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Canberra Region Tourism Leaders Forum Monday 9 october 2023

We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples and the Traditional Custodians of Ngunnawal Country, the land on which we meet today. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and also recognise any other people or families with connection to the ACT and Region.

Alicia Payne MP

Member for Canberra and Chair of the Inquiry into fostering and promoting the significance of Australia’s National Capital, on the industry response and recommendations to the inquiry

  • If you haven't subscribed to Alicias email updates do so here
  • I want to acknowledge the Ngunnawal people, and what a privilege it is to work on these lands
  • I want to acknowledge His Excellency, and of course congrats on the results of the cricket! (room laughs)
  • And Michael Milton, sporting hero.

I meet with a lot of people to discuss how to make Canberra, our capital, better. Our committee (The Joint Standing Committee on National Capital and External Territories) can make recommendations to the Parliament.

It was meeting with people like you, that gave me the ideas I needed to pull together the inquiry.

It has been a big process, we have a wealth of ideas. As to where we are up to however I can't preempt any decisions, we are in a drafting phase.

I want to acknowledge, Nola Marino, who has maintained an interest in this. And other members who have put time in. Also my colleague, Senator David Pocock. And Luke Gosling, for coming to so many meetings.

I'm confident there will be recommendations for big ticket items, as well as many no brainer items.

The main themes: (not preempting recommendations)

  • A bigger Convention Centre
  • A stadium - an enhanced stadium experience and how it would bring people to Canberra.
  • Cricket ACT - doing more with Manuka Oval
  • National Institutions - we did a lot of questioning with them - our government has injected funding in recent times.

Discussions included what else can be done, and how to best direct that funding.

For example,

  • Joint initiatives, such as an all-of-Canberra-Institutions ticket of some sort.
  • Public transport - Botanical Gardens, and the Zoo do not have public transport access at the moment. A hop-on-hop-off bus to all our attractions seems like a no brainer.
  • Rail to and from Canberra. High speed rail, we've talk about for so long so it was great to include this in the enquiry.
  • Our natural environment - proposal to become a botanical zone to highlight our natural assets.
  • The arts - great to talk to Gordon Ramsay about the theatre precinct. Within the National Arts Community Canberra is seen as a key destination.
  • Schools supported to visit Canberra, important for our National engagement. Democracy and the War Memorial for example, are important things for young people to see and learn about, and its a way that people connect to our Capital.
  • More funding for Canberra schools to visit institutions will be made available.
  • ACT Govt. and NCA - I see this enquiry as making recommendations to Federal Government. We have a responsibility to be looking after our nations capital - with an ACT Govt. that care so much and doing good work, we can achieve great things.
It is time for our capital city to get the extra boost it needs.

I also want to do a plug for the upcoming National Attractions Showcase at Parliament House on Wednesday 18 October.

Question: What is the timeframe on the inquiry report?

Alicia Payne MP: This year, is what we are hoping for, however there are not many sitting weeks left. It needs to be tabled in a sitting week. If not, first thing next year.

His Excellency Manpreet Vohra, High Commissioner for India

His Excellency spoke on Indian students choosing to study in Canberra, tourists visiting, and potential citizens moving to the ACT.

  • Thank you for the kind introduction David, it is nice to be reminded of a wonderful career, but makes you notice your age! (room laughs) Thank you for inviting me to speak at the forum today.
  • India and Australia share common values of democracy and freedom, sporting passions, history and culture
  • But for the first time in our history, it is now the first time our nations are united by challenges. Strategic relationship developed first, then economic relationship is catching up.
  • The realignment of our political and economic interest is here to stay
  • This is good for the Indo-Pacific region and the world.
  • It is a good time for trade and international relations.
  • The expansion of trade has happened even before our new trade agreement.
  • The agreement holds much promise - for the first time for any country - new markets and tariffs have been made available, especially for Australia.
  • From my time in Canberra, 2.5 years, I gather there is great interest from Indian tourists visiting the capital.

The reasons for this include:

  • The size of Indian population (25,000 people), thousands of family and friends of Indian-Australians visit.
  • Many Indian people like to visit Canberra, especially along with Sydney due to convenient distance.
  • Canberra, with all it has to offer should be put on the map for the Indian World traveller.
  • Indians like planned capital cities, we have some of these of our own!
  • Walter Burley Griffin is buried in Lucknow, India, where some of the buildings he designed still stand.
Walter Burley Griffin

Just yesterday, I had 4 house guests visit me, I took them for a walk around the lake. We walked across a small bridge on Queen Elizabeth Island, and read a plaque that says: Canberra, a cemetary with lights, ruins of a good cattle station.

But we know this is from the past, and now Canberra is a great city we love. (The room laughs)

Prime Minister Albanese and I agree whole heartedly that the Indian and Australian relationship has never been stronger.

Question: Do you think there is any chance of Air India flying into Canberra directly?

His Excellency Manpreet Vohra: Not soon, but hopefully in the future.

Question: How do you think we best attract people to visit?

His Excellency Manpreet Vohra: Family and friends of Indian residents visit naturally without any attraction needed. But then they tell their friends and build up interest.

Michael Milton: skier, cyclist, triathlete, Paralympian and Olympian

Mr Milton spoke on Canberra and the region visitor sector's focus on inclusiveness and equity, and meeting the needs of those with disabilities.

  • I would like to recognise the land on which we meet and recognise Elders past, present and emerging.
  • I was born in Canberra and I'm very proud of it.
  • I'm a father of two children 14 and 16
  • I own a business in Canberra called Quiz Alley where I sell Harry Potter merchandise and host Harry Potter themed parties, check it out!
  • I have travelled all around the world, and to some very hard to access places. And with skiing I have encountered lots of challenges with access - snow, stairs, heights. Interestingly one of the most difficult places to access was Venice.
I love to share advice on making places more accessible and enjoyable for all people, including people with disabilities.
  • Shift 20 - initiative by Dylan Alcott - including people with disabilities in advertising campaigns. Currently less than 1% of ads have people with a disability in them. Including people in major television campaigns with disabilities goes a long way to making it normal, showing real people.
  • The NDIS What we have heard report - and I think we can add tourism opportunities to that.
  • Australia sits at number 21 out of 29 countries in terms of employment for people with disabilities.
  • The limitation of involvement with people with a disability spans many facets of life. Increasing the potential for people with a disability to live more and work more means they can travel more.

Barriers to travel include:

  • Accessibility to transport, the NDIS doesn't fund holidays but they do fund extra expenses - understanding what NDIS will do will help support tourism to Canberra
  • And, looking for opportunities for speakers and advocacy to grow this sector is important.
  • And a thought as well could be - is Canberra limited by not enough accessible accommodation options for disabled guests? If we held an event would we book up all disability friendly accommodation?

Question: What will be the next step?

Michael: There are some great initiatives starting, including David asking me to be involved on the board.

I think a focus or increased activity by tourism leaders. I would be keen to be involved in the process.

Question: When you travel have you encountered barriers to travel all around the world?

Michael: It is a gradual progression, just like you see more female sporting people now, you see more acceptance towards all kinds of people, and disability is slowly also growing awareness and acceptance. As the cultural shift happens, as disability becomes more visible we can start to factor it into all things we design and improve.

News and updates

  • Multicultural festival won Best Community Event in the Australian Event Awards
  • AHA awards dinner is on tonight at the Arboretum
  • 19th October State of the Territory 2023 with Andrew Barr tickets on sale here
  • Visit Canberra Tourism Industry Briefing 26 Oct, visit here, we urge all to attend

Next forum Wednesday 8 November 2023.

  • 9:00am: Hon Don Farrell MP Federal Minister for Trade and Tourism and Special Minister of State
  • 9:20am: Dean Long CEO Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA)
  • 9:40am: Malcolm Snow CEO City Renewal Authority