Celebrations Nursery, spring term, Week 6

It has been a week of considering different cultures and celebrations. Before we dive into that, I'd like to shine a spotlight on our maths and literacy learning this week.

Our focus has been revising our pattern work and practising finding two items or putting objects into pairs.

Alternating pattern work, moving from left to right as we work. This is an important pre-reading skill too!
The children have a chosen to have a go at this themselves during our child initiated play. We loved some of the patterns drawn at the writing table.

Every day we work towards developing the skills needed to form letters and words. Some children have now mastered the tripod grip and are working on a range of movements with a pen (up, down, left, right, circular, pointy, spaced out...). Some children are working on developing fluidity in their movements and have daily strengthening work, for example, dancing with the scarves, taking part in dough disco or scrimbling.

Practising consistency in mark making by trying to keep the patterns the same shape and size.
Drawing on vertical surfaces strengthens shoulder muscles (and is also very fun!).
An example of writing during play. She has made a book, so naturally as the author, she wrote her name on the front.
A drawing of a spider in the house.
Mark making alongside drawing.

The children have been studying different celebrations and talking about how they celebrate at home. We've had Chinese New Year, Pancake day and Valentines day to discuss.

Watching the celebrations and tasting some of the food.

We've had lots of fun playing together this week. The children have loved asking for stories and sharing them with their friends. The construction area has been popular, along with the theme of building houses and finding matching bricks. There has been some lovely open ended activities for the children to enjoy in the creative area, from using the play dough to painting with chunky brushes.

Wishing you a lovely half term and we will see you back on Monday 26th February.