World Cancer Day, what is cancer?

World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on 4 February so that people can be made aware of it and it can be treated effectively. Well, you all know that there are some stages of cancer and if it is detected at the right time then treatment of the cancer patient is possible. But very rarely it has been seen that cancer is detected before time. This disease mostly occurs in those people who smoke and consume tobacco excessively. The purpose behind believing in this is that it can be reduced in people every year and the increasing cancer can be stopped.

What Is Cancer?

There are many types of cells present in the human body and these cells together form the human body. Actually, these cells keep increasing and decreasing according to the human body. But when these cells start growing uncontrollably in the body and spread throughout the body, after which the DNA is also affected. Then it starts creating difficulty for the rest of the body to do its work. Due to which the group of cells on those parts becomes a lump or tumor. This condition occurring inside the body is called cancer. Later it turns into a tumor which is even more dangerous which keeps spreading throughout the body and later takes the form of cancer.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Cancer?

• Having red rashes on the skin,

• Lump in any part of the body,

• Appearance of red color in urine,

• Brown, red, pink or blue colored moles on the body,

• Having cough and difficulty breathing for two weeks,

• Sudden weight loss or gain,

• Loss of appetite,

• Having a sore throat,

• Weakness or fatigue,

• Trouble drinking water or swallowing food,

• Extreme fatigue, vomiting.

There is a high possibility of breast cancer in women; hence women need to be more careful. Whereas men are more likely to get mouth and throat cancer. So let us now talk about how to avoid this.

To avoid cancer, first of all it is very important for you to know its symptoms, only then cancer treatment is possible. Heart patients, diabetics and high blood pressure patients are at higher risk of getting cancer; hence they also need to be very careful about it.

In cancer, you can consume eggs, turmeric, dry fruits, ginger, cabbage, broccoli. However, the person who has cancer is treated by the doctor only and the doctor makes a diet chart for those people and in which they only care about the things the doctors say.