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Noadswood News Week commencing 24th june 2024

Events coming up

1st-4th July Year 9 Mocks

1st & 2nd July Arts week

4th & 5th July Moving up day

4th July Leavers Prom

5th July - Music Concert - International fundraising

6th July - Light the South trail in Southampton starts

7th July Year 7 trip to Bude

8th-12th July Activities Week

8th -12th Year 10 Work Experience week

Message from the Leadership Team

Dear Noadswood families,

We hope that you have enjoyed the glorious sunny weather that we’ve all experienced this week. It's been another busy week, and we’d like to thank everyone in the Noadswood community for their partnership. The leadership team visited English, Maths, Art, DT, History, PE and Geography with our Noadswood friends Tom Sherrington and Caroline Fritz on Monday. We were blown away by the quality of teaching and how well our children are confidently using subject specific vocabulary and working hard to develop their oral responses within lessons. It was an excellent opportunity to see teaching and learning across the school, to spotlight what's going well and to look at areas that we know can be even better. We have also this week welcomed Marchwood Juniors and Waterside Primary for our annual arts week. Year 5 were a credit to their schools and our Noadswood helpers were fantastic ambassadors for our school. A tremendous thank you to the Drama, Art and Music departments who provided wonderful opportunities for students across the Waterside.

Not only have we been welcoming year 5 to Noadswood we have also been welcoming year 6 families. It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Noadswood ‘Moving Up’ evening and we look forward to welcoming year 6 to the Noadswood family next week for their dedicated moving up days on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July. We’d like to thank our Moving Up lead- Mrs Martin, Mr Marsh and Mr Payne alongside the wider Moving Up team for all of their work welcoming year 6 to our school.

Many families will be looking ahead and thinking about uniform, and some may feel concerned about this in the current cost of living crisis. Please remember we have uniform and supermarket vouchers to support families, these are not means tested and all requests will be treated in confidence. If these can help your family, please contact your child's year team and we can arrange delivery to you. The PSA also have a stock of preloved and new school uniform. Payment is by donation. Stock includes, blazers, school shirts, school trousers, rugby tops, red sports socks. We would welcome donations of jumpers and ties. We will have stock available to buy on Friday 5th July after school and the morning of Saturday 6th July.

We’ve spoken a lot about our commitment to enrichment and we had a wonderful time at the Chalke History Festival in Salisbury with year 8 and year 10- more details to follow in our end of term newsletter. We’d like to say a special thanks to Mrs Hobbs, Mrs Hindson and Mrs Conti who came in on their days off to make the trip possible. Miss Rawlinson, Miss Williams and Mr D’Arcy were also fantastic trip helpers, we hope our historians enjoyed it much as our staff did!

Finally, and by no means least- the cast and production team of Matilda! What an incredible series of performances. It is difficult to overstate how proud we felt as a school, the commitment, passion and talent both on stage and off was breath taking. We are so proud of our staff and pupils. A tremendous thank you to Mrs Rees, Mrs Smith, Miss Costa and Mr Watkins for their unwavering commitment to our productions- we consider Noadswood very fortunate indeed!

Best wishes,

Kathryn Marshall and the Leadership Team


A reminder that we have our annual safeguarding audit happening next week on Thursday 4th July. We’re encouraging all students to complete the survey linked below, the results of which will help to form our 2024/25 action plan.

In next week's newsletter, we will be providing lots of signposting to various support and agencies that you might find useful over the summer holidays. If you’ve got particularly worries or concerns, please do get in contact.


What an amazing effort by our young people for our 10-day attendance streak. Our wonderful catering team are all prepped to bake lots of cookies! Vouchers will come out during tutor time next week and you can redeem them at any point during the rest of the term.


Over the last couple of weeks, students have been sitting our online reading assessment. These assessments are incredibly important as they give us all the information we need to support your children in the classroom. We are also able to use this information to invite students to specific interventions to fill any gaps they may have in their learning.

If your child/ren mentions the assessment to you, please reassure them that there is absolutely nothing to be concerned about and nothing they need to do to prepare. They simply need to ensure they read the questions carefully and give it their full focus.

Should it become apparent that your child/ren needs any extra support, we will be in contact regarding the type of intervention they need and the frequency we are able to provide it.

As always, if you need any further support or have any questions regarding your child/ren’s or your own literacy, please get in touch.

A plea from our library – please can all library books be returned by the 30th June. At present we have approximately 70 overdue books, mainly borrowed by Years 7 and 8, to a total value of around £800. Please check at home for any lying around and ask you child/ren to return them to the library. There are no late fees.

Fundraising Music Concert – Outdoor event - Friday 5 July from 6-9.30pm

We are looking forward so much to this event in support of two Noadswood students who will be representing us and our community internationally in their chosen fields this year.

My super Years 7 and 8 ‘This Me’ Choir will be kicking off our inaugural International Fundraising event followed by various students singing solos or in groups with music from the Matilda show. The Rock band and Mrs Rees's choir will conclude the first hour.

Then, The Kazbaas will then entertain us for the rest of the evening, joined by my choir for a rousing rendition of that old classic, ‘Sweet Dreams’ by the Eurythmics.

This event really will help some of our students continue to be their best when representing themselves, their club and the school when taking part in events abroad. So far, we are supporting Zach who is going to represent Team GB at the European Gymnastics Championships in Azerbaijan and Flo, who will be teaching in a school, as well as sports coaching, in Zanzibar. This is just the start as we would like to support other students, that reach this sort of level in their own field and need a little extra help in getting there.

Tickets can be found in the Arbor School Shop - Entry only at £5.00 per person or Entry with food at £10.50 per person (food orders close on Sunday evening)

If you have any queries, please email We are also after donations for the tombola stall, please could your child give these to their tutor or hand in to main reception. Any cake/biscuit donations can be delivered to school on the morning of Friday 5 July. Various stalls and activities will all be outside on the evening.