The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences (FLAS) Student Appreciation Month (SAM) February

This February, FLAS is proud to launch its Second Annual Student Appreciation Month.

This year's launch event takes place on DATE! Please join us on the 5th floor of the LRC, North Campus. There will be FREE FOOD and RAFFLE PRIZES!

This event marks the beginning of semester-long celebrations, during which FLAS will roll out a series of initiatives:


Indulge in a diverse range of edible snacks and delights. Food will be available at the North Campus, 5th floor of the LRC, from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Check out the FOOD DAY dates listed below to learn when FREE FOOD will be provided.

February 13th

March 6th

March 21st

April 5th

April 15th


Engage in fun and interactive challenges for a chance to win exciting prizes, like a $25 Amazon Gift Card and more! FLAS Challenges will occur weekly during the month of February, and then bi-weekly for the remainder of the semester. Click on the buttons below to access the FLAS Challenges. Winners will be contacted shortly after each challenge closes.

Happy SAM!

Don't Forget!

As an extension to SAM, FLAS also offers the Grab 'N Go Food Bank for students who experience food insecurity. Our Grab 'N Go cart is located outside of our faculty glass doors on the 5th floor of the LRC, North Campus.