
19th January 2024

Save the date

Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Wednesday 31st January – Tea & Talk: Eco – 8.50am

Tuesday 6th February – Tea & Talk: Internet Safety Day – 8.50am

Thursday 15th February - Tea & Talk: Developing Positive Relationships – Yr 5 & 6 – 5pm

Friday 16th February – Break up for half term 3.10pm finish

Monday 26th February – Return after half term

Tuesday 5th March - Tea & Talk: Nursery Phonics 8.50am

Wednesday 6th March – Tea & Talk: Connected Curriculum 8.50am

Tuesday 19th March – Tea & Talk: ODL and Art 8.50am

Thursday 28th March – Last day of term

Monday 15th April – Return after Easter break

Message from the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

The week seems to have flown by. Everyone has been actively involved with Tiny Tiddlers returning, new nursery starters, clubs and competitions, EYFS tea and talk and parent consultation. It is wonderful to see such positive engagement in support of our children.

Last Friday, a visitor came along to the academy to look at our relational practice. She has a wealth of experience in positive psychology as a trainer, lecturer, and educator. She has passion and commitment to a child -centred education and is a champion of children. I was delighted to have her here for the day. She thoroughly enjoyed the visit. At the end of the day, she shared some wonderful feedback about the children, staff, parental community, alongside consistencies in our practice. It was wonderful to hear from someone so experienced in relationship building and behaviour.

Comments from her visit were wonderful and as you can imagine it made our day. This is what we come to school for!

“The academy has heart and warmth running through the very core of its culture. Darlinghurst are committed to a child-centre experience and positivity is palpable wherever you are on the site, be it the office, lunch hall, classroom, or playground. The adults in school are calm and affable to everyone, regardless of their role.”

“It is such a wonderfully nurturing environment that extends beyond the students”.

“The excellent morning routines makes a positive start to the day. The systems for starting the day with parents and children were warm and orderly. The community of parents and carers appear calm and supported. The entire team contribute to this supportive environment.”

I am so proud of our community and our relationships. Thank you for being a part of what makes Darlinghurst special. This shows our collaborative contribution to providing care and nurture for our children.

During direction assembly we celebrated some of the routines and consistencies that we used and were praised during the visit. The children were delighted to hear such positive affirmation for their behaviour and routines. We talked about what it looks like here and how we follow the Darlinghurst Direction. The children felt very proud. Together, we talked about what being ready looks like. They were great role models showing many aspects during the assembly and left tall and proud showing fantastic walking. Praise makes us feel good, especially for the efforts that are made and then seen.

Well done everyone for your contributions.

This week I also went along to the drama club to see them in action. The children are inspired and love the sessions with Mr Buxton. I cannot wait to see them develop their drama techniques. Their confidence and motivation were contagious.

Mr Felton took some children to a new sport – seated volleyball. He is now keen to engage in this sport and return to next year’s competition. I love his determination!

Finally, a quick thank you for choosing a school meal for census day.

As always enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls

In The Spotlight

Parent consultations

Parent consultations went well this week. Children were proud to show their work in books and parents were able to see the progress they have made. Teachers shared achievements and next steps with families. It was a fantastic opportunity to catch up and share.

Huge thanks to our parents and staff as attendance to evenings and book looks are a great way to keep in touch and support our children in their development. We will continue to provide further opportunity to look at books and to celebrate together.

ODL & Art

Big Garden Birdwatch

In readiness for the Big Garden Birdwatch all the children this week, with Miss Arnold, have been participating in the largest garden wildlife science project by tracking birds at school.

Despite the weather conditions this week the children have really embraced the challenge and enjoyed being outside in the fresh air.

It’s not too late to join in and you can find all the details on the Big Garden Birdwatch website.

This week year 3 have been learning about Guatemala with links to History and Geography, Cooking and DT. The children enjoyed a combined ART/ODL session where they learnt to make salsa from scratch. Within this session they used tools and shared ingredients as they cut spring onions, chopped tomatoes, chopped coriander, added fresh lime and added chilli to taste. The children then all had a taste of their salsa on a lightly salted tortilla chip. This session links into their DT and cooking skills and the pupils thoroughly enjoyed following a recipe, combining the ingredients using tools and the taster session.


This week our newly formed Seated Volleyball team were in action in a local competition. This was the first time our school has been involved in this inclusive sport. For those of you who have not heard of it, Seated Volleyball is a Paralympic sport and can be played by all abilities, it’s fast paced, tactical and great fun. Our team thoroughly enjoyed the competition and finished the day in the top 5 finishing above schools that have been involved in this sport for a long time! The children enjoyed it so much they have asked if seated volleyball could be added to our PE curriculum! Well done to all involved.


Lunchtime is a great social time and children enjoy their time together. Friday is always ‘Fish Friday’ and a favourite. Pizza and pasta have also been popular. Take a look at the menu and see if your child would like to try a school meal.


Clubs for this term are now under way. Please be reminded that you can check the status of your child’s club membership through your MCAS account. If your child is on a waiting list for a club this is also where you can see if they have been allocated a place. So please check regularly for updates as you are not alerted to any changes made.

If your child decides that they no longer want to attend a club, please email and we can offer the place to the person next on the waiting list. If a child is absent from a club without a reason for more than 2 weeks, their place will be offered to the next child.

‘Made for the stage’ club is up and running with children engaging in drama techniques. This week they used 4 frames to show a familiar story. Mr Buxton is a hit, and the children love the theatrics - "Ha Zaar!”

‘It is really fun and I like the ‘stop, drop and melt’ – Isla, year 4

‘I really like it because you can express how you feel with acting’ – Delilah, year 6.

‘It’s DRAMATIC!!’ – Zakhar, year 4

‘Mr Buxton makes it so much fun! I love being able to act’ – Hetty, year 4.

‘It’s brilliant and I love all the games’ – Blue, year 4.

Running club has returned this week with 35 children attending on a frosty Friday morning to start their day off the right way! There is no need to book, come to the brook gate on a Friday morning for 8.50am. Help the PE team break their highest number of 115 runners in one session!

Tea & Talk



Shrimp – 96%


Victoria – 97.4%

Proud To Be Me

Get in Touch

Darlinghurst School

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
