PHILANTHROPY MEETS THE RIKSDAG SUMMIT Theme: Fostering a Closer Relationship Between Government and Philanthropy - Riksdagshuset, (The Parliament), Autumn 2025

Impactful government and philanthropy collaboration: Is it possible?

Welcome to the Philanthropy Meets The Riksdag Summit 2025

This is an exciting time for Swedish philanthropy! And it will play out in the halls of the heart of Sweden’s political system - The Riksdag. The philanthropic, not-for-profit, academia, and business sector in Sweden and the rest of EU, will debate current challenges in charitable aid put forward by the government. Fresh new ideas from Australia about how to build a unique and thriving relationship with its government is one of several inspiring program topics.

The one-day event, themed Fostering a Closer Relationship Between Government and Philanthropy, will examine the role of philanthropy in democracy and its impact on public policy, advocacy, and Sweden's civil society. This candid discussion will explore how philanthropy can unlock the potential of cross-sector partnerships and play an effective role in supporting diversity and pluralism in society.

Key topics to be discussed:

KEYNOTE ADDRESS - GOVERNMENT - This keynote address is the first opportunity for Sweden’s philanthropic sector to engage collectively with the elected Kristersson Government. We will hear how the government plans to support Sweden’s culture of giving, within the growing philanthropic movement, and also gain a better insight into the government’s aid agenda for the non-profit sector and their approach to engagement and collaboration (speakers to be announced).

MAPPING SWEDISH AND EU PHILANTHROPY – To set the scene, this brief session provides key data points on the size, nature and volume of giving in Sweden within the broader EU philanthropic sector. To better understand the role between government and philanthropy we will look at other experiences, such as those acquired in Australia and other EU Member States (speakers to be announced).

PHILANTHROPY AND DEMOCRACY: ITS ROLE IN POLICYMAKING – Philanthropy faces growing global scrutiny, with some arguing it threatens democracy. What does democracy-supportive philanthropy look like? This session includes keynote addresses by international speakers, including Larry Kramer, Director and Vice-Chancellor of London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, (TBA) and Rob Reich, Professor of Political Science, Stanford, USA, (TBA), followed by responses from Swedish philanthropists and academics (partial speaker listing).

KEYNOTE/S AND PANELS - Developments in Australia’s philanthropy with the Australian Government – Hear from Krystian Seibert, Executive Director – Policy, Government Relations and Research, Philanthropy Australia, and Charities Minister, Andrew Leigh, Member of the Australian House of Representatives, (partial speaker listing).

KEYNOTE ADDRESSES - André Wilkens, Dir European Cultural Foundation and formerly at Open Society Foundation and Mercator (TBA), and selected political member in the Swedish Parliament, will examine the cross-national difference in pattern of giving behavior and its collaboration with government (partial listing).

PANEL - THE ROLE OF LOBBYING AND ADVOCACY IN DEMOCRACY, AND PHILANTHROPY’S ROLE IN THE CONTEXT - Using a case study as an example, this panel will explore the effect lobbying has on national policy development and provide insights into the role and work of professional lobbyists. Moderator: Charles Keiden, Executive Director, Alliance Magazine, UK. Panel: Alberto Alemanno, Founder, The Good Lobby, France, Caroline Bryant, Global Manager for Purposeful Business Initiative, Porticus Foundation USA, (TBA) , and Emily Michaels, Manager, Public Policy & Government Relations, SoCal Grantmakers, USA (TBA).

IN CONVERSATION - OUR KEYNOTE SPEAKERS WILL INTERROGATE THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT AND PHILANTHROPY IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY - Exploring the role philanthropy can play as a positive force for change within contemporary Western democracies. Under the guidance of an experienced moderator share experiences on working within government and philanthropy, showcasing examples of what has and hasn’t worked (speakers to be announced).

PANEL - RISING STARS IN THE RIKSDAG AND EU - A discussion with some of The Riksdag's rising stars from across the political spectrum. This panel will explore what brought them into politics, what they hope to achieve and what they think of philanthropy and its role in our democracy (speakers to be announced).

SESSION - HELP CREATE A SWEDEN WHERE ALL CHILDREN GET A GREAT START IN LIFE - Create a more powerful way for government and philanthropy to work together to drive social impact; and help create a Sweden where the children get a great start in life, and an equal opportunity to thrive. Speaker: Matthew Cox, Executive Director, The Bryan Foundation, Australia, Alberto Alemanno, Founder, The Good Lobby, Belgium (partial speaker listing).

BECOME A SPONSOR - We need to amplify this important and timely conversation. We’re looking for individuals, companies, foundations and non-profit willing to support the event financially and in-kind. As sponsor, you will:

  • SUPPORT LEVEL sek25,000
  • Be recognized throughout the event and have an allocated spot in our location
  • Join pre-event conversation and get to advise SPS on the overall direction of the event
  • Meet like-minded partners eager to play a role in the philanthropic and social impact space in Sweden and globally


  • International and local transport for speakers
  • Lodging for guest speakers
  • Food and drinks for event
  • Event branding

Contact for more sponsor details.