
16th February 2024


Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Monday 26th February – Return after half term

Tuesday 5th March - Tea & Talk: Nursery Phonics 8.50am

Wednesday 6th March – Tea & Talk: Connected Curriculum 8.50am

Friday 8th March – World Book Day

Tuesday 19th March – Tea & Talk: ODL and Art 8.50am

Tuesday 19th March – Springfest 3.30pm – 5pm

Thursday 28th March – Last day of term. Half day TBC.

Monday 15th April – Return after Easter break


Dear parents/carers,

Thank you for a great half term and I would like to wish you all a lovely half term break. I look forward to seeing you back on Monday 26th February.

This term we have seen some new developments within the academy. We love to renovate areas and maximise the use of our spaces. With new starters, joining the academy we have seen new classrooms, a nursery extension, and a space for wellbeing.

Children in Nursery (Tiddlers) have enjoyed their extended space within our Early Years area. Tiddlers adjoins our new dedicated space for Tiny Tiddlers which is well attended each Thursday.

We recognise the importance of early relationships and the foundation year and know that the spaces and provision for young children is important.

Our year two and three children have been working together across the half term and supporting any newcomers with a Darlinghurst welcome. The children are enjoying making new friendships too. I am so proud of our caring community.

Year one have been given temporary support by Miss Plummer and Mrs Roxburgh in the absence of their class teacher. Parent consultations were held this week as their time with the class draws to a close and a new appointment has been made for class teacher for the remainder of the year. We welcome Mrs Wilson to the academy who is joining the year one team as class teacher to Lobster Class. Miss Wilson has joined us this week to meet families and children. Mrs Wilson is highly experienced with nearly 25 years’ experience in education abroad and in London. I know that parents, staff, and children wish Miss Sankey best wishes and thank you to Miss Plummer and Mrs Roxburgh for their time and care.

We have created a new space for wellbeing and introduced to children, The Marina. The Marina is the new home for Mrs Wheeler who supports children with feelings and behaviour. The room has dedicated spaces to talk, support and reset. Work quietly or take a minute to regulate. The Marina was chosen as a name in replacement of, ‘The anchor room’ because of its meaning.

A marina: Especially designed for small boats.

A place for our sailboats to dock, rest and reset.

I would also like to thank staff and families who came along to the academy last weekend to prepare our grounds for the Spring. This included new allotment beds and an area for further nursery planting.

We continue to develop our love of reading and library space and are excited to be engaging in a programme, ‘the world of stories’. This includes time with a team in our library and lots of new books for our children too.

Have a wonderful half term and as always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls


World Book Day

This year at Darlinghurst Academy we will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 8th March 2024. To help make this a memorable day, we have arranged events before and, on the day, to encourage the children to explore the pleasures of books and reading.

On World Book Day itself, we would like the children to celebrate this event by dressing up as a book character or in their pyjamas.

This year, we hope to make this more inclusive by encouraging the children to choose characters that wear normal everyday clothes, avoiding the need to purchase a ‘special costume just for one day’. We would much prefer it if the money spent on buying costly costumes was instead used to buy a book from our special pop-up shop. We want to make sure we focus on the pleasure of reading, not the pressure to have the best costume.

Jacqson Diego Story Emporium will be running story time sessions for every year group throughout the day and a pop-up book shop after school. This will give the children the opportunity to exchange their World Book Day voucher for a book that has been specially commissioned for the event or use it as a £1 money off voucher on the price of another book that they will be selling.

Remember, World Book Day can be celebrated in or out of costume, the important thing is that the day is fun, that children feel included and are encouraged to read for pleasure. We hope that you agree with this message and help your child celebrate a memorable and amazing day!

Sports and PE news

Last week our year 4 swimming squad represented the academy in a mini gala at the Olympic pool in London. The children did not allow the magnificence of the venue get to them and performed brilliantly, finishing in fourth place overall. To have the chance to compete in such an inspirational place was a joy for all involved and as always, our children’s behaviour, respect for each other and their opponents was second to none. What a day and what an experience! Well done to all involved.

Our KS1 football team were also in action last week competing in a Southend schools tournament at Len Forge. I’m not sure what they were more excited about……the journey there in the school mini-bus or the tournament itself! During the afternoon they played a total of 9 games beating some very strong teams along the way and only losing one game. They demonstrated all our school values which as you know all lead to excellence, and this was proven when our team were crowned winners at the end of the day. Well done team, you were truly amazing.

Spring Clean

We really enjoyed our Community Day on Sunday and were blessed with clear weather and sunshine. Over 30 volunteers including our families and from the local community came to help us prepare our allotment for spring growing, put in new beds, trim our trees and plant some new saplings. Our outdoor spaces are really taking shape and we are pleased to help support a wide biodiversity of plants and animals for our children to learn from. We look forward to planting fruit and vegetables in our allotment and would like to thank everyone for their help. We can’t wait to invite you in again soon for more projects.

Primary and secondary partnerships

Mr William held an assembly and parents talk yesterday sharing the importance of relationships and resilience. The message shared the primary and secondary approach with the consistent focus on personal development. This included considering personal development and interpersonal skills, approaches to values and skills within lessons and tutor groups in class. Our drive for excellence continues with the excellent student approach at Belfairs and the consistent approach to active engagement and citizens. Mr Williams shared the role of ambassadors. The sessions meant that children and parents were able to understand the pastoral process and support in place at transition and beyond. The parent meeting was attended face to face and with virtual attendees.

Thank you to all involved and to Mr Williams for his time and collaboration.

New lunch menu

When we return to the academy on Monday 26th February there will be a new lunch menu and we will start on week 2.



Starfish – 99%


Shrimp – 99.2%


Bembridge – 99.2%



Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
