La Marr Sykes Portfolio

About Me

I'm La Marr Sykes. I am 17 years old and I attend Englewood High School. I live in denver Colorado along my mom and dad. Throughout the year I have been able to grow within the Journalism class.

The sites around Englewood High School

He joined for friends and stays for the friendships

Senior Dane Quintana talks about his senior year on EHS basketball

ight years ago, Dane Quintana first found his interest in basketball after being inspired by his friends. His love for the sport has grown ever since.

“Originally, I got interested in basketball because I noticed friends and people around my school were playing it. And then I continued playing well because I enjoyed it,” Quintana said, “And everybody that I was friends with from the football team, also played basketball and I felt left out if I wasn’t involved.”

Playing basketball allowed Quintana to feel a part of something, and it allowed him time to bond with friends. But it was also something that he enjoyed making it easier for him to get better and better as he kept playing.

One thing that kept Quintana going was help from Coach John Nonemacher, along with his friends on and off the court, “I got a lot of support from coaches,” Quintana said, “My go-to player for support would be Dominic Dever, he and I have been playing together since fourth grade and we have a lot of chemistry on the court. And it not only helps us but it also boosts our teammates’ attributes as well,” Dane said.

He started the season off a little rougher than he would’ve liked due to coming off an injury from football season. But the team still gave Quintana a lot of support, keeping him on the team, and allowing him to push forward on the starting lineup.

Knowing each other’s skill sets and leaning on each other in the game has helped Quintana improve as a player.

His senior year playing basketball isn’t going the way he had envisioned it. But he’s still hoping for the best outcome for the team’s season.

“Oh, obviously losing a lot hurts the team’s self-esteem, but we just have to keep going. We’re starting better off this year than we were last season. There’s still hope,” Quintana said.

There are six games left in regular season play: (Courtesy: Max Preps)

February 3, 2024

vs Bruce Randolph

1:00 pm Preview

February 5, 2024


7:30 pm Preview

February 6, 2024


7:00 pm Preview

February 8, 2024

vsPlatte Canyon

7:00 pm Preview

February 12, 2024

@KIPP Denver Collegiate

7:00 pm Preview

February 15, 2024

@Middle Park*

7:00 pm Preview

Ticket to Ride

EHS student hop a bus home.

In recent times, there has been a shortage of bus drivers to take student athletes to their away games and this has created a problem for those without a form of transportation. Just at the Englewood High School campus, there are over 100 student-athletes without a form of transportation to get to away games.

Students Josue Lopez Diego, Dane Quintana, and Christian Almanza are part of the group that doesn’t have a ride most of the time. “Sometimes we have a ride there, but most of the time we don’t have a bus back so we have to carpool with teammates and stuff like that,” Diego said. Senior Dane Quintana agrees with Diego, “A lot of the time we’ll have a bus up there (to away games) but no bus back to the school depending on the sport.”

Christian Almanza, another student athlete at Englewood High School, says there were only buses for the games that were really far away this season. Almanza also thinks it’s important for everyone to have transportation to their games so that no one gets stuck at the school.

“I think it’s better if we travel together on the bus because it brings us together as a team and when people have to get their own ride, not everyone gets there at the same time. Quintana said the ride can be lonely without teammates, “It’s a lot better riding on the buses as teammates because we feel together as a team rather than being isolated from one another.” Quintana says athletes grow close to the bus drivers “A lot of the time it’s the same bus driver because we don’t hire many new ones, so they’re pretty cool and we’re even pretty close to them.”

One major concern is students driving other students. Often these young drivers have only had their license for a year or two, “It is pretty scary riding with someone that I know because they’re still new drivers and are getting used to being on the road.”

According to Kimberly DeHaven, the Director of Transportation for Englewood Schools, it has been a struggle trying to find new bus drivers for the district as there has been no new applicants since December of last year.

“During the week if a game is located in the metro area we can offer a drop only, which means we can drop the team off at the game site, but it could mean dropping the team off a few hours before the game starts, in order to get the bus back in Englewood to drive afternoon routes.”, DeHaven said, as well as, “The other option teams have is to be transported following afternoon routes, which means leaving Englewood around 4:15-4:30 PM and playing a later game,” said DeHaven in an email to the Pirateer.

DeHaven knows the importance of student athletes having transportation to and from games, “The Transportation department only has one licensed substitute bus driver at this time. This substitute drives all teams to all of the out of metro area games.” This demonstrates the urgency of the shortage of bus drivers in our district, “This is consistent with all districts in order to prioritize afternoon routes first, athletics second, until we are fully staffed.”

DeHaven also gives a list of reasons as to why it has been difficult to find bus drivers as of recent. In her email to the Pirateer, she outlined the needs and requirements for drivers:

Driver licensing requirements – CDL (Commercial Drivers License)

Driving large vehicles is difficult

Driving school buses is rigid/hours inflexible “on call” status from 6:00 AM until 4:30 PM Monday through Friday.

Drivers can not pass the DOT physical as outlined by the Federal government.

Intimidated by background check/drug screening

Low pay in some areas and higher pay in other areas, so applicants have options based on pay.

Responsibility for children can be stressful to a person, especially driving up to 77 passengers with no other adult on the bus.

Retirement surge as Baby Boomers leave the workforce {The average school bus driver age is 57 years old.}

The new ELDT training is a minimum of 6-8 weeks of training and most new drivers do not finish the training.

DeHaven said the other option teams have is to be transported following afternoon routes, which means leaving Englewood around 4:15-4:30 PM and playing a later game. Student athletes say that pushes home and homework time into the late evening.

A long trip cross country

Boys running at local meet.

Cross Country season ended with many personal records (PRs) and one runner going to state.

It was a tense start to the season as the team didn’t have enough runners to make a full roster, but it all worked out, “I was just glad we had enough kids to make a team this year. You need seven runners to make a team, and starting off we didn’t have that. So it was good to have a full team,” said Coach Sean Stetler.

New to the team, freshmen and sophomore runners, “This was my first year running cross country due to the team not having enough people, so I joined, and I hope more people can join next year, ” said sophomore Leon Huntington.

The boy’s team was crowned Frontier League Champions and then placed 6th in the region. The team missed State by 19 points. One runner was tapped for state.

Seasoned runners were hoping to reach new heights for themselves and finish off the season with PRs, “My goal for this year was to make it to state, it was a big thing for me since I didn’t make it last year due to getting injured,” said sophomore Jack Mcgirl.

He loved pushing himself, “But I wanted it to be over, ’cause it’s hard. You have to keep your pace up, you can’t get too relaxed,” said Mcgirl who hit an all-time PR of 17:57.

Mcgirl’s commitments for this season paid off with 46th place in State out of 152 runners and he hopes to take a higher place in the state next year.

“My goal for next year is to have the whole team go to state, we were just twenty points away from making it as a team. So it would be great to send the whole team,” said Coach Stetler

Some are disappointed with their performance, knowing they could’ve done better.

“My best time this year was 18:34, I was a little disappointed because it wasn’t as fast as I was running last year. But it was still good,” said senior Beau Gilland.

Gilland’s senior year didn’t turn out as he wanted it to due to an injury over the summer. But he made the best of what he could, running his last year.


Having this class has better helped me understand the content that goes behind journalism. I have been able to better grow in my knowledge in what journalism truly is. Journalism helps bring out more light to many different things. Helping many people better gain knowledge and not fall victim to fake news that is so prominent in today's day and age.