Hamstel Infant School & Nursery Weekly News week ending 29th november 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week saw Christmas start to arrive at Hamstel Infants!

Throughout the week our Reception children made their annual visit to the local post box to undertake the serious job of delivering their Santa letters. This is always a lovely event and the children looked so happy and excited as the left to undertake this very important role.

On Wednesday, we held our Christmas Fair and it was wonderful to see so many of you enjoying the fun. Firstly, thank you to the children for creating the fabulous Christmas hoops that made our school hall look so festive – you all worked so hard and they looked great!

Secondly, thank you so much to everybody who helped from our PTA, our trustee, Mrs Evans, Mr Prince and the catering team and of course, our amazing staff.

Finally, a big thank you for coming to support and spending your hard earned money…we look to have made well over £1000 from the event which will be put straight back into giving the children some more great experiences.

Prizes from the games and the Children’s Chocolate Raffle were given out in our celebration assembly today. Well done to all our winners, especially Eloise in Owl Class who won our top prize of a chocolate hamper, Thea in Newt Class who took home Princess the Teddy, and Gracie in Heron Class who made the best guess of the number of toys in the stocking. Commiserations to those who didn’t win this time around, but there’s always next year!

A big well done to our Dodgeball team who competed in the KS1 dodgeball competition at Garons Park this morning. They won 5 of their 8 games, just missing out on a semi final spot but displaying great teamwork, effort and sportsmanship throughout. Well done Team Hamstel for representing our school so well and thank you to Mrs Walker and Mrs Kennedy who supported them at the event.

Next week is actually fairly quiet (in Hamstel Infant terms anyway), although we do have a magical ballet performance called ‘A Christmas Wish’ for the children to enjoy on Tuesday, while on Wednesday, our regular friend of Hamstel, Rev’d Andy Goodliffe will be holding a special Christmas assembly for the children. The choir are also out and about performing at one of our local residential homes.

The real spirit of Christmas then begins the following week, with our Nursery and Reception nativities, Christmas Jumper Day and our Christmas dinner. Our PTA will also be holding a Christmas Pop-up Shop for the children to buy their own gifts for family and friends on Thursday 12th December.

This week we were also proud to share our recent Ofsted report, we hope you have managed to read it, or see the article in the Southend Echo. I must repeat again how pleased we were with the positivity of the report and how well it represents the high-quality education and enrichment we try to provide for all our children.

Have a fabulous weekend and we will see you in December!

Scott Roche


Diary Dates


  • Tuesday 3rd - A Christmas Wish Ballet
  • Wednesday 4th - Rev Goodliffe Assembly
  • Friday 6th - A Christmas Wish Ballet
  • Singers visiting local Resident Home
  • Open House Session - 3.15pm
  • Tuesday 10th - Reception Nativity
  • Nursery Nativity
  • Wednesday 11th - Nursery Nativity
  • Reception Nativity
  • Thursday 12th - Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Dinner
  • Nursery Nativity
  • Friday 13th - Open House Session - 3.15pm
  • Monday 16th - Singers singing at Boulevard Lodge
  • Tuesday 17th - Year 2 Christingle
  • Wednesday 18th - Year 2 Christingle
  • Thursday 19th - Year 1 Christmas Crafts
  • Friday 20th - Open House Session - 3.15pm
  • Monday 23rd - Friday 3rd January - Christmas Break

January 2025

  • Monday 6th January - Return to school

February 2025

  • Friday 7th - KS1 Boys' Football
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st - Half Term
  • Monday 24th - INSET Day
  • Wednesday 26th - Year 1 Reading Rocks


  • Monday 3rd - Jacqui Story Box Assembly
  • Tuesday 4th - Year 1 Library Visit
  • Wednesday 5th - KS1 Tag Rugby
  • Friday 7th - Year 1 Library Visit
  • Friday 14th - KS1 Football
  • Friday 21st - Jacqui Poetry Assembly
  • Wednesday 26th - Parent Council Meeting

April 2025

  • Wednesday 2nd - Class Photos
  • Monday 7th - Thursday 17th - Easter break
  • Friday 18th - Good Friday
  • Monday 21st - Bank Holiday Monday

May 2025

  • Thursday 1st - Dance Festival
  • Monday 5th - Bank Holiday Monday
  • Wednesday 7th - Reception Reading Rocks Workshop
  • Tuesday 13th - Water Safety Assembly
  • Friday 16th - Quad Kids
  • Wednesday 21st - Parent Council Meeting
  • Monday 26th - Bank Holiday Monday
  • Tuesday 27th - Friday 30th - May Half Term

June 2025

  • Monday 2nd - Jacqui Story Box Assembly
  • Wednesday 18th - Summer Safety Assembly
  • Friday 20th - INSET Day

July 2025

  • Wednesday 9th - Parent Council Meeting
  • Friday 11th - Mini Games
  • Tuesday 22nd - Last Day of Term
  • Wednesday 23rd - INSET Day


This week we have enjoyed sharing the story ‘Good day, Good night’ we have been learning about what we do at different times of the day.

In Maths we have been recognising numerals 1-3 and putting them in the correct order and counting out objects to match the numeral.

We have been practising using scissors correctly

We have been busy practising for our Nativity.

Upcoming events - Nursery Nativity Performances

Due to limited space, we can only invite 2 grownups per child

  • Tuesday 10th Dec at 2.15pm –Seahorse parents/carers
  • Wednesday 11th Dec at 2.15pm - Starfish PM parents/carers
  • Thursday 12th Dec at 9.15am - Starfish AM parents/carers

Please ensure that your child has a spare set of clothes at Nursery. That any hats, gloves and scarves are named Thank you

Rainbow & Starlight


This week we have continued learning about the story 'Hoot Owl Master of Disguise' the children are familiar with Hoot Owls endless attempts at different disguises, and how he eventually gets to eat a pizza. The children also enjoyed making a pizza, they loved putting loads tomato puree and cheese on it, and some enjoyed eating it when it was cooked. The children listened to different animal sounds and learned about the special features that each animal have. We have made some lovely owl masks and have been practicing taking step by step instructions to draw a hedgehog. It has been a lovely week, and the children have been working very hard with their targets. We have continued with RWI, maths and writing.

RWI: f e l h

Letter families: r m n h b k p

Maths: groups of 3,5, one more one less, first and last numbers, additions up to 10/subtractions up to 10 (according to Childs ability) number sequencing, and shapes.

REMINDER: The children enjoy listening to stories throughout the day so please encourage children to pick up a book at home, and look at the pictures and if possible, help them to understand the story as you read with them.

Asking questions such as: What do you think happens next? Who? What? And where?

This promotes engagement and focus and helps with comprehension of the story.

Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation.


This week we have continued reading ‘Peace at Last.’ The children have enjoyed joining in with the text, especially the bits where they make the sounds that kept Mr Bear awake. They made/wrote sentences to match the key parts of the story.

In Art, the children have enjoyed colour mixing paint to create a nighttime scene.

We made ‘Teddy toast’ in cooking, following verbal and visual instructions. And best of all...the children ate the toast at the end!

Ways to help at home

Please can you help your children to learn how to put their own coats on.

REMINDER: Please can you send in a change of clothes with your child daily, as we do try to access the outside area as much as possible, and the children do get wet at times.

Please can you return any clothes that your child has borrowed as we are running short of spare clothes.

We would like to invite you to share some Christmas activities with your child in Starlight on Friday 13th December at 2:30pm. We look forward to seeing you!

Reception Year

This week we have been learning about sound and reading the book ‘Peace at Last.’ In writing we have been writing words and sentences about the sounds that kept Mr Bear awake. In science we have been learning to name 3 different sounds and how to change sounds. In art we have finished our paintings based on Starry Night and talked about what we liked about our paintings. In DT we made our sliders to represent day or night.

In Maths we investigated ways to compose and de-compose set of 3, 4 and 5.

In RE we have been learning what a celebration is and why it is important. In PSHE we learnt about different situations I may need to say no and how to say no politely.

How to help at home


Reading: Watch the QR codes, encouraging your child to join in. Listen to your child read their book at least 5 times a week.


  • Explore making 3, 4 and 5 with different objects.
  • Explore de-compose 3, 4 and 5 into different parts.

Year One

This week we have been reading the story ‘The Lost Property Office’. We collected vocabulary to make a collaborative word bank with descriptions of all the different teddies left in the lost property office. We used this to write a missing poster for a teddy of our choice.

In Maths we have been continuing to work with numbers to 20. We have been learning to add by making 10 first. We have used tens frames and counters to work practically to help our understanding.

In History we are continued to compare toys from different time periods. We looked at toys from the Victorian era, toys that our grandparents would have played with and toys now. We worked together to create a toy timeline, showing how they have changed over the years. We also wrote some factual sentences about some of the toys.

Year Two

Year 2 have continued to work hard in their classrooms whilst getting those all-important songs and words learnt, ready for our Christingle at the end of term.

In Literacy this week, we have focussed on the use of conjunctions to extend sentences and ideas. We have continued to practise using ‘and’ and ‘because’ in our sentences, but we have also been learning about using ‘so’ and ‘but’, which can be more challenging to apply. The children have been practising this grammar skill when writing some factual sentences about the invention of the telephone, which they have been researching about in history.

In History the children have learnt that Graham Alexander Bell invented the first telephone back in 1876, such a long time ago! The classes discovered the telephone has changed a lot over the years in so many ways, appearance, size and of course the functions of today’s telephones. The children used their new knowledge about the changes of the telephone and with pictures to put these changes into a sequenced chronological timeline. The children discussed the changes and used vocabulary linked to the passing of time to describe the changes e.g. a long time ago, before, past, then, now, present.

In Maths the children have been finishing off their unit on multiplication by applying their knowledge to word problems but also learning to understand ‘cumulative law’, this means beginning to understand that 5x2= and 2x5= will be the same answer even if the numbers in the equation have been switched around. We explored this concept using arrays (a pictorial representation of groups in rows). At the end of the week, we moved our learning on by starting our division unit. The children started this new concept by looking at and exploring grouping as a way of dividing. We also learnt what the division symbol looks like.

This week's spelling focus was:

Adding the suffix –y (dropping the –e before adding the –y) e.g. shiny, spicy, lazy, smoky

Our Year 2 Common Exception Word Spellings: could, would, should, child

Don’t forget to practise this spelling pattern in your home spelling book to get your stamp at the end of next week.

Letters sent home this week

Celebration Assembly - Respect.

This weeks value has been 'Respect', below are highlights from around the classes.

Outdoor Learning

  • Monday 2nd December - Owl
  • Tuesday 3rd December - Peacock
  • Wednesday 4th December - Woodpecker
  • Thursday 5th December - Kingfisher
  • Friday 6th December - Nursery



  • Monday - Kingfisher
  • Tuesday - Owl
  • Wednesday - Peacock
  • Thursday - Woodpecker

Year 1

  • Monday - Heron
  • Tuesday - Dragonfly & Newt
  • Wednesday - Duck
  • Thursday - Newt & Heron
  • Friday - Duck & Dragonfly

Year 2

  • Monday - Squirrel & Badger
  • Tuesday - Hedgehog & Otter
  • Wednesday - Badger, Fox & Otter
  • Thursday - Squirrel
  • Friday - Fox & Hedgehog

Online Safety

As one of the most popular messaging apps available, Snapchat sees an enormous amount of usage across the globe – with a significant number of those utilising the platform being under 18. For that reason, it’s important to understand the potential risks to younger users when spending time on this app.

Of course, it can be difficult to identify every hazard associated with the platform, let alone what can be done to mitigate these concerns. Our guide lays out the key online safety risks of Snapchat, as well as how to safeguard young people while they use the app.

Dinner menu

Week 2

Monday - Pork Sausage with Mashed Potato & Gravy - Vegan Sausage with Mashed Potato & Gravy - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Cheese Sandwich - Ham Salad Wrap - Sweetcorn & Baked Beans - Chocolate Rice Krispie cake

Tuesday - Chicken & Sweetcorn Pasta - Vegan Tomato & Mixed bean Sauce with Fusilli - Baked Jacket Potato with Grated Cheese - Egg Mayonnaise - Cheese Salad Wrap - Carrots & Broccoli - Mandarin Jelly

Wednesday - Honey Roast Gammon with Roast Potatoes & Gravy - Sweet Chilli Stir-Fry Mushroom & Vegetable Noodles - Wholewheat Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Cheese & Tomato Bloomer - Ham Sandwich - Seasonal Greens & Peas - Vanilla Ice Cream

Thursday - Beef Keema with Tumeric Rice - Vegan Layered Vegetable & Sweet Potato Bake - Baked Jacket Potato with Baked Beans or Salmon Mayonnaise - Cheese Sandwich - Chicken Mayonnaise Baguette - Carrots & Sweetcorn - Apple Flapjack

Friday - Breaded Fish with Chips & Ketchup - Vegan Fajita Wrap with Chips & Ketchup - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Egg Mayonnaise Sandwich - Ham Salad Baguette - Peas & Baked Beans - Lemon Drizzle Cake

Freshly Baked Bread: Garlic & Herb or Wholemeal Bread

Our lovely PTA have signed us up for Asda Rewards Cash Pot - if you usually shop there please consider adding Hamstel Infant School so we can have a chance at some extra funds.

How does Asda Cashpot work?

Asda's new Cashpot for Schools initiative has raised almost £1million for UK primary schools in its first 72 hours. The industry first campaign sees Asda donate 0.5% of the value of its customers shopping to a primary school of their choice – every time they shop using Asda Rewards.

For full details on how to use this Reward Scheme follow the link to Asda

Messages from the Office

Lost Property

The lost property box can be found at the main school office and is full to bursting with 'lost' items! If you are missing any of your child's clothes please come and have a look.

To ensure that any of your child's items are returned safely to them in class please check that their name is clearly labelled on every item.


If your child requires medication during the school day or during wrap around care please bring it to the school office, a parent or guardian will be asked to complete a permission form.

Antibiotics - in general if a child has been prescribed antibiotics to be given three times a day these can be given at home. If it has been prescribed to be given four times a day then we are happy support with this. Please bring the antibiotics in their original bottle to the school office and the parent or guardian will need to complete the permission form.

Please note that in general we will only be able to support with giving prescribed medicines. For all other medication please contact the school office to discuss your child's needs.

Community Information


Attendance Overall

Reception Year: Owl Class - 91%

Year 1: Duck Class - 94.8%

Year 2: Squirrel Class - 96.5%

Whole School: 92.1%

If your child is going to be absent from school please contact the school office by 9am and leave a message on our answerphone or via ParentPay giving your child's name, class and specific reason for their absence.

Any planned absence for example medical appointments should be advised to the school office with a copy of the confirmation letter or text being provided. For other absence i.e weddings, holidays etc then a Leave of Absence Request form should be completed in advance. Copies of this can be obtained from the school office.


Teacher Led Clubs

Full details of our teacher led clubs has been sent out to parents/carers with children in Year 1 and Year 2.

All teacher led after school clubs finish at 4.15pm, children will be brought to the front of the school by the Club Leader for you to collect.

Premier Education

Please note: all before school clubs run by Premier Education have been cancelled for the remainder of this term. It may be that due to low numbers these will not restart. However we will keep you updated with any changes.

All after school clubs are continuing as normal, Premier Education will arrange catch up sessions and advise all those affected.

New club offers from Premier Education for after the half-term break.

For clubs after school run by Premier Education collection is from the Infant School Hall. Enter through the Poynings Avenue gate and walk across the playground. Children will have been escorted to the club by school staff for the start.

Collection time for all Premier Education after school clubs is 4.15pm. Premier Education staff will telephone parents/carers of any uncollected children after 5 minutes. Any child not collected after 10 minutes will be escorted to Hamstel Infant School & Nursery After School Club and a fee of £7.00 will be charged.

If you are unavoidably delayed please telephone the school emergency telephone number on 07526 079300 to speak with a staff member of our After School Club.

Bricks4Kidz Club

New club offers for after the half-term break.

Bricks4Kidz Club is held in our Welcome classroom. Collection for this club is from the front of the school by the main office reception.

Collection time for the club is 4.15pm. Any child not collected after 10 minutes will be escorted to Hamstel Infant School & Nursery After School Club and a fee of £7.00 will be charged.

If you are unavoidably delayed please telephone the school emergency telephone number on 07526 079300 to speak with a staff member of our After School Club.