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CNPS Bulletin 2024 | june

CNPS SCHOOL VISION: To build a community of curious, creative and engaged learners who are empowered to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world. Collectively we will work with our students to become responsible global citizens who have the skills, knowledge and personal attributes they need for their future.

Wominjeka everyone,

We have come to the end of Semester 1! It has been a fantastic semester of learning with many achievements from our school community.

Recently, the Victorian government announced that all government schools will adopt the phonics approach to reading and explicit teaching. This commitment ensures the best practice teaching of phonics in the early years. All students from Prep to Grade 2 will be taught using a systematic synthetic phonics approach as part of their reading programs, with a minimum of 25 minutes of daily explicit teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness.

This aligns perfectly with our school’s vision. In 2022, we began exploring the six pillars of reading, focusing on phonics. We adopted a program from PLD using a systematic synthetic approach, and after our training and trial phases, we implemented this approach across the school in 2023. The transition from predictable texts to decodable texts has been a significant change, and we are grateful for your understanding and support throughout this process.

This year, we have implemented the DIBELS assessment across the school to identify students at risk in reading and provide targeted intervention. Teachers received training and practised the assessment this semester. We are now planning to use this data to guide our master classes.

I am pleased to say that we are ahead of the game. It is also pleasing to know that the Victorian government has made a commitment for all government schools in Victoria to use a scientifically proven approach to reading. Thank you for your understanding while we have been transitioning into this new approach.

Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) Progress

DATA: DIBELS Assessment:

The DIBELS assessment was rolled out across the whole school in Term 1. The results have been invaluable in identifying students for our Intervention Program. Next term, Myu, our Intervention teacher, will work with Year 1 teachers to enhance our Master Classes (small teaching groups in the classroom during the literacy session) using DIBELS data.

DATA; Digital Assessment Library (DAL) Mathematics Assessment:

Students in Years 3-6 trialled the Department of Education's DAL for mathematics. We will analyse the data next term to prepare for full implementation by the end of this year.

GVC: Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum - Writing:

Our GVC for writing is nearly complete. The dedicated team of teachers (Carly, Taylor, Ben, and Katrina) have created a consistent and effective writing approach. We look forward to final teacher feedback in Term 3.

The Resilience Project:

This initiative has been a hit, proving more engaging than the Respectful Relationships (RRRR) program. We will evaluate the program school-wide after the 'Resilience Student Survey' to decide on its continuation in 2025.

Berry Street Education Model:

All staff have completed Berry Street training and have begun implementing its approach. Next term, we’ll establish essential elements for every classroom to ensure consistency.


Our coaching program has led to significant growth among teachers. Using StepLab, teachers film, evaluate, and improve their practices. Next term, we will use StepLab across the school, allowing all teachers to share their progress and learn together through our Professional Learning Communities.

Staffing Updates

We would like to share some staffing changes for Term 3. Our leading teacher, Katrina, will be taking on an Acting Assistant Principal position at Brunswick North Primary School. Kiran Money will be stepping into her role and continuing the Disability and Inclusion (DI) work next term. To support our team, Kiran will be out of the classroom working with our teachers. Our current Education Support staff member, Alyssa Selva, who is completing her teaching studies, will take over Kiran's STEAM classes. Alyssa will be team teaching with Kristin to ensure a smooth transition.

We look forward to another great semester after our winter holidays. Warm wishes for the break, and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school next term.

Warm regards,


School Captains

School Tours

Hi I’m Willa and this term at our school I helped run the school tours along with Monika, Ashling, Clea, and Louise (the other schools captains). We were running these for about one hour. We went all around the school answering questions that parents asked and helping Monika run the tour. The most nerve racking part was when we took over the tour at the specialist building, but everything went really well and the tours were a success.

School Assembly

Hi I’m Louise and every few weeks the school captains( Ashling, Willa, Clea and I) would run a school assembly to recap what was happening this term. The whole school would sit for 50 mins and listen to people perform songs and listen to school news. We would take turns doing assembly every two weeks.

Reconciliation Captains

Hello students of Coburg North Primary School and others. We, Audrey and Sienna, are the Reconciliation Captains. In Term 2 we named the cream brick building in the grade 2 area Wilam meaning shelter/living space in the Wurundjeri language, Woi Wurrung. We also celebrated Wear It Yellow day on the days of 22nd of May to the 3rd of June. During one of those days, we wore yellow to donate to Children’s Ground which delivers self-determination, education, health and employment opportunities for First Nations people. This event happened during Reconciliation Week

Ride To School

For the past two terms, on the first Friday of every month we have been running open streets. Open Streets is when we have Bishop street closed off to set up fun activities for kids on bikes, scooters or who are walking, before school. So far we have set up obstacle courses, bike races, roundabouts and agility courses. We have given out ride to school stickers to people who have shown the school values. Thank you to everyone who has participated, and we hope to see you next time!

School-Wide Positive Behaviour Captains

Hello! Our names are Frankie and Alice. We are CNPS’ school-wide positive behaviour captains. This term we started peer mediation, which is where we help the younger kids with their problems in the yard. We do peer meditation in the prep and little area. It has been lovely seeing your kids in the yard. We have also helped hand out awards at assembly. Everybody is great when we hand out the awards. The use of value stickers is great. I’m sure you’ve seen your kid come home with school value stickers. It’s amazing to see kids in the yard with value stickers on their shirts or hats. Thank you!

A fantastic achievement!

On Friday the 31st May, Coburg North Primary School held a fundraiser during National Reconciliation Week (27 May to 3rd June 2024) by Wearing it Yellow! It was terrific to see so many of our staff and students wearing yellow, and having rich discussions in their classrooms about National Reconciliation Week.

I would like to announce that our wonderful school community has raised over $1,500 for Children’s Ground! All funds raised will go directly towards supporting Children’s Ground and delivering self-determination, education, health and employment opportunities for First Nations people. Read more about our impact here.

This is a fantastic achievement, and our school community should be very proud.

School Of Rock

Hello CNPS families and students,

On the 25th of June the Grade 4 and 6 bands and choir went to School of Rock, which was held at Melrose Receptions. School of Rock is a showcase where multiple school bands and choirs from Victoria go to perform what they have been working on throughout the year.

Other than CNPS, there were 13 schools performing all up, and this year was the 18th version of School of Rock. We were some of the 33,000 students who have performed over time.

Each of the CNPS ensembles have been practising over the past two terms, giving up their lunch times to rehearse their songs.

The Grade 4 band were first, performing their rendition of Yellow Submarine. Next up, the choir did Titanium, and our set was rounded out by the Grade 6 band and their version of Shake It Off.

All bands performed amazingly, sounded amazing and were simply amazing!

Riley, Archer and Simon

Cannoli Day

Grade 2 Excursion - Coburg Lake Reserve

This term, Grade 2 students went on an excursion to Coburg Lake Reserve as part of their Inquiry investigation into the Big Idea of “Community”. While at the park, students engaged in a scavenger hunt to view different features of the park and learn about its history. They also learned and played games based on Aboriginal Australian culture. During the excursion, all Grade 2 students demonstrated the school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience which helped all participants to enjoy the experience greatly.

Here’s what some of the Grade 2’s had to say about the excursion.

  • “My favourite part of the excursion was the scavenger hunt because I liked reading the map.” -Edward C
  • “Something I learnt was the history of Coburg Lake.” – Lawson F
  • “My favourite part of the excursion was the Wurundjeri games because they were really fun to play.” – June B
  • “My favourite part of the excursion was seeing the swans in the lake.” – Mikah A

The Grade 2 teachers wish to extend their deepest thanks to the parent helpers who helped to ensure everyone was safe and looked after at the park and on our long journey walking to and from the park.

Grade 3 Scienceworks Excursion

Students vs Teachers Netball Game

The annual Students vs Teachers netball game was held a few weeks ago. Both students and teachers played a great game with many laughs and skills shown off. The game resulted in a lot of smiling faces and a few injured teachers.

Grade 1 Inquiry

This term the Grade Ones worked collaboratively to create places for their whole class community. The students enjoyed the chance to work together to create various places such as: museums, parks, hospitals, vets, supermarkets, stadiums, schools and even a Squishmallow shop! Each Grade 1 class also got the opportunity to visit each others communities and share what they have created with their peers.

Grade 6 Inquiry

This term, the Grade 6 students formed 4 different businesses in Inquiry, all with the intention of being ethical and sustainable, and for the profits generated to be donated to benefit the community. Students began by writing up their business plans, enacting an advertising campaign and then getting down to work on making their businesses a success.

The four businesses were:

Book Drive

Over the past few weeks, students have dedicated their time and effort to collect and organise a diverse collection of books for the Year 6 book drive. Everyone showed enthusiasm as we sorted through the donations, ensuring each book found its place on the stall shelves. In addition to sorting, we designed eye-catching posters and wrote reviews of the collected books, which we proudly displayed throughout the school. To further spread the word, we made speech announcements during assemblies and visited different classes to share our project. We also set up drop box collection points around the school to make donating books convenient for everyone. All proceeds from the book sales were donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

Container Deposit Scheme

Students involved in the CDS collected containers in any way we could. We went on local walks to Harmony Park, Coburg Velodrome, and local streets, and found an amazing number of littered containers. Not only that, we also collected containers at school and brought them in from home. All up, we collected over 680 containers, and doing the math of 10c for each, we raised over $60! The money will be donated to our selected charities: Red Rose Foundation, Food Bank, Team Sees and Team Trees, and the Smith Family.

Recycled Art

Students involved in the Recycled Art have spent the last few weeks creating and making designs primarily out of recycled materials. They worked in teams to construct their artwork, gathering recycled materials from around the school and their homes. They set up an exhibition space near the Wa-Dam-Bak building for visitors to come and see, and are seeking donations to give to charity in exchange for a visit to the gallery.

Recycled Fabrics

An installation created by Dante, Bernie, Hardy, Finn and Luke

Our Inquiry Group have been embarking on an exciting and eco-friendly journey, breathing new life into recycled fabric. Students have been creatively repurposing old materials to craft fidget toys, pillows, bags, and teddy bears. This initiative not only promotes sustainability but also allows students to develop valuable skills in design, teamwork and craftsmanship. We are proud of their ingenuity and dedication to making a positive impact on our environment by reducing the amount of fabric going into landfills. Our items have been on sale in conjunction with the book drive and art show, with proceeds going to the Smith Family charity.

Wellbeing and Inclusion Update

As always, it's been an exciting and busy term for the Wellbeing and Inclusion team at CNPS. Some of the highlights have been:

Resilience Youth Survey

The WIT has received the results from the Resilience Youth Survey and will continue to work with our coach from the Resilience Project to determine areas of future focus.

Attitude to School Survey

The Attitude to School Survey (AtoSS) has been completed with a high participation rate. We are currently analysing the data in more detail to develop targeted interventions aimed at improving student wellbeing and engagement. It will be interesting to see if there is any correlation between the AtoSS and the Resilience Youth Survey.

Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Student Support Groups (SSGs)

Staff have completed the next round of Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Student Support Group (SSG) meetings. Subtle changes are continuing to be made to this process in preparation for the transition to the Disability Inclusion model. Professional Learning time was provided to staff to support them in making these adjustments and this will remain a focus in Semester 2.

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and Berry Street Practices

Our Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) have continued to focus on the Berry Street Education Model, and aligning these practices to the High Impacts Teaching Strategies (HITS), the High Impact Wellbeing Strategies (HIWS) and our School Wide Positive Behaviour expectations (SWPBS).

School Winde Positive Behaviour Schools (SWPBS)

The Self Assessment Survey (SAS) was recently administered to staff to gauge their perceptions of the current status and priority of different aspects of behaviour support in the school. It looks at sections on school-wide systems, non-classroom settings, classroom settings, and individual student systems. This enables us to evaluate and enhance behaviour support systems across the school.

We wish everyone a well deserved and restful break over the holidays and look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.



EOFY Support the Wellbeing Hub and Get a Tax Deduction!


We are excited to share a transformative project that will significantly enhance the support and resources available to our students: the creation of a permanent Wellbeing Hub. This initiative will provide a dedicated space for our Wellbeing and Inclusion Team to foster a nurturing environment for all.

What the Wellbeing Hub Will Offer:

Social Club: An alternative break time space for students who find outdoor spaces overwhelming and for those who wish to draw, play board games, or build with Lego.

Sensory Room: A specialised space providing crucial sensory support and emotional regulation.

Consulting Spaces: Rooms for allied health professionals, including psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech pathologists, to offer tailored support and conduct assessments for our students.

Why We Need Your Help:

The building, previously housing the Coburg Special Development School, requires extensive renovations to transform it into our Wellbeing Hub. To make this vision a reality by 2025, we need both financial donations and volunteer support from our community.

How You Can Contribute:

Financial Donations:

All donations to our Buildings Fund are tax-deductible. Donations can be made here

Businesses can also benefit by making a tax-deductible donation - if you know of a business that can help, please pass on our details.

Your financial contribution will directly impact the school’s ability to create this essential space for our students.

Volunteer Assistance:

Throughout this project we will be seeking community members with professional-level expertise and skills to assist with drafting plans, plumbing, electrical work, painting and joinery. Please keep an eye on your Compass News Feed for call outs.

If you or someone you know can contribute, please contact us at 9354 1660. Every bit of support helps us move closer to our goal of a fully operational Wellbeing Hub in 2025.

School Council met this week and covered updates on funding advocacies and submissions to the VSBA (government) for upgrades such as the renewal of the existing toilet block to transform it to a modern, efficient, accessible and inclusive facility. We are also working with government representatives to advocate for our need for a Wellbeing Hub to provide a dedicated, purpose-designed space for our school community to engage in and undertake a wide array of wellbeing activities.

We welcome feedback and suggestions for change and are continually working with the staff and school community to ensure our educational objectives are being achieved while maintaining adherence to our school values and policies.

The next School Council meeting will be held online at 7:00pm on Wednesday 31st July.

Paul Cavicchiolo

CNPS School Council President

Parents and Friends Update

Thanks to the school community for a great Term 2. Here are some highlights of what to look forward to in Term 3.

Second-hand uniform stall

This will be back up and running next term to enable people to both buy and pass on uniform items that are in good condition. We'll be running two stalls per term after assembly on Fridays - dates to be confirmed when Term 3 commences. Items will be sold for a gold coin donation

Please note that the donation process for the stall has changed - items will no longer be accepted at the office but families need to drop items for sale at the stall on the day. This will avoid having to store large volumes of clothing at school. Please ensure all donated items are part of the official school uniform and in excellent 2nd hand condition. No items with holes, rips or large stains, hoodies or casual clothing please.

Bunnings BBQ – Sunday 28 July - Sign up for a shift or donate drinks and sauces!

Get your aprons ready for the annual CNPS Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 28 July. Come along and spend a couple of hours selling sausages with fellow parents and raise money for the school.

You can help by volunteering for a two-hour shift OR you can donate or loan items to help reduce the cost of the sausage sizzle. We need large eskies, 500ml sauce bottles and slabs of 375 ml drink cans.

All donated items can be left at the school office no later than 3pm Friday 26 July.

To sign up for a shift, register to donate or to loan your esky, go to:

CNPS Trivia Night

The biggest night of the year is once again on the horizon! We will be confirming the date asap at the start of Term 3 but if you are keen to help us organise the event or have ideas on how to make the event a success, please contact to join our working group or attend our next meeting on 22 July from 7 - 8.30 pm. No specific experience necessary, all welcome to join!

Spring Plant Market

Don't forget if you are keen to help plan this there is a meeting being held on 5 August from 7 - 8.30 pm.

The meeting will be held in the Italian room at the back of the hall. Enter the school via the staff car park off Bishop Street.

CNPS Beanies

Thanks to everyone who purchased a beanie before school. If you missed out, from Term 3 these will be available for purchase from the office.

Next P&F meeting - 22 July - everyone welcome

Our next monthly meeting is on Monday 22 July from 7 - 8.30 pm. The focus of this meeting will be planning for the Trivia Night and Bunnings BBQ.

Meetings are held in the Italian Room at the rear of the hall, enter via the Bishop Street car park.

Term 3

Week 1

  • First Day of Term 3 - Monday, 15 July
  • Body Safety Australia Parent Information Session (Online) - Thursday, July 18th - 7pm

Week 2

  • Body Safety sessions begin - Monday, 22 July

Week 3

  • Body Safety sessions continue - Monday, 25 July
  • LUME Excursion Grade 3 - Wednesday, 27 July
  • Whole School Assembly - Friday, 2 August
  • School Athletics Carnival (Grades 3-6) - Friday, 2 August
At CNPS we believe that by being respectful, responsible and resilient we can succeed and thrive as a community.