
Muskego-Norway News November 2023 - Please Scroll Down to See Contents

  • District Report Card
  • Fall Community Newsletter
  • School Closing Protocol
  • Volunteer for MNS
  • Master Planning Update
  • Parent/Caregiver Experience Survey
  • Student Experience Committee Update
  • Budget and Annual Meeting
  • Communicating With the Board
  • Conversation With the Superintendent

District Report Card

The Department of Public Instruction just released the public-facing Accountability Report Cards. We are excited to report that Muskego-Norway once again significantly exceeds expectations. Please follow this link to view the district's report card which provides details for each priority area score. Individual school report card results will be shared by building principals.

The State's report card provides us an opportunity to compare Muskego-Norway to the other 367 K-12 districts in the STATE. Muskego-Norway ranks:

  • 5th (99th percentile) in our overall report card score
  • 2nd in Mathematics achievement
  • 7th in English Language Arts achievement

We are so grateful for the continued support and focus of our staff, parents, and School Board on our mission of Every Student Learning, Growing…Succeeding. Thank you!

Fall Community Newsletter

Check your mailboxes this week for our Fall Community newsletter! We hope you enjoy this edition featuring in-depth stories of some of the amazing work of our students and staff and the variety of opportunities available at Muskego-Norway Schools.

A digital version is also available to read.

MLMS @ Junior Achievement of Wisconsin's BizTown

School Closing Protocol

With the cold and snow season just around the corner, this is a friendly reminder to familiarize yourself with the district’s protocol for closing school due to inclement weather.

Volunteer for MNS

If you are interested in volunteering at a school event or chaperoning for a field trip this year, please consider filling out our application to become a registered volunteer. If you wish to learn more about volunteering (and to apply), please visit our website. When approved, you will be approved for two years. If you are a current volunteer or are unsure about your status, you can check with Blake Wieting, Human Resources Coordinator, at blake.wieting@muskegonorway.org to confirm your status and expiration date.

Master Planning Update

Construction at Muskego High School and Lakeview Elementary remains on schedule to be completed for the 2024-25 school year. We are excited for the dedicated gymnasium at Lakeview Elementary and the S.T.E.A.M. & Health Science additions at Muskego High School and the host of opportunities these facilities will bring to students and the community.

Construction progress at Muskego High School and Lakeview Elementary
MHS Drama Club's The Crucible

Parent/Caregiver Experience Survey

Muskego-Norway Schools is committed to engaging our parents and families in every child’s education. To continue our journey to excellence in this area, we gather data from stakeholders to determine where we are as a district and to set and act on realistic, measurable goals for continuous improvement. The Parent/Caregiver Experience Survey allows parents/caregivers to provide feedback on their experience with their child’s school.

This year’s survey window will be open for Elementary Schools from November 16-December 13 and for Middle and High Schools from November 17-December 13. Each school will be sharing a link via the weekly family newsletter. If you do not receive a link, please contact the building administrator of the respective school your child(ren) attends. Thank you in advance for making time to complete the survey and provide feedback about your experiences with our schools, which should take no more than five (5) minutes. As a reminder, the window to provide feedback will remain open through December 13, 2023.

Student Experience Committee Update

The Student Experience Committee has been meeting monthly with the collective goal of working towards improving the overall student experience for every student in our district. This committee is made up of parents and staff from each school to have districtwide representation.

So far, the committee has:

  • Looked at past student survey data
  • Discussed how we compare to other districts at a national level
  • Begun to look for themes in the data and discuss possible action steps for the committee

We are grateful for the continued work of this group and look forward to sharing additional updates with you as the committee continues to meet throughout the year. If you have any questions about this committee, please reach out to Robin Schrot, Assistant Superintendent for Continuous Improvement, at robin.schrot@muskegonorway.org or Erica Branson, Director of Student Services, at erica.branson@muskegonorway.org.

Halloween 2023

Budget and Annual Meeting

At the School Board’s Annual Meeting on Monday, October 23, we shared with the public our district’s financial standings and our 2023-24 Eye on the Goal. The Annual Meeting booklet and presentation are available on the district’s website.

Communicating With the Board

Meet your School Board members who represent and serve the Muskego-Norway community. Please feel free to contact them with your questions and comments. Please consult the following policies for greater detail on how public comments and suggestions may be shared with the board: Public Requests, Suggestions, or Complaints and Public Participation at Board Meetings.

Conversation With the Superintendent

Please contact Interim Superintendent Jeff Petersen at jeff.petersen@muskegonorway.org to schedule an individual meeting.

Follow Us

Consider following the district on Facebook (Muskego Norway Schools) and/or Instagram (muskegonorwayschools) for up-to-date information about our district’s celebrations and events.

With Gratitude,

Muskego-Norway Schools

Jeff Petersen, Interim Superintendent

Nondiscrimination Notice