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The Bears' Den | 9.14.24 A semi-monthly newsletter designed to keep our Berkshire community connected and engaged.

The first weeks of school are in the books!

As Berkshire embarks on its 118th school year, we welcomed 433 students from 34 countries and 29 states, including 142 new Bears. At our first All-School Meeting of the year, All-School Presidents Stella Demmert '25 and Michkael McKenzie '25 shared some opening remarks with the community.

Put yourself out there. Sign up for clubs, try something new, and be okay with embracing a little discomfort. That is where growth truly happens, and it’s how you’ll truly make the most of your time here."–Stella Demmert
This year will be filled with moments of joy, challenges that push us, and most importantly, opportunities for a fresh start. Whether you’re a teacher, a new student, or a seasoned Bear, we all share something in common; this school year is a clean slate––it's brand new. So, go out and do what lights you up!"–Michkael McKenzie

Berkshire's Top 10

Mr. Mulder shared some thoughts about how we can build our strongest community in remarks to students at our first All-School Meeting of the year. Click below to read his Top 10 commitments we can make to ourselves for a better year.

Third Form Retreat

An annual tradition for the Third Form, ninth graders had an opportunity to connect as a class and bond up in the treetops at Ramblewild Adventure Park in Lanesborough, Massachusetts before classes began.

Join us under the Mountain in October! We’re looking forward to welcoming families for the Fall Concert, class visits, athletic contests, and more.

And don’t miss our second annual Friday Night Lights event! This year, you can cheer on the Bears as Varsity Football takes on rival Canterbury at 7 p.m., while enjoying dinner from food trucks under the lights on Schappert Field. The stakes will be high as the Bears compete against the Saints for the Sheehan Cup. Winner of the most games across the weekend brings it home! Go Bears! 🐻

Meet our New Faculty!

Berkshire welcomed a talented group of faculty and staff to campus this August. Read more about them and hear from them in the video below.

Jessica Tingling joins the Berkshire community as the new Library Director of Geier Library. A graduate of Franklin & Marshall College, she also earned a master’s degree in history at Millersville University and a Master of Library and Information Science at Drexel University. In addition to her experience in libraries at the secondary and collegiate level, Jessica has been involved in classroom instruction at all grade levels.

Most recently, she was the Upper School Teacher Librarian at The Baldwin School in Philadelphia and is the founder of J&B Press LLC. At Berkshire, she joins the fall Ritt Kellogg Mountain Program team, is the new advisor for the Black Student Union, and lives on campus with her family.

I'm most looking forward to the collaborations. I see the library as a space for the whole community. In sharing book recommendations, favorite databases, tips for citations, we are building a library space together that reflects all of our objectives and passions." -Jessica Tingling

Academic Resources

The below resources are available to all students for help and support. In addition, faculty members hold office hours twice each week at 8 a.m. and are available by appointment outside of those times.

Writing Center

Monday – Thursday: 7 – 10 p.m. in Berkshire Hall

MRC (Math Resource Center)

Monday – Thursday: 7 – 10 p.m. in Berkshire Hall

Kenefick Center for Learning (KCL)

KCL provides additional support focusing on learning strategies and study skills. Students may contact Mrs. Driscoll for an initial meeting to discuss resources by emailing her at

Introducing Kevan Bowler, Campus Interfaith Chaplain

Kevan Bowler

Kevan Bowler is Berkshire's Campus Interfaith Chaplain. He supports students’ spiritual and emotional well-being and provides a space for students of all faiths, backgrounds, and beliefs to explore their spirituality. With a B.A. from Connecticut College and a master’s degree from Hartford Seminary, Mr. Bowler has been on the faculty since 1999 and holds the Leon and Mabel Weil Endowed Chair in History.

While Berkshire is not a religiously affiliated school, we recognize the importance that religion and spirituality can play in a student’s life. I help to coordinate the religious and spiritual experiences for students and adults. This includes arranging rides to religious services, helping students to celebrate the religious holidays that are important to them, and/or being there if a student would like to talk about the role of religion or spirituality in their life.” –Kevan Bowler

Two new awards were presented at All-School Meeting this week, honoring staff members who have served the community in impactful ways.

Melanie Williamson: The Timothy Fulco ’78 Service Award

Congratulations to Bookstore Manager Melanie Williamson, the inaugural recipient of the Timothy Fulco '78 Service Award! Named in honor of Tim’s remarkable tenure and service to Berkshire over nearly four decades, the award honors a staff member for their “long-term commitment to excellence, dedication to their role and to Berkshire, and the respect accorded them by their colleagues and by our community." Head of School Pieter Mulder said that under Melanie’s supervision, “the bookstore has flourished and we continue to see her pride, dedication, and selfless commitment to serving the school community.”

Ryan Jewett: The Staff Appreciation Award

Congratulations to Ryan Jewett, the inaugural recipient of the Staff Appreciation Award! This award recognizes a staff member early in their tenure who has “demonstrated a unique dedication to their role, strong initiative, an independent work-ethic, and is a tireless supporter of their colleagues.” Previously a member of the grounds crew, Ryan was recently promoted to the Trades Department in Facilities. “Whenever you see Ryan on the job, he is keenly focused on the task at hand, yet he’ll always give you a wave and a smile,” said Mulder.

Being present is “eyes up” at Berkshire, engaging, talking, and connecting. It is leaving your cell phones behind whenever we come together as a community. All of Berkshire’s academic classrooms, the library, Allen Theater, and the dining hall are cell phone-free zones. Being present leaves a lot more room for joy and for each other. Eyes up, Bears!

Green and Gray

The Green and Gray Captains are a team of sixth formers who organize several fun events for the community throughout the school year. The Green & Gray Ball and Last Bear Standing are two favorites that have quickly become school-wide traditions.

Green and Gray kicked off the school year with the Neon Dance last weekend where students got to dance, celebrate, and, of course, wear lots of neon!

See the latest from Green and Gray on their Instagram @greenandgray1907.

Follow @BerkshireSchoolAthletics on Instagram and Threads to keep up-to-date on athletic news, scores, and highlights!

For more photos of the Bears at Play, please visit Berkshire's SmugMug gallery here.

Stay in the Know!

Want to know what's happening on campus? Visit the Parent/Guardian Portal, aka "the Hub," on our website to see the weekend calendar, photos, and student life information.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @BerkshireSchool to see more updates from under the Mountain!

The Warren Family Gallery

Poison Pens: Political Cartoonists Take Aim at the American Presidency from Jefferson to Biden

August 31 – October 19, 2024

The exhibit features an extensive collection of cartoon reproductions, original cartoon art, and personalized cartoonist sketches that Arts Department Chair Paul Banevicius has amassed over several decades. Starting as a young teen, he began writing to his favorite cartoonists asking for a personal sketch. Today this collection includes drawings by over 1,000 cartoonists, covering almost 200 years of cartoon and illustration history (including comic strips, comic books, animation, graphic novels, children's books and more).

Visit The Warren Family Gallery this fall and learn about political and editorial cartoonists and how they have satirized, critiqued, and caricatured American Presidents over the past two centuries.

Meet Paul Banevicius in our latest Campus Loop video, included at the end of this issue!

Mark Your Calendar

All-School Photo | Monday, October 7 at 9:20 a.m.

The Class of 2024

We will gather for this year's all-school photo behind the Soffer Athletic Center followed by photos of the Class of 2025 and the faculty on the Berkshire Hall steps.

Fall Photo Day | Tuesday, October 15

Photographers from Highpoint Pictures will join us on campus to capture photos of ALL students for our Fall Photo Day! No pre-ordering is required. Parents or guardians will receive email proofs prior to purchasing.

Meet our Admission Team

Admission season is heating up! Our team is excited to start welcoming prospective students and families for tours and interviews beginning on Monday, September 16. In addition, we're hosting eight Virtual Events, led by students and faculty, to provide an inside look at life at Berkshire.

The Admission team will also be hitting the road for school fairs and receptions across the country and the world. We hope you'll meet us on the road or join us for an upcoming event this fall. And please feel free to spread the word!

Updates from the College Office

College Rep Visits

Through the course of the school year, nearly 100 college and university admission officers visit Berkshire to meet with students. The College Office is very excited to welcome reps from Boston University, Vanderbilt University, Colby College, University of Southern California, Middlebury College, Bucknell University, and many more in the next few weeks. More details on those visits below. You can find the full list of visiting schools on our website.

College Bootcamp: Saturday, September 14

College Bootcamp is a dedicated time for sixth formers to work on their college essays and applications with the help of college counselors and English teachers.

Announcing: 2025 Pro Vita Trips!

Berkshire will offer two off-campus trips for students this year: Canoeing in the Ten Thousand Islands & Everglades with North Carolina Outward Bound School and Spanish Language & Culture in Madrid with GSD Educación. Financial assistance is available for both domestic and international programs. Questions? Please contact Amber West, who coordinates school travel.

Pro Vita Winter Session is built on the foundation of curiosity, creativity, collaboration, and authentic learning, to give students the opportunity to explore the world around them and to embrace the School motto: Pro Vita Non Pro Schola Discimus, "Learning—not just for school but for life.” With over 50 experiential courses, local site-based excursions, and various guest speakers and events on campus, students are encouraged to uncover new talents and discover lifelong pursuits.

Ritt Kellogg Mountain Program Fall Trips

The Ritt Kellogg Mountain Program (RKMP) has many weekend excursions planned and offers something for everyone at all levels of outdoorsmanship. You can opt in for one of the day trips this fall, go for a moonlight hike one night after study hall, trek to Guilder Pond on Mountain Day, or take an overnight ski trip this winter! It’s all about the spirit and the adventure. For more information on fall trips, email Mr. Seelenbrandt.

The Mountain provides opportunities for students to push themselves physically and helps them understand who we are.” –Glen Seelenbrandt, RKMP Director

Alumni Spotlight

Regional Advisory Board Ambassadors

The Regional Advisory Board (RAB) is one of Berkshire's wonderful groups of alumni volunteers! They generate increased support through staying connected with alumni and Berkshire families, organizing programs and events, and assisting the Admission and Advancement Offices. The RAB currently has alumni representation in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, New York, the Pacific Northwest, Southern California, and Washington D.C.

Meet a few of our Regional Ambassadors and learn about why they choose to support Berkshire through volunteering!

Alumni Events 2024-25

If you are interested in hosting a reception or have ideas for future events, please contact Director of Alumni Engagement Robin Gottlieb by email or via phone at (413) 229-1223.

Join host Lisa Marshall, Associate Director of Admission and Varsity Girls Hockey Head Coach, for Season 2 of The Campus Loop. This week, Lisa caught up with Arts Department Chair Paul Banevicius. Don't miss it!
