Autumn Term 2 Class 1 & Class 2


Our key text this half term was Stickman. We learned the story and then discussed the characters, setting and main events. Some characters fell off our story maps and we had to put them back on. We then sequenced the story and wrote labels for the main characters.

We then began to use our phonic knowledge to write words and simple sentences from the story.


In Maths we continued to work with Numicon to add single digits and some of us were challenged to add a single digit to a teen number.

We then moved onto the composition of numbers to ten and spent a day on each number exploring how many different ways we can make each number. We practised rapid recall of number bonds to 10 and began to record these and form our numerals correctly.

Finally in number we recapped double numbers and explored doubles up to double 10.

We then looked at position and direction and creating repeating patterns. Some of us created really intricate patterns of up to 4 colours and we learned how to code them as AB or ABC and AABBCC.


We learned about Remembrance Day and the significance of wearing poppies to remember the soldiers who died in war. We created our own poppies in our art work and using play dough and we learned a poem. We also made dolly peg soldiers for the school display in the hall.

Some of us visited Mapplewell Manor Care Home to perform our poem about poppies.


Our topic in PE this half term was ball skills. We learned how to throw underarm and how to catch a ball by using the V position and having our legs apart ready to move and to track the ball with our eyes. We also learned how to pivot and turn around on the spot keeping one foot on a fixed point.


Our subject driver this half term was art with a focus on sculpture. We created poppies using play dough, paying close attention to how to mould the petals. We also created poppy paintings.

We then began working with clay to create coil pot Diva Lamps for Divali. We used a range of techniques such as rolling, flattening and coiling to create our lamps. We also moulded our own Dreidels for Hannukah using clay. Finally we created salt dough to make gingerbread men Christmas decorations.

We had a live workshop with artist and author Emma Carlisle who wrote, 'What do you see when you look at a tree?' We created some fabulous paintings and learned how to make brown and green by mixing primary colours. We closely followed instructions to create the shapes of the trunk and the branches.


In RE we learned about the Hindu festival of Diwali. We created Rangoli patterns and learned about symmetry and we made Diva Lamps. We also learned about the Hindu story of Rama and Sita and how good triumphs over evil.

We learned about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, the festival of lights. We learned about the Menorah which holds the candles that are lit on the evening of each night and the Jewish special place called a synagogue. We made dreidels which are small spinning toys that children play with at Hanukkah.

We learned about the Christian Festival of Advent which is the four Sundays before Christmas Day. We then learned the story of the first Christmas, The Nativity, the birth of baby Jesus.

Coming Next

Next half term our key text will be Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers and we will be looking at the Arctic and Antarctic regions and the animals that live there. Our subject driver is History and we will be exploring our own timelines and when our teachers were young. In maths we will be revisiting odd and even numbers but looking at these beyond ten and sharing amounts into equal quantities.

We would like to thank all parents and carers for their support over the Autumn Term and look forward to working in partnership with you in the New Year. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!