Saint Anthony Mary Claret Church, a diverse and welcoming Catholic community, is committed to continuing the ministry of Jesus Christ through Prayer, Sacraments, Evangelization, and Service.
At St. Anthony Mary Claret, we envision a community where generations of families gather to be formed in the faith and participate actively in parish life; a place where the young Church is present and engaged, where ministries collaborate, liturgies are vibrant, pews are full, people are joyful, and facilities are well cared for - all for the glory of God.
Parish Values
Faith –We are a people of faith responding to God's gift by growing spiritually and living accordingly to His will.
We will prioritize and align our parish activities to our faith. We will make prayer and worship times highly accessible, so all can participate in the sacramental life of the church. We will honor and celebrate the rich traditions of our diverse cultural community.
Hospitality- We believe we encounter Christ in each person we meet. We will be mindful and intentional to welcome those around us at mass and parish events.
We will consider various communication methods to share ministry opportunities. We will invite people personally and promote an inviting atmosphere to increase parishioner engagement.
Generosity- We believe every blessing comes from God; therefore, we will care for and share the abundant gifts and talents God has given us.
We will make a commitment of service to the community each year. We will foster ministry mentorship to promote shared leadership. We will promote the wise use of our financial resources, personally and as a community.
Spiritual Growth – Understand and embrace Church teachings to live out a personal encounter with God, family, and the Church through mass, faith formation, ministries, and programs.
Rationale: Many parishioners are growing in their faith, but want to grow more and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ.
SMART Goal: To increase by 20% the number of parishioners who believe that “my parish helps me grow spiritually” by December 31, 2025.
Evangelization -Through the experience of the Eucharistic Community rooted in Christ, we are called to be formed in the faith, to be immersed in God's Word, and to share and witness the Love of Christ to others.
Rationale: To foster our faithful to deepen their relationship with Jesus, to have a greater appreciation and understanding of the Eucharist, to live more fully God’s living Word, and to be courageous in sharing their Christian Faith in their daily lives with others.
SMART Goal: To increase by 25% the number of OCIA candidates and convalidated marriages by December 31, 2025.
Stewardship - To use and share the talents given to us by the Lord Our God for the betterment of our parish. We thrive when everyone shares their talents, while also providing financial support to preserve our parish for future generations.
Rationale - The more knowledgeable people become on the activities of our Parish, the more engaged they will be and willing to share their time, talent, and treasure. Just as our founders were committed to building St. Anthony Mary Claret Church, we are called to maintain our spiritual home.
SMART Goal: To increase parish revenues by 25% to sustain a growing and thriving parish community by December 31, 2025.