Welcome to Our Savior Hawaii's Online Sunday School! . In our Bible story today, God makes a promise to a man named Noah, and it’s also a promise for all of God’s people, including us. When God makes a promise with God’s people, it’s called a covenant. We can trust that God will keep promises forever!
Sing and Dance
The story read by Ms. Kayla:
The story from Saddleback Kids:
God's Word
Read today's Bible story in Genesis 6:9-9:17.
Memory Verse
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Genesis 9:13
Prayer: Dear God, help us to know that you will always keep your promises to us, and to learn how to keep the promises we make to each other. Amen.
Introduction, Talk Questions, and Prayer from the Whirl All Kids "God's Covenant with Noah" Leader Guide. © 2018 Sparkhouse.