Melodic Moments
As we come to the end of the first half-term, this week I have felt enormous pride in each and every one of our pupils. Across all year groups, I have been amazed by how they exhibit and live the school values, and demonstrate the Learner Profile attributes.
During our Open Morning on Saturday, our Year 6 pupils were knowledgeable, caring communicators, expertly guiding prospective families around the Junior School. Listening to them speak so passionately and enthusiastically about their school embodied what incredible young people we are nurturing at St Leonards.
Later in the week, we held our first Informal Concerts of the year with pupils from all year groups performing individually and in groups. Whether they were further into their musical journey or simply starting out, the number of pupils who chose to perform was incredible. On display was such variety, confidence and celebration of musical learning.
Finally, we finished the week with an incredibly enthusiastic and energetic Island Fun Run. The Island Leaders led the warm up, before the whole of the Junior School cheered each other on as every single pupil, clad in their Island colour ran, skipped, walked and laughed their way around the school grounds.
All of these events provide important moments for the pupils to celebrate, feel happiness and reflect on their emotions. These in turn, allow our children to feel Balance, this month's Learner Profile focus.
We would like to wish all of our families a restful break and we look forward to welcoming you back for the second half of the Autumn Term!
Claire Robertson, Head of Junior School
Island of the Week
Congratulations to Lewis, who have continued their winning streak as our Island of the Week!
Year 1
Year 1 have been investigating magnets this week, using a magnet to guide a magnetic spot around a map. Great teamwork was required and a steady hand - well done, Year 1!
Fish Phonics
To combine the topic of magnets with phonics, the students went fishing around the classroom, using their magnetic rods to find fish with phonics letters on them to practise their sounds.
‘Th’umb Prints
To practise the sound ‘th’, the pupils have been making pretty poppies using their ‘th’umb prints. Their finished pieces are looking beautiful on display in their classroom.
‘Ch’ for Chocolate
The children have also been learning the sound ‘ch’, which is Mrs Beebee’s favourite as it’s the start of her favourite sweet treat, chocolate!
This week, the pupils were delighted to make chocolate crispies, learning about changing a solid to a liquid, before mixing in cornflakes and waiting for the chocolate to set solid again in the fridge. The children took their treats home to enjoy in the cosy and warm!
Bird Feeders
During the Open Morning, Year 1 made bird feeders from pine cones, smothered with lard and bird seed. The pupils then hung them all around the school to feed the birds during the Half Term holidays!
Year 2
Year 2C
Business at the Balgove
As Year 2C prepared for their Charity Craft Market, they welcomed Toby’s father, Mr Will Docker, into their classroom to share business advice. Mr Docker, who co-owns Balgove Larder, gave an inspiring talk about the practicalities of running a business including branding, marketing, creating a business plan, balancing profit with the consideration of ‘good value’, and producing and sourcing the very best products you can. A big thank you to Mr Docker for taking the time out to share these insights with our pupils!
Taking Action
Year 2C’s journey through their inquiry into ‘Jobs in the Local Community’ culminated with a Charity Craft Market, planned and developed by the pupils.
Raising money for Mrs Abubaker’s charity, ‘Yusef Abubaker Memorial Trust’, the pupils have been incredibly busy, creating beautiful, imaginative artwork in different media for their Craft Fair. Advertising brochures were written and shared with parents ahead of the exhibition and, on Wednesday afternoon, their artwork was carefully displayed on craft stalls in their classroom.
Mrs Abubaker, as guest of honour, was invited to cut a red ribbon and declare their exhibition officially ‘open’, and Year 2’s proud parents were invited to ‘buy’ their child’s work for a small donation to her charity.
We are delighted to share that the children’s hard work and enterprising spirit truly paid off, raising an incredible £152.68 for Yusef’s Charity. This money will support those in need as a result of the recent earthquake in Morocco. More information about the charity can be found below.
Our grateful thanks go to our parents for supporting this event, and enabling the pupils to celebrate their learning in such a meaningful way.
Year 2P
Fishing for Litter
Following on from their visit to Restaurant 1877 last week, the children in Year 2P took a trip down to St Andrews Harbour to meet the Harbour Master and a fisherman, who fishes out in the North Sea. The children learned about their jobs as well as the strict restrictions enforced on fishermen to ensure all fish are caught sustainably.
The children also learned about the appalling amount of litter found in our seas, which become the ‘bycatch’ of the fisherman when they fish. The children were horrified by the footage they saw of the amount of plastic that was pulled up with the fishermen’s catch and were determined to take action. Year 2P decided to take part in the ‘Fishing for Litter’ project that many fishermen around Scotland have signed up to in order to reduce the amount of litter in our oceans. To begin the project, the pupils did their first litter pick up across East Sands and were surprised at how much litter they found. The ‘Fishing for Litter’ sack now awaits the next class going to the beach, as they hope to spread awareness throughout the school and the initiative to take off!
Year 3
Musical Inventions
This week, the Year 3 children learned about the invention of the harpsichord as one of the earliest string instruments introduced hundreds of years ago. Mr White very kindly hosted a workshop, in the newly renovated Auditorium, on the harpsichord. The children were delighted to hear it being played by Mr White and the pupils were also given the opportunity to play it too. Many thanks to Mr White for such an informative and fun workshop!
Circle Packing Challenge
During Open Morning, our Year 3 pupils applied their mathematical knowledge to tackle the exciting STEM Circle Packing Challenge. Great work, Year 3!
Year 4
Expression through Art
This week, Year 4 began their new Unit of Inquiry, ‘Express Yourself’. They began their inquiry looking at the arts, researching artists that inspire them. The children then used this inspiration to create their own piece of art that expresses themselves, using a variety of media - take a look at the pupils in action below!
Year 5
Malala Summary
To complete their Unit of Inquiry on Rights and Responsibilities, Year 5 wrote a summary of the book ‘I am Malala’, having become inspired by her life through their investigations. This concludes a busy term filled with varied literacy opportunities. Well done, Year 5!
90kg Rice Challenge
Throughout the pupils' investigation into their Unit on Rights and Responsibilities, the pupils have been alarmed that some areas of the world are unable to access basic necessities like food and education. As such, the pupils are taking action and are participating in the 90kg rice challenge to help the farmers of Malawi. On Friday, the pupils sold bags of rice for £4 each in a bid to raise money for this important cause, helping more families access the food and education they desperately need. Fantastic work, Year 5!
Year 6
This week in Maths, Year 6 have been exploring a sequence of coloured discs to identify patterns and distinguish factors and prime numbers. Great work, Year 6!
Influential Leaders
For Black History Month, Year 6 pupils have been researching influential leaders, politicians and activists, creating newspaper articles about their chosen person. Well done!
Conkers Collection
It is conker season, and our pupils in Year 1 to 6 have been working together to collect as many as they can find - using the tree trunk as their collection point!
Junior Concerts
This week, we held our first Informal Concerts of this academic year. Years 1 to 6 took centre stage to perform some of the pieces they’ve learned recently. Families were treated to a variety of wonderful performances, finishing with an energetic rendition of “Big Red Combine Harvester”, complete with actions! A huge well done to every one of our talented young performers.
Years 1 to 3
Years 4 to 6
Running Club
Pupils in Year 1 to 7 are thoroughly enjoying Running Club, setting out along East Sands Beach in the glorious sunshine!
Sporting Fixtures
On the Field
Congratulations to our U12 Girls Hockey teams, who faced off against Craigclowan Preparatory School this week. The matches were neck and neck, with a flurry of goals and some spectacular saves. The U12a game ended in a thrilling 4-4 tie, featuring a fantastic hat trick by Annie P and a goal by Phoebe F. Meanwhile, the U12b match resulted in a 3-3 draw, with goals scored by Thea S, Ella M, and Katie M. Well done to all our players!
On the Pitch
Our U12 Boys Rugby team also played in a fixture against Craigclowan Preparatory School this week. The pupils not only displayed their skill and determination during the game but also their unwavering spirit and dedication to the sport. Well done!