Randall Standridge
Guest Composer-in-Residence
The Allen Independent School District and Allen Band Booster Association is proud to partner with world-renown composer Randall Standridge as our guest composer-in-residence.
Randall Standridge (b.1976) received his Bachelor's of Music Education from Arkansas State University. During this time, he studied composition with Dr. Tom O'Connor, before returning to Arkansas State University to earn his Master's in Music Composition, studying with Dr. Tom O'Connor and Dr. Tim Crist. In 2001, he began his tenure as Director of Bands at Harrisburg High School in Harrisburg, Arkansas. He left this post in 2013 to pursue a career as a full-time composer and marching arts designer.
Mr. Standridge's music is performed internationally. He has had numerous works selected for the J.W. Pepper's editor's choice. His compositions Snake Charmer, Gently Blows the Summer Wind, and Angelic Celebrations have been included in the "Teaching Music Through Performance in Band" series. He has had numerous works performed at the prestigious Midwest Clinic in Chicago, Illinois. The Arkansas State University Wind Ensemble premiered his work Art(isms) at the 2010 CBDNA conference in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and his work Stonewall: 1969 was premiered at the National LGBA conference in 2019. Mr. Standridge is also a contributing composer for Alfred Music's Sound Innovations: Ensemble Development series. His Symphony no.1: A Ghost Story was premiered in 2023.
In addition to his career as a composer, Mr. Standridge is the owner and editor of Randall Standridge Music, LLC and Grand Mesa Marching. He is in demand as an arranger/designer for the marching arts. He lives in Jonesboro, Arkansas, with his husband and their very, very spoiled pets.
Allen ISD Visiting Composers
- Spring 2019: John Mackey
- Fall 2019: Frank Ticheli
- Fall 2021: Brian Balmages
- Spring 2022: Adam Schoenberg
- Fall 2022: Carol Brittin Chambers
- Fall 2022: Giovanni Santos
- Fall 2023: Randall Standridge
- Fall 2024: Robert Sheldon
Allen ISD Commissioned Works
- 2017: Mystic Harmony, Hymns for Wind Ensemble (Dan Welcher)
- 2018: The Rumor of a Secret King (John Mackey)
- 2019: Until the Scars (John Mackey)
- 2019: Catharsis (Nicole Piunno)
- 2019: In Praise of Joe (Scott McAllister)
- 2021: Let Me Be Frank With You (John Mackey)
- 2022: Fanfare Espirit (Carol Brittin Chambers)
- 2022: Timba (Giovanni Santos)
- 2022: Symphony No. 1: A Ghost Story (Randall Standridge)
- 2023: Bury and Rise (Catherine Likhuta)
Our guest composer and commissioning series is entirely funded by the Allen High School Bands and the Allen Band Booster Association.
Concert Etiquitte
Clapping is the appropriate way to show appreciation for the performance rather than whistling or cheering.
Parents should keep small children seated with them. If children become restless or fussy, please move them to the outer corridor.
Enter the auditorium quietly. Once you have been seated, be alert to activity on the stage as the musicians take their place for the concert.
When the conductor enters, it is customary to applaud politely. Whistling, yelling, or screaming is not appropriate at any time before, during, or after a concert.
Never stand or move around while music is being performed. It distracts listeners around you, as well as the performers. If you must leave for any reason, wait until a piece is finished, and the audience is applauding. Also, return to your seat only between numbers.
It is impolite to talk, or even whisper, while the music is being performed. Listeners and performers are also distracted by sounds from programs, candy wrappers, jewelry and other objects. Remain still, and be thoughtful of others by talking or making sounds only between numbers.
It is impolite to wear hats or caps during a concert.
It is impolite to eat or drink refreshments during a concert.
Always say “excuse me,” if you must pass in front of someone while going to or from your seat.
Watch the conductor when the music stops to decide whether or not to applaud.
Some musical works have several parts or movements and the audience is expected to applaud only after all movements have been performed.
Make certain that all cellphones are silenced or turned off prior to the start of any concert.
Wed. Dec. 6- 6:00pm
Combined Middle School Honor Bands
Curtis MS: Clint Schaefer, Daniel Lane, Tyler Martin | Ereckson MS: DJ Vaccarezza, Matt McGann, Chris Garza | Ford MS: Andrea Brooks, Stephen Cookus
Santa the Barbarian & the Pirates of the North Pole (Standridge)
LFC Wind Ensemble
Joshua Blankenship, Director
Fanfare Americana (Standridge)
(not) Alone (Standridge)
Choose Joy (Standridge)
AHS Wind Ensemble
Philip Obado, Director
Symphony No. 1: A Ghost Story - I, II, III, IV (Standridge)
AHS Concert Band
Andrew Camp, Director
Fanfare for the 16th Empire (Standridge)
Fragile (Standridge)
The Clapping Song (Standridge)
Trombone Choir
Steven Knight, Director
Salvation is Created (Tschesnokoff, arr. Knight)
Charlottown (arr. Bohls)
AHS Symphonic Band I
Alex Baczewski, Director
You Better Sleigh! (Hall)
Among the Aspens (Perrine)
Fracas (Standridge)
Thurs. Dec. 7 - 6:30pm
LFC Concert Band
Neil Hicks & Joshua Blankenship, Directors
Bobsled Run (Conley)
Afterburn: Relaunch (Standridge)
AHS Symphonic Band III
Steven Knight, Director
Inspiration Fanfare (Sims)
Twilight Waltz (Standridge)
Wintertide (Standridge)
AHS Symphonic Band II
Noah Aguillon & Philip Obado, Directors
El Zorro Rojo (Standridge)
Celebration Tribalesque (Standridge)
Halcyon Hearts (Copley)
LFC Symphonic Band
Neil Hicks, Director
Slava March (Standridge)
Linden Lea (Vaughan Williams/Stout)
Scenes from the Nutcracker: Trépak (Tchaikovsky/Story)
Saxophone Choir
Alex Baczewski, Director
Havana Nights (Standridge)
AHS Wind Symphony
Steven Knight, Director
Let the Bells Ring! (Buckley)
Life Unto the Age (Woodrow)
Deus Ex Machina (Standridge)
Corporate Sponsors
Blue Level
Frost Bank
Membership Sponsors
Wind Ensemble
The Canning Family
The Glotzbach Family
The McFarland Family
The Newcomer Family
The O'Connor Family
The Reynolds Family
Flag and Rifle Level
The Anthony Family
The Beltran Family
The Blake Family
The Boyd Family
The Bryant Family
The Cogburn Family
The Connolly Family
The Coppinger Family
The Cunningham Family
The Dlugosch Family
The Dorton Family
The Dowdy Family
The Elliott Family
The Erwin Family
The Fallwell Family
The Ferguson Family
The Goss Family
The Guillen Family
The Haisler Family
The Hong Family
The Jean Philippe Family
The Lewis Family
The Magana Family
The Mangan Family
The McCoy Family
The Nguyen Family
The Ostertag Family
The Parsons Family
The Rios Family
The Russell Family
The Schiavon Family
The Schrader Family
The Studdard Family
The Taylor Family