Dydd Gwyl Dewi Dosbarth Bedwen

We dressed up today in the colours of red or green to celebrate Dydd Gwyl Dewi. Some children wore the traditional Welsh costume.
We did some Welsh numeracy colouring too.
We learnt some of the words in Welsh that are to do with Dydd Gwyl Dewi including cennin (leek), cennin pedr (daffodil) and draig Gymreig (Welsh dragon).
We made a draig Gymreig using the lego.
We even made some Welsh cakes to practise weighing because we have been learning about that in maths this week. We had to follow the recipe, weigh the ingredients and work together.

But the best part of the day was when we got to try our Welsh cakes! Every single one of us gave them a 10 out of 10.