"When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we become a wiser, more inclusive, and better organization." ~ Pat Wadors
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
"New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become." ~ Kurt Vonnegut
"Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.” ~ Maya Angelou
Youtube Channels
- IU Graduate School Indianapolis
- IU Indianapolis University Library
- IU Indianapolis University Writing Center
- UPnGO IU Indianapolis
Instagram Handles
- Graduate Mentoring Center - @iui_gmc
- Underrepresented Professional Graduate Student Organization - @upngoiuindy
- IU Indianapolis Health and Wellness - @iuiwellness
- IU Indianapolis Division of Student Affairs - @iuistudentaffairs
- IU Indianapolis University Writing Center - @iupuiuwc
- IU Indianapolis Campus Health - @iupuicampushealth
- School of Liberal Arts Career Development - @iuilibartcareer
- IU Indianapolis Campus Recreation - @iuicampusrec
- IU Graduate School Indianapolis - @iuigradschool
- Indiana University Indianapolis - @iuindianapolis
- IU Indianapolis Global - @iuiglobal
- IUI Sustainability - @iuisustain
- University Library at IU Indianapolis - @iuilibrary
- IU Indianpolis Campus Center - @iuicampuscenter
- Graduate and Professional Student Government at IU Indianapolis - @gpsg_iui
- IUI Office of Community Engagement - @iuiengage
- Social Justice Education at IU Indianapolis - @sjed_iui
- Luddy Schol of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering - @iuiluddy
- IU Indianapolis Graduate Emissaries - @iuindy_emissaries
- Office of University Events - @iu_events
- IU Indianapolis Parking & Transportation - @iuipark
- Indy Parks and Recreation - @indyparks
- Visit Indy - @visitindy
- O’Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs at IU Indianapolis - @iuioneill
Created by Harry Chaubey, for IU Graduate School Indianapolis.