Weekly Newsletter 31st January 2025

Welcome to QRA Weekly

This week has seen us rolling out our Dojo Points system for the first time! For those unfamiliar with this system, it's a nice, visual way for children to be rewarded for good things. Children have their own monster avatars, and a tally of points they have accrued. Every time they do something good, they receive a point based upon our school values: for being kind, for aiming high, and for discovering something new.

The system looks like this:

This week, we have celebrated 1582 occasions of children doing good things.

When the class reach a certain number of points (decided by the class and the class teacher), they will receive a reward! We are hoping that this system will enable children to feel like their efforts are being rewarded.

It's been an eventful week for the staff, who have each had the fantastic opportunity to attend networking days at HCAT. These days allow teachers to liaise with other teachers across other schools in Barnsley to share best practice. I know they have found it hugely helpful, and I know the children will feel the benefit of this professional development.

Next week we have an exciting couple of days lined up for our Year 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s. More information on this below!

Thank you for your ongoing support and have a wonderful weekend.

Mr Smith

Primary Enterprise Challenge

On Tuesday and Wednesday next week, we will be welcoming the lovely folks from Primary Enterprise Challenge in to school for two days. On Tuesday, they will be working with Years 2 and 3, and on Wednesday, they will be working with Years 4 and 5.

The challenge will be to design a mobile sensory room for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Working in teams, they will work on their designs in teams before being asked to present their designs to a panel of judges (picked from members of staff in school!).

The teams who deliver the winning pitches will then be invited to the grand final at Barnsley Metrodome, where alongside other winning teams from various schools across Barnsley, they will present their designs to local entrepreneurs. The winning team from Barnsley will see their designs become reality, and have their sensory room built and delivered to school!

Whether Queens Road wins this competition or not, it's a fantastic opportunity for our children to take part in something they wouldn't usually get to.

We hope the children enjoy it and will update you on how we get on!

Parent Governance opportunity
WhatsApp and Social Media

We're very lucky to have such an engaged parent community at Queens Road. We know we all share the same goal in supporting our children's learning and well-being.

Please remember that while tools such as WhatsApp groups can be a fantastic way to share information, they should be used responsibly. We have received some feedback recently about discussions on some of these groups becoming less constructive and, in some cases, causing upset.

We want to gently remind everyone about the importance of keeping our online interactions positive and respectful. Sharing concerns about individual children or families on these platforms is nearly always unproductive. It's also important to remember that information shared on WhatsApp groups isn't always accurate or complete, and discussing sensitive issues there can lead to misunderstandings and harm relationships further.

If you have a concern, we encourage you to speak directly with the school. Remember, we are always here to listen and help find solutions.


Please remember as well that lateness is a vital part of attendance.

So far this year, a total of 8180 minutes of learning has been lost across school due to lateness. This equates to 136 hours, or 22 school days, or more than four full weeks of lost learning! Much of this time will be reading and phonics, which is the vital focus of learning and indeed underpins all learning.

Remember, when it comes to attendance, every minute counts. If you feel you need support in getting children to school on time, please get in touch.

Attendance in School

Our current school attendance rate sits at 94.6% for the year.

This week we achieved 95% across school.

Please remember to report your child's absence to the school office and reach out for support if needed.

OUR ATTENDANCE WINNERS THIS WEEK ARE FS2, with an incredible 98.2%! Well done!

Remember to please schedule non-urgent appointments outside school hours when possible.

If you're facing any challenges that are affecting your child's attendance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you and can offer guidance or connect you with helpful resources.

School Vision & Values

We want all in our school - adults and children - to be kind, aim high, and discover.


Please note the safeguarding team in school. Details are as follows. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Remaining INSET Days

Our remaining INSET days for this year will take place on:

22nd July

23rd July

Useful Links


Created with images by VisualProduction - "Teamwork of business people working together and combining pieces of a puzzle. Teamwork to achieve success concept. Working together" • BillionPhotos.com - "Business concept. Set of wooden cubes" • blacksalmon - "Freedom of Speech Concept. Group of People Protesting or making Campaign with a Blank Speech Bubble. Expression for the Human Rights. International Human Rights Day" • Anastasiia - "3D hourglass symbolizes modern business timekeeping for appointments schedules and deadlines. Concept Time Management, Business Tools, Modern Technology"