This Week at Evergreen

What makes a person generous? Is it how much money they give away? Or how much they refuse to keep? What about those with less: is generosity measured on a sliding scale? I want to suggest that maybe generosity is deeper than just numbers and cents. Maybe it has more to do with our hearts and their alignment with our generous God.

This weeks message by Pastor Tom: Generous Power

Save the Date

Here are some things coming up at Evergreen. Watch here for more info...

  • Feb 6: Wills & Trusts meeting
  • Feb 9: Youth group Super Bowl party
  • Feb 10: Ladies Night Out
  • Feb 16: Welcome Sunday
  • Feb 17: Council Meeting
  • Feb 23: Communion
  • March 5: Ash Wednesday Service
  • March 7: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
  • March 8: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
  • March 10: Ladies Night Out
  • March 16: Smoked Meat & Pie Fund Raiser
  • March 17: Council Meeting
  • March 30: Communion

Series Art Work

Title: A Giving God

Artist: Brad M. Robinson

Artist Statement: When I am in times of worry, I'm quickly reminded by the promises of Jesus that my needs will be met both now and everlasting if I simply trust in the Lord to provide.

Sunday Live Streaming/YouTube

If you are unable to join us in person on Sunday morning, we encourage you to join our live stream through YouTube Live. Click the button below to join. After clicking the link, click on "Latest" video. Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date.

Need to update your contact info? Want to connect with one of the ministry leaders? Want more info about our ministry at Evergreen? Scan the QR code or click the button below to do so.

Evergreen Weekly/Praise & Prayer

Are you not getting the Evergreen Weekly or Praise and Prayer emails? Email to let us know so we can add you to them.

Giving Statements

Giving statements for tax purposes were emailed Tuesday, January 28. The email will have come from If you didn't see it, check your spam/junk mail folder to see if it went there. You can contact Alice Scholten ( if you have any questions.

Intentional Parenting Class

Join other parents as we support and inspire one another to intentionally invest in our children’s lives. The group will meet weekly on Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45pm at Evergreen from February 12 to April 2 (the group will not meet on March 5). Childcare is available with a suggested donation of $5 for 2nd grade and younger. Stop at the Welcome Center or email Lisa ( for more information. Click the button below to register.

Hand2Hand Food Drive

In partnership with Hand2Hand, Evergreen supports Bauerwood Elementary students by providing food for weekends and school breaks. You can make a difference by donating food items to help meet this need. Stop by the Welcome Center to see a list of items needed. Please return all donations by Sunday, February 16. If you are interested in serving on this team, please email Jen Essenburg (

February Ladies Night Out

On Monday, February 10 from 6:30-8:30pm, learn how to make fancy glazed cookies for any occasion with a simple flooding technique. You will go home with 8-10 decorated sugar cookies and a great experience. Ages 10 and up are welcome. Cost is $5/person. Sign up at the Welcome Center so we know how many are coming.

Smoked Meat & Pie Fund Raiser

Want to help support the High School Youth Group's mission trip to the Dominican Republic this summer? Join us for the Smoked Meat & Pie Fund Raiser on Sunday, March 16 from 6-7:30pm. Click the button below to register as one of the contestants and bring your best smoked meat or pie. Click to also sign up to enjoy the delicious entries. Cost is $20 for adults, $10 for kids 12 and under (free to those who donate the meat or pies). Contact Jesse Moes ( with any questions.

Evergreen Campout

Enjoy summer fun August 15-17 at Son-Life Camp in Wayland, MI. Come all day Saturday, or stay the whole weekend by reserving a campsite, cabin, or space in the bunkhouse. Activities include swimming, kayaking, fishing, blobbing, archery, and more. We will also share a community supper Saturday evening and a pancake breakfast Sunday morning. Registration is now open.

Willy Wonka Need

We are in need of multiple shipping air pillows (not bubble wrap, but the bigger pockets) for some of the costumes. If you have any you are willing to donate that your kids haven't popped (yes, we know...we do it too), please let Daena Vuyst know ( You can also just drop them off at the front desk in the office.

Arts Camp 2025

Interested in being part of the creative team that plans Arts Camp? Join us on either of these dates as we begin planning for this summer's camp! No experience necessary. The goal of these meetings is to focus on the creative part of camp, not the logistics. Feel free to email Chris ( if you are interested in being a part of this or the logistics planning. You can also just show up for either of the meetings. Both are in the office at Evergreen.

  • Thursday, January 30 at 1pm

Save the date for camp: Arts Camp will be July 28-31 this summer!

Wills & Trusts Info Meeting

The congregation is invited to learn about Wills & Trusts. There will be a local lawyer who will discuss wills and trusts and how you can be prepared for the future with your estate no matter what size your estate is. Do you know the difference between a will and a trust? How old should you be to consider having your estate in order for the future? There will be no pressure, this is a strictly informative night. Is 1 hour to get educated about these things worth your time? If you are an adult, come to the Sycamore room on Thursday, February 6 at 7pm. Dessert to follow.

Sunday Cookies

We’d love your help providing cookies on Sunday morning. If your last name begins with the letter E-L, please volunteer for the remaining slots in January and February. Click the button below to select dates that you would be willing to provide 2-3 packages (approximately 72 cookies) or 6 dozen baked.

Community Night

Community Night continues this week. Come enjoy a meal and conversation from 5:45-6:30pm (serving will end at 6:15), followed by youth group, recovery groups, adult classes/small groups, or space in the courtyard for conversation.

Dinner 1/29/25: Meatball Subs; 2/5/25: Pancakes & Sausage

Here's the schedule for the week:

  • Dinner - 5:45 in the Courtyard
  • 3rd-5th Youth Group - 6:30pm in the Sycamore Room
  • Bridge to Life Recovery Meeting* - 6:30pm in the Cedar Room
  • Adult classes/small groups - 6:30pm in various rooms

*Bridge to Life Recovery Meeting is an Evergreen-style 12 Step Meeting that is open to anyone who is struggling with addiction or who would like to learn more about the process of recovery.

Youth groups for 3rd-12th grade are meeting weekly. Contact Chris ( for questions about 3rd-5th grade and Jesse ( for 6th-12th grade.

  • 3rd-5th Grade: Sycamore Room, Wendesdays from 6:30-8pm
  • 6th-8th Grade: Sycamore Room, Sundays from 4:30-6pm
  • 9th-12th Grade: Sycamore Room, Sundays from 6-7:30pm

Giving at Evergreen

You can find ways to give to Evergreen in a variety of ways. As you consider your giving, know that, as always, all tithes and offerings go to support our youth ministries (birth-12th grade), recovery, the arts (music, drama, visual arts, dance), multiple outreaches, and many more ministries. If you are interested in giving to the work we are doing, you can do so by clicking the link below.

4 Corners Offering

For February, our 4 corners offering partner is 70X7. Their mission is to restore the lives of those affected by incarceration by coming alongside each person, showing the love of Christ and providing the instruction, guidance, resources, and opportunities for a new, godly life through meaningful community, employment success, and a deepening relationship with God.

Recovery Ministries

Created By
Evergreen M.