A Ramadan Temptation: Indulge in an Avocado Smoothie Danisha Nasution

From March to April, between 5 a.m. and 7 p.m. my feed fills with mouthwatering mukbangs and food reviews. The constant craving of breakfast, lunch, dinner and even desert inches me closer to breaking my fast. As minutes pass, I find myself reviewing restaurants in my head, weighing the pros and cons in order to eventually determine which restaurant to eat at once the sun sets. Among the countless cuisines, Vietnamese always stands out.

One particular favorite of mine is Sinh Tố Bơ, a Vietnamese avocado smoothie. Its taste and comfort have become familiar to me, as a family friend of mine owns a Vietnamese restaurant. Despite not being Vietnamese myself, the richness of this smoothie always attempts to seduce me into sneaking a snack in during the month of Ramadan.

It may not be common to crave a smoothie who's primary ingredient is avocado, a green fruit with an earthy and grassy undertone, however this uniqueness is what draws me in.

Driving about an hour to the restaurant can lead to a complete rearrangement of our schedules, just to purchase food. With school and work hours, this can be very difficult. However, with this recipe from "Wok and Kin", we can easily make this beverage at the comfort of our home. This recipe requires only four ingredients: Milk of your choice, three avocados, ice and condensed milk.
Cut avocados in half and remove the seed to extract all of the avocado meat.
Effortlessly prepare avocado by placing it in a kitchen appliance capable of crushing or blending ice, such as a blender or food processor. Use a knife to cut vertical and horizontal lines into the avocado, then simply push the prepared avocado into the bowl.
Once you've diced and added your two avocados to the bowl, it's time to incorporate the rest of the base ingredients.
The smoothie's consistency depends on the amount of milk you add. I prefer my beverage to be an ice-heavy beverage rather than liquid-heavy, so I added about a cup and a half of milk.
Add condensed milk for sweetness. Through my many failed attempts at perfecting this drink, I discovered that the sweetness of the condensed milk greatly influenced my enjoyment. Blend periodically and taste as you go, adjusting the amount of condensed milk to your liking. I found myself adding more condensed milk as I blended.
Add ice according to your preference.
Blend until the smoothie reaches your preferred consistency.
My hand, clutching the smoothie, freezes as I anticipate sunset. Finally, as the clock strikes 7:30 p.m., I can finally indulge in this long- awaited beverage.