BEFORE YOU READ | With the holiday season in full swing, North staff and students take in the decor displayed in various classrooms and other student spaces. Though the week before break is anticipated to end by some, North staff recognize that spreading holiday cheer throughout the school in the form of decorations can have a positive effect on students and their school days.
HUNGRY FOR HOLIDAY SPIRIT | With lots of window space to spare and a love for the holidays, Foods and Pastries teacher Sarah Newton made sure to decorate accordingly. “I try to decorate my classrooms for the seasons because I feel like it is a more welcoming and comfortable environment,” Newton said. “I usually try to stay away from decorations that represent only one religion or culture, but I do have a Santa [stuffed toy], candy cane and dreidel this year. I leave the snowflakes, snowmen and stars up throughout the winter.”
Photo credit: Vinny Wilhelm
SINGING TILL CHRISTMAS | Although this time of year is busy, junior choir student Teagan Hughes feels that being in her decorated choir classroom instills spirit in her and her classmates, ultimately improving their passion for singing. “I think it makes all the people singing in choir feel the spirit more, so it makes our energy bigger and makes us feel happier which makes the singing better,” Hughes said.
Photo credit: Vinny Wilhelm
NAUGHTY OR NICE IN THE ARK | In the ARK, Behavior Interventionist Rebecca Murawski takes time to appreciate not only her year-round decorations but also those she adds during the Christmas season. Mrs. Murawski adds the Christmas spirit to complement the calm and cozy environment she likes in her room. “Throughout my teaching career, it has been important to me to create a classroom environment that promotes a sense of calm and comfort,” Murawski said. “Whether I was teaching biology, working with students in the LRC or running the ARK, I have used lamps, holiday lights, inspiring quotes, essential oil diffusers et cetera to create spaces that are welcoming and conducive to learning. It is something I enjoy doing and am always looking for new things to add to the learning environment.”
Photo credit: Vinny Wilhelm
STUDENT UNION DECKED OUT FOR THE HOLIDAYS | With the student Union being the heart of North, Student Activities Director Peggy Bonbrisco voices the importance of holiday decorations during the season and what the decorations can do for students. “I think it’s important to bring a little bit of the festivity to North,” Bonbrisco said. “I think some kids might not have as much at home of that, like a Christmas tree or fun with Santa Claus or carols, so [during] our spirit week with student association so I feel like the tree is kinda the backdrop to all the different singing and instrumentals that will go on next week in the morning from 7:40-8:00. It's just a fun thing to walk through when you’re passing to your class and we’ll have candy canes and all kinds of fun and wear your spirit wear.”
Photo credit: Vinny Wilhelm
HOLIDAY VIBES IN THE LIBRARY | Keeping it cozy during the cold winter months, librarian Amanda Pata enjoys decorating the library in a way that allows students to feel serene. “I like to create a really peaceful vibe in the library,” Pata said. “So usually the screen will have either announcements or lessons that we are doing in the library. If it doesn't, then we connect to the season— fall, spring, winter and summer—so we are definitely in a winter vibe right now. We try to make it really cozy and peaceful.”
Photo credit: Vinny Wilhelm
SWEET CREATIONS FROM YEARBOOK | Festive activities that bring joy to students are exactly what English teacher Sarah Clinet wants for her yearbook class. The festive, industrial buildings not only add a festive look, but also instill teamwork in students. “The yearbook staff came up with the gingerbread house contest as a festive team-building activity for students to get to know each other,” Clinet said.
Photo credit: Vinny Wilhelm
LESSONS, LIGHTS, AND HOLIDAY CHEER | What may look like just another small Christmas tree actually holds great significance to Psychology teacher Jennifer Weisbrodt. As excitement bubbles up in students and staff, Weisbrodt believes a scenery change can help contribute to that. “I think that it’s nice just to have a change of scenery within a classroom, create some excitement,” Weisbrodt said. “Whether you actually celebrate Christmas or not, just having a change of scenery or decor is always nice.”
Photo credit: Vinny Wilhelm