Corso di AI e text to image CESTARI-RIGHI 2024

Prof. Alberto Galiazzo - Ringrazio gli studenti del Cestari-Righi che han partecipato al corso e reso possibile la realizzazione della presente raccolta. Ognuna delle immagini create è stata generata con l'ausilio della IA

GIADA BONIVENTO CLASSE 4AT - PROMPT: create for me an upside down world made of glass under a starry sky with very tall skyscrapers and advanced technology machines and robots

FRANCESCO BONALDO CLASSE 1E - PROMPT: a brown deer with blood stains and wounded eating the grass of a forest, which inside hides macabre mythological creatures with red eyes that observe the deer with the desire to tear it all to pieces in the shadows with fog and fear with the sense of be observed and with a blurry vision among the trees where in the meadow there are dark rocks with twigs to give more tension to the image. dark colored trees and a small layer of fog on the dark grass. in a horror style whit outline of black smoke. whit bone and skull around the grass and on the tree and the tree and the back has to be more dark and really dark on the back

SALVATORE CERASUOLO CLASSE 4AT - PROMPT: Create a huge party in the middle of the pyramids complete with lasers and strobosphere lights, the DJs are Dracula and Frankenstein, the guests are: dinosaurs, aliens, movie characters and funny humans, makes faces more realistic.

FRANCO DORIA - PROMPT: goccia d'acqua che cade nel momento in cui colpisce un cubetto di ghiaccio e schizza, reale sfondo nitido cielo azzurro spiaggia soleggiata

RICCARDO DORIA CLASSE 4D - PROMPT: a hyperrealistic knight bravely approaching the enemy. The knight is looked from behind, a bright sunlight expands from above. The enemy is a giant hollow armor. The scene happens in a colosseum during daytime. The shadow behind the knight adds dephs and dimension to the scene. The knight holds a medium-long sword. The enemy holds a stone greatsword and it is kept in the air ready to attack. The shadow of the enemy makes it look like it's almost finished.

ALESSANDRO MARANGON CLASSE 4D - PROMPT: a breathtaking landscape of a city similar to Venice. The photo is taken from a hill, you can see a large bell tower and the whole city surrounded by water and nearby you can see huge and beautiful mountains on the water. Breathtaking, realistic, real, true, colorful, wide angle and spacious photo, not narrow

CHIARA BOSCOLO MENEGUOLO - PROMPT: Creating the image of a dystopian world, in which there is a destroyed desert city in the background, in the foreground there is a child accompanied by a dog who seeks another form of life. In the sky there is a planet similar to the earth

LORENZO MATTIA MARCHETTI CLASSE 4F - PROMPT: create an Andy Warhol type of drawing representing Donald Trump, Barack Obama and Joe Biden repeating all over the painting. Everyone of them must have a french black mustache. The color palette should be yellow, red and blue. The background should be a fading New York City skyline.

ANDREEA MARIA STAN CLASSE 4BP - PROMPT: hyper realistic picture of an emotional moment where a golden retriever puppy sits on its owner's grave with tears in its eyes and a red collar, on the grave we can see white flowers. In front of the puppy there's his favorite toy. The spirit of the owner is sadly caressing the puppy even though he cannot perceive it. On the grave there's a text that says "Mike Millers born in 1996 died in 2024" with a picture of a 30 years old man with masculine features and a little beard. the spirit and the picture are the same pearson

MATTIA MAINARDI CLASSE 4D - PROMPT: The eye-catching and futuristic magazine cover titled "1De0grAm V1.0" features advanced high-tech sophistication. The robot's sleek, modern design, with its bright color palette and sharp lines, is accentuated by the intricate play of letters and symbols. The subtitle "A Future of AI" alludes to the exploration of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on text rendering. The magazine's content promises to delve into the innovative world of AI-powered typography, offering a glimpse into the future of design. The striking cover showcases the perfect combination of photography and digital art against a clean white background, allowing the intricate details of the robot to really stand out.

ENRICO PENZO CLASSE 4I - PROMPT: un poster stile anni 50 americani ove venga rappresentato una famiglia di alieni che è in fila per il passaporto per andare sulla terra in vacanza ,alla fine della fila un teletrasporto che mostra la destinazione ovvero atlantide. dietro un'insegna pubblicitaria dove ci sia scritto "da questa parte "ed una freccia che indica il teletrasporto per raggiungere la destinazione. fai in modo abbia colori saturi e abbia l'effetto rovinato come fosse se fosse un poster lasciato un pò invecchiare su un muro di mattoni. Fai in modo che sembri una locandina propagandistica che voglia invogliare gli alieni ad andare sulla terra.

ALESSANDRO VIANELLO CLASSE 4D - PROMPT: create an image for me that shows a boy with short hair tinged with black, smiling, black eyes, wearing square sunglasses, with hands with five fingers with raised arms holding a banner with ITIS written in bold letters. The boy must wear a matching black t-shirt with the writing "CESTARI-RIGHI" the boy must be on a bridge in Venice with a ferry underneath which has a bright sign on the stern with the writing "direction Chioggia" which enters in the opposite direction from to the boy's position and the sky at sunset must be cloudy. Only the sky must be drawn in the style of painter Vincent Van Ghog. Image must be generated in 16:9

MANUEL PANIZZOLO CLASSE 4I - PROMPT: image divided in 2 part, The image must be created for a campaign of sensibilization. in the first part there is a scholastic table with red steel legs and a white wooden tabletop near a chair, the photos must evoke well-being and carefreeness, in a context of a school in the developed world. in the seocond pictures there is a scholastic table with red steel legs and a white wooden tabletop near a chair, the photo must evoke loneliness in a context of a school in the developing world. both of the photos have the same shooting angle

EMILIO DORIA CLASSE 4I - PROMPT: creami un’immagine di Mick Jagger in stile Andy Warhol, mentre suona la chitarra, con lo sfondo di un cielo stellato reale, con i capelli che volano letteralmente come se ci fosse del vento che parte dal basso, con la camicia viola, i capelli gialli e la chitarra blu, aggiungi sulla parte verde dell'immagine in alto in diagonale il suo autografo, se possibile originale, grande: 1cm di larghezza per 5cm di altezza, di colore bianco, modifica il viso, rendi la sua espressione sofferente, in maniera tale che si evinca soprattutto dagli occhi e dalla bocca, togli le montagne dallo sfondo e anche il verde sotto all’autografo

VALENTINA TRITTO CLASSE 5I – PROMPT: An illustration of a sun fairy with tanned skin, brown hair cascading down her shoulders, and chestnut eyes that sparkle. She wears a golden crown adorned with sun symbols and a flowing dress made of sunshine-colored fabric.

YASSIN FADIL CLASSE 4F – PROMPT: A hauntingly realistic post-apocalyptic scene of a desolate city after a nuclear bomb. The sun casts an eerie orange-and-purple hue on the ruins, as a lone survivor dressed in a blue dress walks down the cracked road with their loyal dog. The dog, protective and alert, is by their side. Sparse, twisted trees dot the landscape, and the city's once-impressive architecture is now a crumbling, ash-covered wasteland.

LORENZO CECCHINATO CLASSE 5I - PROMPT: Create an image depicting the evolution of contemporary society with the most important technologies of the last 100 years, with a predominant reference to artificial intelligence. The text "AI" should be included, and the background should feature a sunrise where the sun is replaced by the "@" symbol. At the center, a child symbolizing the birth of a new era should be present