay in PSHE.
Year 5
This week, Year 5 began their maths unit on multiplication and division. They learnt about multiples, factors and prime numbers. The children can distinguish between the three and give examples.
In English, we started the week looking at modal verbs. The children understand that model verbs can show: possibility, advice/obligation, habits, permission and ability. We then moved on to understanding biographies. We researched the life of Cleopatra and made clear and concise notes. These were then used to write her biography across two lessons. The children wrote in an informal and informative style.
In RE, the children planned a presentation on what faith means. They retrieved all of their prior learning from lessons and visitors to support them with this. Next week, the children will be assembling their presentations in small groups with the view to present them the week after.
During PE, the students worked on team games to help them focus on strategising within rugby. In history, we learnt about the Ancient Egyptian shaduf. The children drew it, labelled it and learnt about its importance.
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have had the opportunity to participate in Bikeability. The children were initially assessed on the playground and those who were confident enough too, were taken out to learn how to ride safely on the roads. Despite the weather being a little damp and chilly on occasion, the children all enjoyed themselves and represented our school fantastically.
Back in the classroom, we have worked on narrative writing using descriptive sentences and a variety of clause types. We have practiced both speaking and listening and writing about holidays in French. During maths, we have had to use a systematic approach to problem solving through investigations.
This week was the first of the “I Belong” Computer Club, set up to encourage more girls to learn coding and potentially take up Computer Science as an option later on at GCSE. 15 girls from Years 5 and 6 attended (supported by the digital leaders who are helping to run the club) and started to create their own programs on Scratch.
Reception continued to learn how to use an iPad safely and were able to articulate safe handling of a device while in the computer suite. They played a matching game with ladybirds, matching the spots on each ladybird with the numbers that were along the side.
Year 1 continued to develop their mouse and keyboard skills by moving from typing just their name to creating a sentence. The children needed to learn about the space bar and many children also remembered to put a full stop at the end.
Year 2 have looked at how to use Information Technology (IT) safely and created some rules for safe use. We discussed among other things whether it is okay to take a photo of someone without their permission or whether we should ask them first.
Year 3 continued to explore how networks work and learnt new words such as wireless access point, server and switch. They created a network on PowerPoint and I was very impressed with their skills.
Year 4 looked at what websites are and how we can create our own content on a web site. They used Chrome Music Lab and a painting program in Scratch to be able to create their own media on the web, both musically and artistically. Some very creative pupils in Year 4!
Year 5 continued their learning on search engines and created a pretend web site where certain features (e.g. name in the title) would increase their ranking on a search engine. They discovered that the more info on a site that related to a potential search, the more likely it is that it will rank higher in the search engines.
Year 6 have learnt about different ways to communicate with people around the world and how to use a method that is appropriate to the occasion (eg a happy birthday message or a work message). They then continued to develop their collaborating skills by working on a document on OneDrive in groups of 4, enabling 6 pages of mindmaps to be completed in a much quicker way than if they all worked individually.
Online Safety
Fortnite is a game well-known for its popularity with younger players, as well as its many different modes and expansions intended to keep the experience fresh for long-time fans. One such addition has been LEGO Fortnite – a kind of “survival mode” where players take control of LEGO characters, craft tools, and build structures in a manner similar to the toy set of the same name.
While the content of LEGO Fortnite has been rated as suitable for children of 7 and older in the UK, it – like any online game – carries inherent safety concerns. For this reason, parents and educators should consider keeping themselves apprised of any potential dangers posed to children who enjoy this title. This guide offers plenty of insight into the most prominent risks associated with this title, and lets you know how to ensure children can safely enjoy their time with this expansion.
PE & Sports
On Tuesday, we had a number of children represent the school in an ‘Academy Sports’ event. A selection of children from Years 2, 4 and 5 attended Hamstel Junior School to compete against children from West Leigh, Hamstel and Porters Grange schools. It was a very friendly environment where children had the chance to enjoy playing alongside each other. All children enjoyed different sports: badminton, kurling, speedstacks, archery, football, dodgeball and benchball. Some certificates were awarded for children demonstrating the values of the games mark. Well done to all those children who took part.
On Friday, our KS2 cross-country runners attended Garon Park to compete against other schools from Southend. The event is always very competitive, and our results will be out soon.
In lessons, a range of sports skills are being developed across the school. With tag rugby, hockey, netball and volleyball all being taught.
Singing Assembly
Our singing assemblies are going from strength to strength with amazing feedback from children (and staff!) each week. Mrs. Bemister is loving working at Friars and we are certainly benefitting from her musical expertise. This week's 'mash-up' of songs went down a treat!
Dinner Menu
Week 1
Monday - Beef Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Vegan Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Baked Jacket Potato with Grated Cheese - Chicken Mayonnaise Baguette - Cheese Salad Wrap - Peas & Broccoli - Maryland Cookie
Tuesday - Ham & Cheese Pizza with Baked Wedges - Margherita Pizza with Baked Wedges - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Ham Sandwich - Cheese & Tomato Bloomer - Carrots & Sweetcorn - Apple Crumble with Custard
Wednesday - Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & Gravy - Squash & Lentil Lasagne - Baked Jacket Potato with Baked Beans - Tuna Sweetcorn Baguette - Cheese Sandwich - Seasonal Greens & Cauliflower - Cherry Cornflake Cake
Thursday - Mild Chicken & Vegetable Curry with Steamed Rice - Vegan Bean Chilli with Steamed Rice - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Tuna Mayonnaise Sandwich - Cheese Salad Wrap - Broccoli & Carrots - Chocolate & Pear Sponge
Friday - Breaded Fish Fingers with Chips & Ketchup - Vegan Goujons with Chips & Ketchup - Baked Jacket Potato with Grated Cheese - Ham Sandwich - Egg Mayonnaise Baguette - Peas & Baked Beans - Banana Flapjack
Freshly Baked Bread - Carrot & Beetroot or Wholemeal Bread.
Please continue to help us with Asda's 'Cashpot for Schools'.
Asda will donate money to our school for everyone who signs up and if you buy shopping in Asda, cashback will be given to Friars every time... Thank you in advance.
Fire Safety
Whether it’s during a major event like bonfire night or simply while using a heater on a chilly day, fire safety is a vitally important topic on which to educate children and young people. One mistake with fireworks, electronics or open flames can have catastrophic consequences: damage to property, serious injury or even worse.
As parents and educators, it's vital that we teach the children in our care how to protect themselves around fire and flammable materials in a mature and responsible manner. This guide offers expert advice on how to educate children and young people on fire safety, detailing what precautions can be taken to keep them as safe as possible when exposed to fire-related dangers.
Celebration Assembly
The links for our Celebration Assemblies can be found below.
After meeting with the School Council on Monday, we narrowed down the prizes for this term’s Spin the Wheel. Prizes include additional art and sport sessions, extra break time… and a singing concert from Mr. McClay?!
This week did anyone get to ‘spin the wheel’??? Yes! Great stuff for 3B who were the first class to spin achieving 97% or more three times. Their first spin landed on the concert from Mr. McClay but they were offered a second chance if they wanted it – and they most certainly did. Their prize was time in class to play with board games and toys.
Other classes who achieved above 97% this week were 4S and 5SW. 5SW were the winning class of the week in KS2 with Starlings our winners in KS1!
Last week, Windsor moved into first place for the first time this school year by pushing Stormont down into second. We all wondered whether or not they could keep the momentum going this week and the answer to that question was… yes! The red team remain in front for at least another week.
This week’s winners were Windsor in Key Stage 1 and, amazingly, in Key Stage 2 we had a 4-way tie! We can’t remember the last time that happened. Well done to all of our teams!
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