CCY Connect july edition 2024


Recently, Clay has commented that some Christians feel they get little benefit from studying the Old Testament. I've noticed this lack of interest in the first 39 books of the Bible as well. When asked why, common responses include: "The teachings of Jesus are more important and interesting than what led up to His time," or "The teachings of Jesus are just better than what is in the Old Testament."

It's interesting to note that Jesus never quoted from the New Testament in all His teachings. Every scripture He referenced was from the Old Testament. For example, in Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus says:

"YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND. This is the greatest and foremost commandment. The second is like it, YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."

People often cite this to show that Jesus' teaching is better or more relevant for today than the Old Testament. However, "YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD" is a direct quote from Deuteronomy 6:5, and "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR" comes from Leviticus 19:18. Even Jesus' Sermon on the Mount was a clarification and application of the Law, not something entirely new.

God's message to humanity has remained unchanged since our creation. He loves us and has set boundaries on what we can and cannot do to remain in His good graces. The Old Testament provides a history that demonstrates our inability to stay within these boundaries on our own, despite our best efforts. The New Testament, on the other hand, shows God's love by providing a way for us to return to His favor through Jesus Christ.

We all share a common characteristic: we want to know "why." If you only study the New Testament, when the "why" question arises about some passage, you may not be able to answer it without the context provided by the Old Testament. The Old and New Testaments are meant to work together. The Old Testament explains what sin is and warns against falling into it, while the New Testament explains what to do when you fall into sin and how to avoid it in the future.

We need both the Old and New Testaments to fully understand God's message and His plan for us.


At Christ’s Church of Yukon (CCY), we believe in the power of community. Community isn’t just a gathering of people; it’s a shared bond of interests, attitudes, and goals—a fellowship that reflects God’s design for relational living.

God’s Design for Community

We are convinced that God has hard-wired us as relational beings. Through genuine connections, we discover purpose and find hope in the Kingdom of God. As a church, we are committed to fostering these connections and ensuring everyone feels plugged into our church family.

Recent Fellowship Highlights

On Sunday, June 30th, we experienced a wonderful opportunity to connect after service at our church wide potluck, meeting new families and building meaningful relationships. This is just the beginning of what we envision for our church community.

Looking Ahead

As we move into July, we are excited to build momentum for the fall, particularly through our small groups. We invite you to pray with us about how you can be involved—whether by leading a group, joining one, or participating in a way that aligns with your gifts and interests. To make connecting even easier, we are developing a small group connections wall in our Gathering Area. This interactive space will have detailed information about each group, helping you find the perfect fit.

Calling Small Group Leaders

If you currently lead a small group, we would love to gather some updated information from you to showcase on our Connections wall. Additionally, we plan to prominently display our church’s vision statement on this wall, ensuring everyone understands the heart behind what we do. If you are interested in starting a small group, please connect with me and lets plan it together.

Let’s Grow Together

Our prayer is that CCY will continue to thrive in ministry, loving God and loving people with every opportunity. Together, let’s make this upcoming season rich in community and spiritual growth—all for God’s glory!

As we move through the summer months, we are reminded of the vibrant community we have here at CCY. Our church is more than just a place to gather on Sundays; it's a place where we grow together, support one another, and serve our community.

Have you ever felt the call to make a difference, to use your gifts and talents for the greater good? Now is the perfect time to get involved and serve! CCY thrives on the passion and dedication of its members, and there are countless opportunities for you to get plugged in and make a meaningful impact.

We invite you to visit and explore the various ways you can serve at CCY. Whether you have a heart for helping others, a talent for organizing events, or a passion for teaching and mentoring, there is a place for you.

Here are just a few ways you can get involved:

  • Greeter Team: Greeters are present in areas outside the sanctuary doors, in the lobby, and at the entrances of the building. They initiate interactions with guests and show them where to go. This team welcomes our guests and members with smiling faces and genuine enthusiasm.
  • Decorating Team: The decorating team, changes out seasonal decorations at CCY to enhance the worship experience.
  • Children's Ministry: Help nurture the faith of our youngest members through fun and engaging activities.
  • Outreach Programs: Join us in reaching out to our local community through various service projects.
  • Hospitality Team: Create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone who walks through our doors.
  • Service and Care Team- Wednesday Meals: Preparing and serving Wednesday night meals for CCY family and youth.
  • Facility Maintenance Team: Perform weekly light repairs and updates to our facilities

By serving, you not only strengthen our church but also grow in your own faith and build lasting relationships with fellow members. Your involvement is a vital part of what makes CCY a loving and supportive community.

So, what are you waiting for?

Visit today and discover how you can contribute to our mission. Together, we can continue to shine God’s light in our church and community.


Camp was incredible this summer! If you ask any of the 14 kiddos that went, they will tell you all about the songs they sang, the Bible stories, and of course the outdoor activities. Some of the songs they enjoyed included "Deep Cries Out" by Harvest Kids Worship and "Strength and Shield" by Yanzy. A Bible story that stood out to many was about Jesus choosing His disciples and how He chose outcasts.

Gaga ball and swimming were two big hits! Grayson Hesse won over 40 games of Gaga ball. The children also learned how to have quiet time with God through one-on-one time with Him. Carina's favorite part of camp was getting to know her leaders and church friends better.

Four of our children started talking about being baptized and what that means. Coming home from camp, I have encouraged those children and their parents to discuss it at home, and we will continue to discuss it at church. Discussions are facilitated through Sunday school and by providing parents with resources. With such an important decision, I like for the children and their parents to be fully ready and understanding of what they are doing. I am working with parents and will be putting together a Baptism Sunday toward the end of summer, which will be so encouraging and exciting. Be sure to watch for the date so you can mark your calendar to be here!

God is so good! I cannot brag on our children enough. They were always in the first couple of rows for worship, participating in small groups, making new friends, and being extremely respectful to everyone. Overall, it was a great experience, and we cannot wait to go back next summer.

A huge shout-out to Kyle Hesse, Bobby and Jordi Lister and Amanda Meeks for jumping in and serving and pouring into the kids. Activities were led by church camp staff and volunteers. A special thank you to Sawyer Crooks for tagging along to help out with the younger kids.

Upcoming events include Day Camp for 1st-5th Graders on July 23-25th. For more details, visit

We plan to go back to Camp Sooner next year and look forward to it. Thank you all for your support and prayers!


We invite you to join us for the CCY "Be The Church Sunday", a day dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of our community's children as they prepare for the new school year. The festivities will commence with a heartwarming outdoor worship service at 9:00 am. This service will serve as a reminder of the love of God and our calling to be a light in this world.

The Back-to-School Bash will begin at 10 am to 2 pm after the service. Bring your kids for crafts, lunch, backpacks, school supplies, kids' haircuts, and clothing. We want to create a memorable day filled with joy, support, and spiritual nourishment for both children and their families. All are welcome!!!

This event is open to the entire community, and we encourage you to spread the word. We believe that by coming together as a united community, we can make a difference in the lives of our children and empower them to thrive academically, emotionally, and spiritually.

As we approach this Be The Church Sunday, we also encourage you to contribute in any way you can. Donations towards backpacks, school supplies, and gently used clothing would be greatly appreciated.

We will need many volunteers to make this event a success. A volunteer sign-up form will be emailed out this week - please consider volunteering on this day. We know that the generosity of this congregation knows no bounds, and we trust that your support will ensure the success of this event.

Together, let us embrace our calling to be the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out with love, compassion, and practical assistance to those in need. We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday, August 13, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, as we celebrate our community's children and equip them for a successful school year.




Do you have plans to watch the fireworks on Wednesday? If not, bring your lawn chairs, your favorite yard games, and your best fellowship vibes to the CCY parking lot to watch the Yukon Freedom Fest Firework Show. The fireworks show blasts off at 10 PM, but come anytime after 7 pm hang out, play games, and enjoy some good company.


Christ's Closet will be open Saturday, July 6th, from 11 am to 2 pm. This is an opportunity for us to unite as a community and make a positive impact. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated, and we are grateful for any assistance you can provide. Please consider volunteering on Saturday as well. Together, we can share in the blessings and spread God's love to our community


Life Line Screening will be here at Christ's Church of Yukon on Friday, July 12, 2024 offering preventive health screenings that are typically not a part of a routine physical. To be more proactive about your health for yourself, your family, and your community, please register for these health screenings today.

Three ways to register:


Get ready for Undie Sunday on Sunday July 14th. Bring a pack of new underwear to church on July 14th to help stock the undie table at our Back to School Bash in August. Want to make it even easier? Use this Amazon link below to send your donation directly to the church. Let's rally together and make a difference, one pair of undies at a time!


Hey Parents! Are you looking for an exciting and faith-filled adventure for your kids this summer? Look no further! We are thrilled to announce our Kids Summer Day Camp happening from July 23rd to July 25th, from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM each day, for kids in 1st through 5th grade. Your children will enjoy a variety of activities including a Talent Show where they can shine on stage, a fun-filled Pizza Party, and a fun time at the Splash Pad to cool off. They'll also participate in uplifting Worship sessions, create amazing Crafts to take home, and enjoy a special sweet treat on the last day. The cost is only $25 per child. Sign up in the lobby or online at




  • RightNow Media - Free access to over 20,000 Biblically-based videos including topics like marriage, parenting, youth, recovery, leadership, finances, and much more. GET ACCESS
  • Small Groups - Join a small group!
  • Prayer Wall - Prayer is not a side room of the church, it is the foundation. Let us know how we can pray for you at
  • Facebook Group - Join our Facebook group by clicking here.
  • Online Giving - Give online at
620 W. VANDAMENT AVE YUKON OK 73099 | INFO@CCYOK.COM | 405-354-0245